Member Reviews

Me encantó. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Es mi primer libro de Waitlyn y definitivamente no será el último, ahora mismo voy por Yes, Chef.

Ameilia y Eric son personas tan opuestas, ella es sociable, amable y él es lo contrario o al menos eso es lo que quiere que todos crean.

Me encantó la evolución de Eric. Al principio me cayó mal, se me hizo un grosero y no tenía idea como la autora lograría darle un giro, pero lo logró y poco a poco lo vi con otros ojos.

Algo que también me gustó mucho fue que la relación se dio poco a poco a pesar de que los dos se gustaban, prefirieron conocerse como amigos, pero había pequeños gestos que revelaban sus sentimientos por mas que intentaran ocultarlos.

Ameilia tiene inseguridades por el abandono de su padre por lo que le cuesta creer en los hombre y se nota mucho en sus reaciones antes Eric. Algo que me encantó fue que esto no se "resolvió" mágicamente con el poder del amor, ella tuvo que trabajar con sus miedos, enfrentarlos, también ayudó que Eric le tuvo paciencia, entendió porque se se tía de esa manera y todos los días le demostró que no era y jamás sería alguien como su padre.

La escena del casco se me hizo tan linda porque refleja como Eric le demuestra que las opiniones y sentimientos de ella son muy importantes para él.

Sólo tengo una queja, ¿por qué contar toda la historia de Penny y Dean en lugar de hacerlo en su propio libro?

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An amazing cowboy romance by Waitlyn Andrews. This book was my introduction to this author and I was not disappointed.

Characters who can comunicate well will always be a win in my book (Everyone needs an Eric). As much as I love these mcs, I cannot get over my love for the supporting characters. The family dynamic adds a touch of realism to the story.

The details and descriptions of the Colorado scenery has you immersed in this book.

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Ehhhhhh so my feedback will be short because I ran into a bump early on I can’t ignore. There was a use of a slur when she was ordering her sandwich that I recommend be removed from the book before publication. The term is offensive to indigenous peoples and the bread has been renamed. In hopes that this gets resolved I won’t publish my review to goodreads until I double check the final version. But this should’ve been caught sooner, literally if you google the word it comes up as offensive. Even my kindle dictionary deemed it an offensive term.

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This book was so good and I wanted more. I loved it so so much. It was an emotional roller coaster. I want to give the book 10 stars if I could but it was so good. I want more books from this writer.

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Waitlyn Andrews’ contemporary cowboy romance had me considering a one-way ticket to Colorado’s cowboy country!

Andrews was able to rope in this reluctant Western reader by combining my love of fiction with a cowboy romance. She took a disgruntled author on the rise and sent her on a writing retreat to the ranch of Rodeo Royalty.

Her rich setting with vivid descriptions pulled me in, but her layered characters who were loyal to their family and loved their land kept me reading. Andrews showed that beneath the gruff exterior and iconic Stetson, there was a loyal, chivalrous man who had great respect for his heritage and enough room in his heart to accommodate a depressed author.

Andrews knows how to wrangle our feelings, too! Her closed-door story had lots of heart and cowboy charm and I wondered how long it would take Amelia ‘Mia’ Greene to fall head over (red) boots for Eric Randall.

I smiled at the contents of Eric’s first aid kit, read in awe at the courageous and dedicated cowboys, and learned lots!

I appreciated Andrews’ examination of cowboy culture, how she was able to lasso a budding romance and give me insight into the road to publication. Her grumpy/sunshine contemporary western romance is one I’d recommend. No “fiddle-farting” - go preorder it!

*swearing (very few instances)

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Thank you NetGalley & Waitlyn Andrews for allowing me access to this ebook! Rider's Block was a fun read! It's a romance book which will be released in September 26th. I loved the humor in this book, also loved the grumpy cowboy, honestly would recommend to anyone who wants to spend a fun time with a book! Very cute and funny!

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LOVE a great love story with a cowboy. This was SO fun. I chuckled and blushed, and could not put down this book. It was wonderful!

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