Member Reviews

Who wants Jeannie’s land so badly that they are willing to kill her for it? And why her farm when there are plenty around her for sale? To find the answer, Jeannie joins forces with off-duty cop Derek and finds refuge with the young back-to-the-land tenants who rent a section of her farm. Set in her ways at 60, Jeannie must learn to open her mind — and her heart — in her quest to find the killer, all while grappling with ghosts from her past and wrestling with the question of land transfer and ownership.

Set in Canada, there was some unfamiliar references to how the law enforcement are named and referred to as well as some things about the land that was a learning experience. Over all, I'd say (it's even referenced within the novel) that it has an Agatha Christie vibe. Cozy mystery with a "who-done-it" feel.

Jeannie is a tough nut to crack and I think her personality is not for everyone. She seems to speak her mind a bit openly and can be a bit judgmental. With that said, it's not a bad story and it had enough twists and turns. I will say that the narrator's voice doesn't do male voices or the voice of Jade in a pleasing way. I thought it was perfect for Jeannie but it really was a bit of a distraction when it came to the voice of her son and Derrick.
Good book but I would skip the audiobook.

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