Member Reviews

You know what this book made me feel? This book made me feel like I need to pack up my husband and my kids (4 boys mind you) and find a ranch in Colorado and get a bunch of horses and live happily ever after. Is that too much to ask??

This book was so beautifully written. This is hands down one of the best books I’ve read that has literally no spice in it whatsoever. And you know what? I don’t even care! The characters were written wonderfully. I felt like I knew them. The MMC is one of the best black cat turned golden retrievers ever okay? I said it and I stand by it! The way the descriptions of the setting and the scenery….immaculately done. I feel like I’m missing out on seeing this vastly beautiful place in real life.
There were moments between Eric (MMC) and Roper (Eric’s horse) that made me so emotional.
If you are thinking about entering your contemporary cowboy romance era, I suggest you start here because this was done SO well. I can’t wait to read more from this author!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me this free eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Very cute book! I did think it was a little slow at the end but I was very happy with the ending and loved the correct rodeo and cowboy ways in the book!

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This was such a cute book, it’s paced well & I love the characters!

There’s no on page spice, a little kissing only. I don’t think the book is lacking because of it at all, it works well.

There were some parts that were a little confusing where they were in one place & then all of a sudden in another & I thought I’d missed something but I hadn’t.

It has made me want to go to a rodeo though.

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Rating: 4/5
Spice: 0/5 (closed-door)

Thank you to NetGalley for the e-book! This is the first book I’ve read by Waitlyn Andrews in exchange for an honest, authentic review.

"You're here. You're healthy, and you're the best. Don't make me the reason you quit. Make me the reason you don't stop. Once you win, we can revisit the conversation, but don't make me another regret. I won't be able to live with myself. I can't be another what-if."

Amelia Greene, a successful author, is attempting to break into a new genre but gets denied by multiple publishers due to the lack of research. She realizes that she must visit Colorado and immerse herself in the Cowboy culture. As she lives with the Randall family, she finds herself constantly bumping into the broody, grumpy cowboy Eric. After Eric’s drunk confession, Amelia is hoping to make it through summer without any hiccups and only a finished book.

This book is a closed-door romance and it gave me Elsie Silver and Lyla Sage vibes! I loved this book a lot! The grumpy, broody mmc and the strong fmc 🫶 I love when he’s grumpy and then becomes a softy as he falls for her!! I love when Eric called her “Red”That has become one of my favorite nicknames!! Also!! THIS MAN’S CONSISTENT CONFESSION TO AMELIA!! It made me so weak! He constantly waited for Amelia to reach the point he was at and he consistently told her how he felt (we love good communication). One part I really loved was the drunk confession!! AHHHH IT MADE ME BLUSH SO HARD!! Overall, I really did enjoy this book and will be checking out “Yes, Chef.” Ugh I’m sad it’s over buuuut maybe the next one can be about Olivia???

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“It’s not the size of the machine but the way you drive it, right?” 🧡🐴🧡🐴

Amelia is a writer needing some real life cowboy experience for her book. 📖 She decided to come out to Colorado to gain some insight. She never expected love to be part of that experience. Eric is a grumpy cowboy who is a big rodeo star and runs his families ranch. He had a bad accident a couple years back and has lost himself. When Amelia shows up on the road home having car trouble, he knows he is in trouble ❤️

This was such a cute love story with a ton of memorable moments. I loved all of the characters. Amelia & Eric are adorable. I had a hard time with the pace and even with it being closed door, I needed a lot more tension and I needed someone to get hurt that leads to a big come back. With everything I pointed out, it’s still a good read and I recommend it.

🐴 Cowboy Romance
🌦️ Grumpy x Sunshine
📖 Writer Heroine
🛏️ One Bed
🐎 One Horse
👥 Forced Proximity
🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 Found Family
📏 Tall Heroine
🎂 30+ year old heroine
👭 Lovable Side Characters


Thank you Netgalley for the digital ARC in exchange for a honest review

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If you’re in your cowboy romance era, this is a great title to add to your tbr. Rider’s Block has my favorite trope of grumpy sunshine and did not disappoint. On top of that, there’s no messy annoying third act break-up! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and happily recommend for anyone looking for a cozy, small town, cowboy romance. P. S. This is a closed door romance with no spice, although it’s still very enjoyable and the plot more than fills that space. The writing was done extremely well and built a believable world that immersed me in the country side.

