Member Reviews

In Babylonia, Costanza Casati takes readers on a mesmerizing journey through the brutal and opulent world of Ancient Assyria, centered around the enigmatic figure of Semiramis. Once merely an orphan on the fringes of an empire, Semiramis’ life takes an astounding turn when she encounters a young representative of the new Assyrian king, setting off a series of events that will lead her to become the most powerful woman in history.

Casati masterfully blends myth with meticulous historical detail, crafting a narrative that is both thrilling and enlightening. As Semiramis navigates the treacherous waters of court politics and the whims of two men who hold her fate in their hands, her transformation from commoner to queen is nothing short of riveting. The intricate dance of war, diplomacy, and desire unfolds in a lush tapestry, drawing readers into a world where every decision can spell triumph or doom.

With a fierce and relatable protagonist, Babylonia isn't just a tale of power but also one of resilience and determination. Casati’s lyrical writing and rich character development allow Semiramis’ voice to resonate long after the last page is turned. A must-read for fans of historical fiction, this novel will leave you entranced and eager to learn more about the remarkable legacy of the Assyrian Empire.

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This book is a re-imagining of the life of Semiramis, the only female ruler of the Assyrian empire. She grew up an orphan and eventually came to power over this large empire; her character was that of a driven woman, who knew what she had to do to better herself and ultimately rise to power. I enjoyed the journey of Semiramis, especially reading what she would do to get to power - it made her rather human. The writing in this book was just superb; not only did I feel like I was presently in Ancient Assyria, but the writing evoked all different types of feelings which made the secondary characters feel real with their multitudes of complexities. I also enjoyed how the author changed viewpoints throughout the story, adding in Ribat and Ninus, which gave the story a lot more depth.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have to admit that Babylonia by Costanza Casati was easily my most anticipated read for 2024 and when the United States release date was pushed to 2025, I thought the anticipation would kill me. Sometimes, anticipation can kill a book because there is always the fear it won't live up to the greatness that is building in your mind and if we are being truly honest Semiramis had some big shoes to fill after Clytemnestra.

I should have known that Costanza Casati would again leaving me mesmerized by another dynamic story. Her writing style has you craving every word, Every word has meaning and reads like poetry that grips your soul and her ability to bring a character alive is astounding.

Based on Semiramis and the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh - Babylonia is a story of love, lust, revenge, strength, death, grief, longing, determination and power.. The characters are complicated and the story is filled with striking parallels.

There are times that love can be portrayed as a big weakness and one of my favorite quotes is "the poets say that men are made for glory, but gods want glory for themselves. So to make men vulnerable, they gave them the gift of love."

Huge thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the privilege of reading an advanced copy of Babylonia in exchange for my honest review.

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Babylonia is set in ancient Assyria with its brutal, warlike society. The heroine, Semiramis, is orphaned when her mother commits suicide. In the village of Mari in western Assyria, she’s adopted by the chief shepherd. He is brutal and sadistic, frequently beating her. Rather than bring about her submission, she becomes self-righteous and angry and when given the chance to escape with Onnes, a soldier, to Kalhu, the capital city, she does so. There he marries her and introduces her to his brother and, friend, and perhaps lover, the king, Ninus.

The book revolves around the relationship between the three, an amazing love triangle. All three are complex, at least in part broken, the men (especially Onnes) possibly suffering from PTSD. From being jealous of Semiramis, Ninus moves to falling in love with her, complicating his relationship with Onnes, with Ninus’s own mother, Nisat, and other members of the court. Semiramis, a village girl, must make her way through court intrigues and politics, but her native intelligence helps her out-maneuver more-experienced courtiers as she attempts to a prophecy a diviner spoke to her in her childhood. Eventually she becomes the only female queen of Assyria.

The book is quite bloody, especially when Onnes, Ninus, and Semiramis go to Bactria to conquer the city of Balkh, but Casati doesn’t glorify the bloodshed, merely recognizes it as a fact of society at the time.

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This book is a MASTERPIECE. I have no words. I will happily read Costanza Casati’s grocery lists if I ever get the chance. She is amazing!! This book will be living rent free in my head for a long time.

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the true meaning of a love triangle FR. i love the way this book addresses queerness in the way that it is historically accurate. i also Love powerful women. i also love big cats. Casati you have gained a forever reader.

