Member Reviews

This was a beautiful and informative book. I read it with my daughter and we both enjoyed it. The drawings were lovely and they certainly drew us in.

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As Sadie soars into Space she travels through our beautiful and unique Solar system. Visits each planet exploring their characteritics, as their colors, their sizes, patterns, and meteorological phenomena happening there.

This is done with planches of dark blues and light yellows, I loved the colors used; we're surely in space with Sadie. I liked the illustrations of the planets, each one having its own identity and look. And the knowledge shared throughout her voyage.

"Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in our solar system, but they're hidden by thick clouds." -- " Neptune is the windiest planet in our solar system. A typical day on Neptune feels windier than being in a tornado!"

It's really just general culture about space and some facts, anecdotes and the specificities of each planet and, or the celestial bodies that exist around our Sun. It is like a visit into a museum exhibition but directly in space.
It's a basic 101 solar system course, with cute illustrations, as we follow Sadie floating through space, in her real cool spacesuit, accompanied by her catonaut 🐱👩‍🚀

Also it shares an important message about our own planet, how important it is to us : "Earth is our home, the best place to be, with forests and oceans and air we can breathe.
We rely on our planet as our shelter in space. Let's all work together to keep the Earth safe."


However, about the more graphic design, composition of the pages, the graphic layout there are some issues. For example some texts are way too close to the edges of the pages, not well placed in the layout. And also there's a clear issue of contrast on the anecdotes parts : they are almost unreadable, hard to see with the eye. The font is so thin, so small, not enough contrast, color blend. It was really hard to read. It could be adjusted, to fix this really easily.


In conclusion, Sadie soars into Space is a great resource for kids to learn about space, our Solar system, our neighbors : our eight planets and other celestial bodies. As she says herself : "Let's take our rocket and visit each in turn. There's so much to see and so much to learn !"

#SadieSoarsintoSpace #NetGalley #Zeitgeist

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Ok here's the thing. This book was cut off when I originally tried to read it, but I was informed that the issue was fixed, and it was. However, this book was formatted/organized very poorly. Honestly, I've never seen a book this badly organized. The fun facts were written in a lighter color and a thinner font than everything else, and they got lost. They got lost both in terms of the writing and the illustrations. Dark blue space...which is...dark blue. Awesome. Additionally, some of the main writing was *directly* on top of the fact writing, which was a horrible idea! However, the thing that bothered me the most was how the writing from speech bubbles continued *outside of the speech bubbles*. This really confuses readers and is highly frustrating. On top of that, it was hard to keep both the story and the facts straight, since there was so much disorganized overlap.
Although, from what I gathered by reading the main storyline is that this book is a really great resource for kids that adore space and/or want to learn more about space. It's simple, comprehensive, and age-appropriate, which worked well.
My recommendation to make this book better is to remove the fun facts completely.

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My 3yo daughter liked this book, even looking at it on a non-color kindle. Bigger wording would help though.

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Fun and vividly illustrated mix of rhyme and space facts!

Sadie Soars Into Space is a new children’s picture book about a young girl’s interest in space, the universe, and dreams of one day traveling to distant stars. It is a vividly illustrated and entertaining mix of rhyming narrative and interesting space facts that may surprise readers of any age.

I loved the simple story and the bright colors used, but the details in the illustrations, such as the poster of U.S. astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli gracing Sadie’s bedroom wall, caught my eye and made a big impression. Sadie is joined in her imagined (for now!) adventures by her cat Bucket, who is decked out in a matching spacesuit and helmet. While each page presents another stop on the pair’s tour of our solar system, space facts are cleverly included among the illustrations of planets, moons, and the other assorted heavenly bodies, revealing interesting details that most adults probably don’t know. Each tidbit is one more opportunity to learn and share with the young readers and listeners in your life.

I recommend SADIE SOARS INTO SPACE to those with young readers or read-aloud listeners, especially those who have an interest in space and for inclusion in early STEM classrooms.

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My toddler loved how engaging this book is, making exploring space and all of the wonderful parts of our solar system so fun. The illustrations are gorgeous and the facts are easily digestible for a younger audience. A wonderful STEM addition to all home libraries!

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Space is something I've always loved to learn about since I was little. Books like this one would've been right up little me's alley. The colorful choices of the art really help to pull you into the story, and make the educational material easier to grasp. It's an adorable story about Sadie who tells a story of her journey through space in that beautifully imaginative way kids do. My only complaint was I felt like the way the educational bits were placed around the page could be a little too disjointed. Pulling your gaze away from the main sentence; making you wonder what you're supposed to read first. That can be a little overwhelming for children, of course. Besides that though the information in here was done really well and explained in ways that children this age could easily grasp.

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Sadie Soars into Space is an adorable introduction for young children to learn about space and all of its wonders. Readers follow Sadie and her cat Buckles as they fly around the solar system, where they are treated to a rhyming story of their adventure. Interesting scientific facts about the various locations are also added to increase knowledge and understanding.