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perhaps my favorite trope is where the main character is an author, finding themselves caught in a similar romance of the book they’re researching. surely nothing but platonic friendship awaits you at that ranch in colorado, amelia.

it was pretty easy for me to get deeply immersed into this book. the first half was a very steady build up with back & forth dialog and strong secondary characters. the author prioritized developing a healthy (and comedic) dynamic between all of the characters, not only the fmc/mmc.

instead of a miscommunication or breakup in the third act, the book focused on the flaws of the fmc. I know lacking self-awareness is necessary for character development, but respectfully, girl! go get your man. with all of the action being focused on the first half of the book, the writing did lead the reader through a passive synopsis towards the end to wrap everything up with a nice little bow.

for fans of: excruciatingly slow burns, 90s romcom movies, statement boots, the scene in pride & prejudice (2005) when mr. darcy flexes his hand.

this was also my first experience with netgalley, so thank you to Waitlyn for giving me a fun one to review!!

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Such a cute love story. Really liked the setting and the story of the characters.

Dislike: The preface. Completely unnecessary and condescending

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I loved this romance about a writer and cowboy 🤠and I loved the slow burn!
I really enjoyed how the author write it

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If you’re looking for a clean cowboy romance, then check this one out. Eric is such a swoony book boyfriend ❤️

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Cowboy romance with a writer?! sign me up! this book had a found family, grumpy cowboy, headstrong writer, and the cutest small town vibe! makes me want to go to Colorado 🥰 would highly recommend this one for anyone looking for a cowboy rom com with a slow burn but undeniable chemistry and a cute ranch family!

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This cowboy romance set in Colorado’s countryside sparked an idealistic awakening in me! This was such a classic romantic comedy that involved not only the pairing of Erica and Amelia but also two other side characters that have you deeply invested. I loved the plot of her using the 3 month stay for research and ultimately it turning into a “found family” situation.

Eric, the broody and grumpy mountain of a cowboy turning into a romantic softy was also *chefs kiss*. I highly recommend this book if you are into having a good time and feeling the romance of a chivalrous cowboy.

Thank you NetGalley and Waitlyn Andrews for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this! A down on her luck author and a German Shepherd cowboy falling in love? Yes please!!

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This was my first cowboy romance novel and I am HOOKED! Rider’s Block follows author Amelia Greene. She just got the news that her latest book (a cowboy mystery) has been denied by 14 publishers! The main reason being that she has never been to Colorado, where her novel takes place. To rectify that, she books a small cabin on a ranch in the Colorado plains to fully immerse herself in ranch life.

I had a great time reading this book! Amelia was a lot of fun and it was really neat seeing her go to a new place and make new friends. As an adult, making new friends is hard!!! I now also want to go to the rodeo and get myself a pair of cowboy boots.

Rider’s Block will be out on September 24, 2024. Run, don’t walk, to get your hands on this book!


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I wanted to love this so much but I felt like it was missing a lot of the meat of the story. The dialogue was a bit bare bones, the dialogue itself worked but there was a lack of interiority. Considering the entire book was from Amelia's point of view, I didn't get enough of her thoughts and opinions. The base of the story was so fun and I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it had that interiority and addition meat.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC of this book!

Waitlyn Andrews really out did herself with this book! Grumpy sunshine, and rodeo count me in! This is such a sweet little romance book based in small town Colorado! I will be giving this book 4 ⭐️!!! Not only did I love the main characters in this book, but I also really love to supporting characters. I felt like they really added to this book and she nailed it. She even got the rodeo and rancher aspects right in this book!

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Love, love, love this book. This will give you all the hearts in your eyes. This is one of those books you go to when you are feeling down and want something to lift you up. I can reread this book and find more things to love about it. At first it was Amelia who melted Eric’s grumpy heart, but Eric had to be strong and patient to knock down those walls blocking Amelia’s heart. We all need an Eric in our lives. Makes me want to go enjoy the cowboy life. All the characters are wonderful, from his brothers to Amelia’s new friends, to the loveable horses, even Denis, they make this book so much better. This is a must read and will not disappoint. Kudos to Waitlyn and I cannot wait to read more from her. Thanks NetGalley for an advance copy for a review.

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Waitlyn Andrews has become a must-read author for me, following her swoony romance debut, YES, CHEF, and now with her first Western love story. And I usually don't read cowroms, but it's Waitlyn and I had to and I'm so glad I did! Contemporary romance fans will adore it too!

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loved this romance about a writer and cowboy and slowly falling in love. I loved dean and penny and the whole family. Loved that she figured things out and found love.

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*Thank you NetGalley for the E-Arc*


I had mixed feelings about this book towards the beginning but ultimately I ended up really enjoying it. I love a grumpy cowboy and so many of the side characters were really enjoyable.

My 2 biggest complaints were for 300 pages it felt very drawn out and sometimes the writing felt more like talking rather then an descriptive story.

But overall I really liked it.

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