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This is a great book! I am a huge fan of Circe, but have been let down by the writing style on several other Greco-Roman reimagining style stories. This one is different. The style and story are both incredible and I enjoyed it so much. The characters were vivid and it was fascinating to learn about these two empires.

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Babylonia is complex, filled with intricate relationships and political intrigue that rival the intensity of other beloved high-fantasy novels. Casati’s characters are so captivating—each character is deeply flawed, multifaceted, and their interactions constantly evolve in unexpected ways.

The brutal realities of war and the emotional toll it takes on these characters are compelling, while Constanza's writing brings ancient Assyria to life with rich detail and poetic prose. This gripping narrative, full of twists and poignant moments, made it impossible to put down.

Babylonia is a masterpiece that cements Casati’s place as a leading voice in mythology retellings.

If you are someone who enjoys Natalie Haynes, I encourage you to try this!

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Babylonia is a mythical retelling of Queen Semiramis from ancient Mesopotamia. The story starts in the village of Mari, located in the essentially located Assyrian province of Eber-Nari. Semiramis grew up as an orphan, taken in by the village’s chief shepherd, and raised beaten and belittled under the village patriarchy. As she comes of age, in the midst of political unrest, Eber-Nari receives a new governor Onnes, sent by Assyria’s new king. Onnes is drawn to her and they are married before he takes her away to Kalhu, Assyria’s capital.

I was really excited for Babylonia after loving author Costanza Casati’s debut novel Clytemnestra. And it really was a stunning sophomore book full of complexity and prose magic, I loved following Semiramis as she evolved from orphaned commoner to general’s wife and beyond. The heart of the story revolves around the complex relationships between Semiramis, Onnes and King Ninus. I loved following the shifting power dynamics between the three and the interchangeable roles of love and hate. Casati crafts three dimensional characters full of individual flaws and trauma surrounded by the ruthless power plays of the palace and brutality of the battleground.

I thought this book was stunning and would definitely recommend it to readers who enjoy mythological fiction, a good historical immersion or badass female empowerment. A massive thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks for this wonderful arc.

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Really good prose and research from the author. I loved learning more about Babylonia and that time period. The characters could have been a little more fleshed out but otherwise they were good. The story felt a little long overall.

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Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an advanced copy of Babylonia!

I’m not normally one to read retellings of mythical or historical figures, but I decided to give this book a try since it sounded interesting. I’m really glad that I did because this was probably one of my favorite reads of the year! This is the first book I’ve read from Casati and I’m definitely picking up her debut novel next.

Not only was this book beautifully written with powerful imagery, but the characters were complex and held my attention. Sometimes with split POV books, you’ll get a character that you don’t really care about or you care less about than the main characters. In this case, all of the characters were not only important to the story, but they each mirrored each other in fascinating ways. Every time I had to stop reading, I found myself thinking about how each character had a unique and interesting relationship with every other character.

Also, while this was a work of fiction, I did really appreciate how much time and effort Casati spent to ensure that the book was as historically accurate as she could. I’m very excited to see what this author writes next!

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One of the absolute best books that I have read this year! I truly didn't want this book to end but was kept glued to the page until the very last!

The story follows Semiramis and her ascent from common girl to ruler of the Assyrian empire. A love triangle between three deeply flawed but powerful characters... but as with the great epics of old, this is a tragedy not a romance.

I absolutely loved all of the characters, even the kings mother. All the characters are flawed but they grow together and it gives us powerful insight into who they really are. The alternating perspectives works beautifully in the story and truly allows the reader to feel as if they are glimpsing intimate life in Assyria and watching an epic history unfold.

The writing is polished and lyrical. Costanza Casati's writing style works perfectly for this type of story and you can tell that she loves what she's writing. Will absolutely be checking out her other works after reading this one!

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I am very new to the Greek Mythology world, but this book really grabbed my attention. This book kept me captivated the entire time. The story flowed so effortlessly, and the character development was amazing. I am now going to try to read more books like this, in hopes they are just as good. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC and allowing me to open my eyes to a new genre to me, that I highly enjoyed.

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Babylonia by Costanza Casati is a modern retelling of the story of Semiramis. The story revolves around Semiramis. She was orphaned when she was just a baby as her mother committed suicide when she was rejected by her lover. Semiramis is taken in by the chief of a nearby village.l and adopted as his daughter. Unfortunately though, Semiramis is mistreated and bullied often by both her adoptive father and village boys.

