Member Reviews

This was a wonderfully done update to the Arkham Horror world. It felt like the writing that I enjoyed from other books in this world and that it worked with the game itself. The stories are wonderfully done and enjoyed getting to look at this world and characters again. The new story worked overall and was glad everything flowed together as a whole. I'm excited to read the finished product as this was really well done.

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I love anything Arkham Horror so was excited to see the digital version of The Investigators of Arkham Horror book available to review. Now I want to say that while the digital version does not contain illustrations throughout from what I’ve seen so far it’s a gorgeous book that would be worthy to grace any fans shelf. I will definitely be getting myself a physical copy.

Now on to the other content. I adored that each investigator has a story about them and the varying content within. It’s so fun to read about, not only my favourite characters, but also ones I might not have had a huge interest in before. It’s also a great way to give new players an insight into the characters before going into the world of Arkham be it via the games or books.

If you are an Arkham Horror fan you need this book in your collection. It’s beautiful, informative and will be full of stunning illustrations. What more could you want?

As always thank you to Aconyte Books for the copy to review. My review is always honest and truthful.

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The artwork in this book is fantastic, very eye catching and vibrant!

I really enjoyed reading through the stories in this book and learning about the characters. I have several friends and family members who play the board games and after reading this I think that I am going to give it a try also.

Thank you the authors, Net Galley and Aconyte for providing me with an ARC of this book!

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Aconyte Books for an advanced copy of this updated introduction to the characters that inhabit the world of Arkham and its environs, from plucky investigators, true believers, those from the other side, and those seeking to make a profit from the never-ending battle between the old Gods and humanity.

There is nothing like the sensation of going along with your day, and having a moment that is both odd and unsettling. In some jobs a little weird is expected, being a police man, a waitress, a reporter, even a politician. Sometimes antique dealers have odd birds looking for relics of a past that no one seems to remember. Heck, as a bookseller if I don't have a weird question, or customer, I wonder what is wrong with the world. However those who have never thought about a world outside of this one, those whose lives have always been A+B=C in their thinking, these little moments might mean a lot, and can be many different things. A street that never existed before. A building that seems to have added an additional floor. A smell a chanting from fields that look empty, a conversation between strangers, but with their eyes locked on you. This can make one paranoid, maybe even hide inside a bedroom, while the mind tries to recover. In some these incidents start a chain reaction in the soul. What is happening, I have to know more. I need to understand. For to understand could mean everything. Order and chaos. The Investigators of Arkham Horror is edited by Katrina Ostrander and is a collection of tales about people in the town of Arkham, Massachusetts who have all been touched with something, or by something, and the different paths this chance encounter could lead to.

This collections is a source book for the Arkham Horror Game, and is a collection of updated for a digital edition with 55 stories, featuring different characters who appear in the city of Arkham, probably the most interesting place on Earth, with some voyages outside of town. The book is lavishly illustrated, introduces the characters, and gives a little bit of background, previous dealings with the unknown, or gives ideas for further adventures. The book also serves as a mini-guide book to the city, its history, and the kep people good, bad and indifferent, that appear, or in some cases disappear.

My familarity with Arkham is from of course the original stories written first by H.P. Lovecraft, and his friends and cowriters. I was also a player of the role playing game Call of Cthulhu from Chaosium, way back in the day. In fact my Cthulhu for President" political campaign kit is one of my finest treasures. I have not played Arkham Horror, though after all this I do want to. I have read a few of the source books and even as a layman to the game enjoy the work, and stories that go into creating everything. The stories are mostly good, a lot end on cliffhangers I assume are answered in the gameplay, gameplay that really sounds like a lot of fun.

I have read most of the book that take place in the universe and feel that that these tie-ins are some of the best RPG novels I have read, and I have read a lot. There is a lot of care and concern and a lot of work done to make this work as well as they do. I can't wait to read more.

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This collection has some absolutely stunning artwork, which is largely what drew me to it. I haven't played the table top game but it sounds pretty cool and the stories are well thought out.

The stories are written by different authors, but they combine to make a collection that I'm sure fans of the game would love.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC

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