One improvement to be considered, would be to present these scientific facts in a more readable format, such as using text boxes around the information. Some of the factual informational sentences are printed in fonts and colors that make them more difficult to read.

If a child appears to be interested in the topic, there are many informational texts that they can explore that would expand on this foundation of knowledge.

Thank you @NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.
Congratulations to the author and illustrator for creating this engaging book.

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STEM Books for Toddlers?? Yes please !! The rhyming and cadence on each page is perfectly timed with each illustration. When you dig a little deeper you will see facts and more information about our solar system so as the kiddos get older they will still be interested in it. 10/10 for me. This is perfect.

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Sadie Soars into Space is a fantastic read for kids interested in STEM. I love that the main character is a female that students can look up to.

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Any space lover will be quick to pick up Sadie Soars into Space and be enthralled by the engaging illustrations and interesting text. I really enjoyed the large text in the book but I found the small text very difficult to read. While I expect this will be less challenging on the physical text (versus on a small cellphone screen), I do wish the editor/publisher had chosen a more contrasting color of text, especially with it so small. This is best practice in terms of accessibility and I'm not even someone who struggles with small text generally. Other than that, I appreciated how the book was sequenced, the information shared, and the engaging way we could imagine ourselves as Sadie, psyched about space! I would recommend this for any elementary classroom, library, or public library or as a gift for any space loving kiddo!

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My five year old loves space! This book was perfect for him. He already knew a lot of the facts, but the book was still a lot of fun and kept him engaged. We enjoyed the flow and rhythm of the text. If your young kiddo enjoys learning about space, then I’d recommend checking out this adorable book!

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I thought that this book was really good.

The book is well written and it is easy to understand.
I liked the illustrations, they worked well with the book and were great for this age range.

I do have a concern that the facts that are added to some of the pages are not clear and need to be in a different colour font so that they stand out - other than that the book is spot on.

It is 4 stars from me for this one - highly recommended!

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A rhyming picture book about space, planets and more!
I loved this! The facts are really interesting, and the descriptions use language and explanations that make it easy for young kids to understand (like comparing the solar system to a neighbourhood). The pictures are lovely and the rhymes flow easily. This would be a great book even without the rhymes so the fact the author manages to convey the information and story using rhymes is amazing! Perfect for little budding astronauts.
Thank you to NetGalley/the publisher/author for this eARC.

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This book is great for a wide variety of ages. There are two types of texts within the book. One tells the story and rhymes as it is read ( so much more fun to read when things rhyme!) and the other text is bits of information offered as facts for the child to learn. This would be great for older children, but could also be skipped for smaller children who may want to just focus on the story. I think children will also enjoy that Sadie takes her cat into space! The pictures are great- not too elementary and not too complex.

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Instant hit for my 4 year old girl who wants to be an astronaut and my 6 year old girl who can't decide between being a vet, princess, or astronaut. While being fun and easily understood the facts are surprisingly technical. Both girls have been randomly spouting out space facts ever since. This goes instantly to our "big hits" shelf.

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"Sadie Soars into Space" takes us on a great adventure into space, of course, to learn more about the planets, moon, stars, and sun. Sadie also shares fun facts with us about the planets and the sun!
"Sunspots appear when a small area on the surface of the Sun cools down."
"Mercury's speedy; it zips round the Sun---our fastest planet and the smallest one!" I didn't even know Mercury was the fastest planet, so that was cool to learn something new.
"Astronauts have visited the moon six times, leaving behind three moon buggies." Moon buggies explore the moon for us to help scientists and other astronauts understand the Moon better!
"Mars is home to the tallest mountain in the solar system. Its name is Olympus Mons." Another fact I also didn't know and found fascinating.
Jupiter has the biggest moon as well as colorful gas belts mixes in the planet!
"Neptune is the windiest planet in our solar system. It is gloomy and has frozen delicate rings."
"Pluto has five moons and a huge heart-shaped spot."
This is not only for children, but adults alike! Teachers, add this to your classroom wish list so you and your students can BLAST OFF with some fun in the Milky Way!
Thanks to the publisher, NetGalley, and the author for a copy of this ARC!

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This is a compelling little book to introduce kids to our solar system and the universe. The illustrations are bright, colourful and quite dreamy. The explanations are brief and easy to understand for a young audience. A lovely book to familiarise children with this fascinating topic.

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Team Pluto! This book was a good story, and has educational tidbits, we are here for it! My kids really enjoyed this book, and the illustrations were excellent!

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First, I love the concept. Sadie is passionate about space, and she is taking the reader on an adventure through space in her homemade rocketship, where she teaches the reader all she knows about space.

The illustrations have a Magic School-bus vibe, and we really liked that. However, the facts on the pages that fall beyond the storyline are in a font, size, and color that is so challenging to read against the illustrations. I see the need to differentiate the storyline and the other space facts, but they need to be in some kind of bubble or box that enables the reader to better see them. Unfortunately, my preschooler lost interest about half-way through.

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