Obviously at one point in the story Semiramis realizes she must marry as she has reached that age. Her options are marry someone from her village & stay in a place where she is miserable or run away to the adventurous places she dreams of. As fate would have it, her luck changes when the new appointed governor comes to her home. He takes an interest in her and ends up marrying her.

The story focuses on Semiramis, her ambition, and the love triangle between her, Ninus, and Onnes. All three of them are complex, flawed, three-dimensional characters that you can't help but root for and that's truly what makes the story so compelling. The way Casati fleshed out the character of Semiramis, I myself was almost ready to follow her in to battle! The author truly had a way with character development and fleshing these characters out so you are truly invested in their story line.

I actually have never read the first book by this author (but I will remedy that soon) but I love historical fiction so I was very excited to read this book and Casati did not disappoint. The pacing in the first quarter of the book was maybe a little slow but overall an extremely enjoyable read that I would recommend to all.

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I didn't know what I was getting into when I started this, but I can say that I am delightfully surprised. This is my first book from the author, and I simply have to go pick up their previous novel. The world felt so grounded and the character's voices were captivating from the first page. Instantly I was transported to this world and now I feel like I need to read up more about this history.

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Firstly, thank you to the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read Babylonia. Secondly, Costanza Casati... simply, you are at the top of your game. I am a big, big, historical fiction fan, especially Greek mythology. I can safely say, this was very enjoyable, and I wasn't shocked. I knew it would be amazing, and it didn't disappoint. There was no world in which I wasn't going to lose sleep and to lose myself in this novel, and man, I am so happy to have done so.

The characters were so well fleshed out, so complex, so real, and just so great. Great seems like such a juvenile and weak word to describe a wonderful novel, but it is all I have right now because I'm blown away by this author's work.

The plot = yes. Just yes. I'm conflicted because I didn't want it to end, but I'm glad in a weird way that it did because it was done so well.

Constanza Casati, please don't stop writing. You've found your place as a novelist, you've earned the applause, you've earned the love and you've truly got something special.

I'm lost for words, but I wanted to review because this was beautifully written. I'm sure I'll come back to add specifics.

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I just finished Babylonia and it is ♾️⭐️ from me. I was a huge fan of Clytemnestra when I read it last year. So going into this book I thought there’s no way it can be as good as Clytemnestra. I never doubted it would be great but Clytemnestra for me is God tier. It was my absolute favorite book of 2023 and an immediate top 5 all time favorite. I have never been happier to be wrong!!! Costanza Casati you are officially the Queen of greek mythology retelling for me!!!! Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read Babylonia and review it ahead of its release in the US.

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I loved Clytemnestra, so I had high hopes for this one, but it just didn't do it for me.

I almost DNF'd at the 30% mark, but I'm glad I ended up finishing. The story and pacing was a slog to get through. I really didn't care for any of the characters. However, it was written quite well and I did appreciate the author's attention to preserving the history in her retelling while adding her own enhancements.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 Stars.
Thank you to netgalley!
One of my favorite ancient civilizations is Babylon and Assyria so of course I had to pick this up.

I will make a lasting name for myself....I will stamp my fame on men's minds forever From the epic of Gilgamesh. (Can I just say I loved how much I loved seeing inserts of the epic throughout the book??)

This book has a somewhat bleak atmosphere that I really loved. I could picture in my head how Semiramis lived and what her surroundings looked like due to Costanza Casati beautiful writing. I think this pretty much guarantees that Costanza will be an auto buy author for me.

If you are a lover of Ancient Civilizations or Mythology retellings this would be an auto buy.

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Well, first I’d like to thank @netgalley for the ARC on this- after being blown away by Casati’s voice in Clytemnestra- I was pumped about her latest and greatest in the mythology realm.

It’s safe to say, Casati’s voice is pretty special in this space. Within a few sentences, I’m easily transported.

She’s able to weave drama so that I’m flipping the pages faster than I expected.

That being said… I did struggle with the love triangle. And usually, I don’t mind them! I couldn’t get over the ‘ick’ factor of it. I know things were “historically researched and inspired”, so it’s a retelling that educated us a bit, but it maybe not the exact version I wanted for escapism.

Putting that aspect aside, I love a rags-to- riches set up. And I’ll never exhaust of a strong AF FMC. And as long as Casati keeps writing them, I’ll read them.
It was just hard to fully enjoy the FMC’s power climb because of the romance. 🫣

3ish?/5 ⭐️

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