Member Reviews

Story of a courageous Cherokee woman!

This is my first time reading a book by this author Dale Neal. I really enjoyed reading his book The Woman with the Stone Knife. Truly a touching journey of a brave and courageous Cherokee woman!

I would like to thank Addison & Highsmith and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

This book tells the story of Helena Ostenaco, born Skitty, a Cherokee woman and her mysterious journey filled twists and turns. Her life becomes undecided between two worlds and two choices: find her son or avenge her husband, Lieutenant Henry Timberlake, who died in prison. What will happen to her?

The cover is stunning, and this is what attracted me to read this beautiful story!

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Helena Ostenaco Timberlake finds herself stranded in London, she has no money to pay for the long voyage across the Alantic Ocean back to America and her son Richard. Helena has been gone for over twenty years, America is now an independent country and she puts her case before the British again and desperately wants to go home.

Helena is a widow of Lieutenant Henry Timberlake a war hero and a member of the "Patriot Blues", a baptized christian, daughter of Cherokee chief Ostenaco, and granddaughter of Cat Walker a skilled herb-woman. Helena was born in the Overhills of Cherokee Nation, she was named Skitty, and Cat Walker convinced her the trip was too much for a baby and offered to look after Richard. When Henry Timberlake dies in a debtor’s prison, Helena has to fend for herself in Georgian England and she believes Henry’s name was slandered, he was cheated and she wants to culprit to pay.

I received a copy of The Woman with the Stone Knife by Dale Neal from NetGalley and Histria Books in exchange for an honest review. Henry Timberlake was a real person, he knew chief Ostenaco and they went on an expedition together, and he wrote a journal about the Cherokee Indians way of life in the Southern Appalachian area.

I found the narrative set from 1765 to 1786 confusing and I gather Skitty or Helena stayed in England due to not having the money to return to America and she wanted repair the damage done to Henry's reputation and keep his journals in her possession.

I did find the ways and history of the Cherokee Indians interesting, but I had trouble connecting with the characters in the novel and I recommend reading this one yourself and making up your own mind. Three stars from me and I had such high hopes for this debut book and the cover is stunning.

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