Member Reviews

I freaking love this series so much.
Jessica Threet is an excellent story teller.

That bonus chapter! Wowza! I cannot wait for my physical copy of this book to arrive and I’m looking forward to what comes next for my new fave found family!!!

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I enjoyed this book. It is full of adventure, magic and witty banter. The characters are interesting. This is a fun book to read.

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Do y'all buddy read? It gets difficult when you and the person you try read with are in different timezones and are both just a tiny bit competitive, @planwithemm yes I'm talking about you. But good suggestion, "A Pirate's Life for Tea" by Rebecca Thorne, like many forms of media, made me consider piracy as a vehicle for the redistribution of wealth.

Kianthe and Reyna need to find those dragon eggs. Unfortunately, their leads took them to a river lord who needs a favor. Catch a river pirate who is interfering with his interests and he can check some ledgers for them. They join with a local constable, Bobbie (yes I got the joke), who has some insight into the Pirate's thought process, they kinda know each other. Not complicated at all.

Narrated by Jessica Threet, this sounded like a blast for you to narrate.

Reasons to read:
-Food that just sounded delightful, thankfully was getting groceries at this part
-Spice in the extra part...
-A Dread Pirate
-Stop making me want to open a bookstore!

-Why does the spice always start when I'm running errands?!?!

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sorry to say but i realized that i don't care about these characters anymore. and i think this book strayed even further from cozy fantasy category.

the main characters are still Reyna & Kianthe, with an addition of a new POV. R&K basically still going on the mission from the first book, tracking the stolen dragon egg, but they got a side quest to capture a pirate that has been plaguing a certain area. but once they got the pirate, they realized that she's not the villain to the story and helped her instead.

more action, more characters, more sapphic. but as i said, i didn't care anymore. so it was quite boring for me. at first i liked the audiobook narrator but i found her annoying as the story went on because sometimes her reactions were too much and too forced.

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What a perfect cozy pirate adventure with just enough stakes to keep you hooked but not stress you out! I honestly have zero notes. Loved everything about it. Kianthe and Reyna were absolutely delightful and I adored their relationship. The added childhood friends to enemies to lovers romance of Bobbie and Serina was the icing on the top. And such a fun diverse found family of pirates! The audiobook was highly entertaining and the narrator’s delivery was perfect, capturing the emotions and tones so well. Highly recommend!!

Thanks to the author and publisher for the ALC!

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3.5 stars
I think this was just a me thing, but I couldn't keep my interest in this book to save my life. My mind kept wandering. I liked it, but I liked the first one better as it was able to keep my attention much better.
In this one, while looking for dragon eggs, Reyna and Kianthe meet Serina and Bobbie. Serina is somewhat of a pirate who steals food because Diarn Arlorn is the lord of the Neacean River and he is making life hard for the citizens. Bobbie is one of Arlorn's constables, but also one of Serina's childhood friends. Serina hates that.
The whole vibe of this book is just fun. It's a little less cozy than the first one where Reyna and Kianthe stay in one place for the most part and try to open a shop. This one is quite an adventure. There's a lot of traveling and swashbuckling pirate things.
The audiobook narrator was fun, she really made the book come alive. I loved that she gave Kianthe an accent in the dialogue. It was easier to distinguish when she was talking. It was a great little detail.

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Cute and cozy fantasy at its finest, the narrator killed the voice of this series and I wanna just wrap myself up in a blanket and soak in the vibes slow

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Oh this was PERFECTION!

I loved how it picked up where the last book ended, diving straight into the antics of Kianthe and Reyna. The pirate life that they enter into, the match making, the uncovering corruption, and falling in love with sweet wine. I loved the chapters from Bobbie and Serina, and getting to see more of this world.

Also, that last epilogue???

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I had a great time with A Pirate’s Life for Tea! It’s a cozy and fun follow-up to “Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea”, that blends lighthearted adventure with action and romance. Kianthe and Reyna are back, as sassy and in love as ever, but this time their journey takes them out of Tawney and onto a new adventure filled with magical escapades and terrible puns. I really enjoyed the new characters, Bobbie and Serina, especially their enemies-to-lovers dynamic, though I wish we got a bit more insight into their relationship from their own perspective. (Maybe a future book?)

The quirky humor, sweet romance, and feel good vibe made this book a delight. It kept me entertained from start to finish, and I loved how it balanced high stakes with a cozy, comforting tone. I’m definitely excited for the next book and to see what kind of adventures these characters go on next!

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for sending this ALC for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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3.5 stars rounded up

This was a fun fantasy romance and while I wouldn't call it cozy as a whole, it certainly has some cozy moments. We follow the couple from book 1 on their continued quest for the missing dragon eggs. Along the way they become entangled with a constable and a pirate who were childhood friends and secretly have feelings for each other. And yes, there are double the lesbians in this one! It's an entertaining book with escapades and some lovely quiet moments along the way. I would say I didn't enjoy it quite as much as book 1, but I'm also not partial to ship-board stories. The audio narration is the same as the first book and again, I don't love the choice of character voices. But otherwise it's fine. And at the end there is a very spicy one-shot short story with our main couple that was fun. I received an audio review copy of this book via NetGalley, all opinions are my own.

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As expected, I enjoyed this cozy fantasy story. The stakes were pretty low and the characters have great banter with each other.

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I really wanted to like this. I’ve heard so many good things about the first book from a coworker so when I had an opportunity to read the ARC from Netgalley, I was thrilled. As a fellow sapphic, I get extremely excited when I’m presented with lesbian romances, and I love fantasy and pirates so this felt like it was going to be right up my alley, but it was just ok. I think there were a lot of good one liners. I definitely giggled at some parts, but as something labeled as a cozy fantasy, it wasn’t very cozy. It felt more like regular fantasy to me. I also didn’t think the romances in this were great. The characters lacked chemistry. It was also kinda hard to get through. There were many times that I wanted to DNF this book.

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If you liked easter egg hunts as a child, you will love Kianthe and Reyna’s quest for dragon eggs to save their hometown. All they have to do is capture Serina, the river pirate plaguing Arlon's supply chains, and turn her in so justice can be served. However, their success hinges on one precarious condition: a deal with Diarn Arlon, lord of the legendary Nacean River, and partnering with his constable Bobbie, who is determined to capture Serina for reasons of his own…Prepare to sail the low seas of lesbian pirates and relation-shipwrecks to find out if lovers can be made of enemies!

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This was a very fun adventure! This book continues the mystery from book 1 but also expands the story to include new characters and new
conflicts. I love Kianthe &Reyna so much and their relationship is lovely, the way they prioritize communication is so great to see.

I also really liked the audiobook except that sometimes it seemed like the narrator was shouting into the mic and it wasn’t even an action scene.

Can't wait for book 3!!

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"A Pirate's Life for Tea" follows Reina and Kianthe on their next adventure as they search for stolen dragon eggs, play matchmaker with a constable and a pirate, and attempt to depose a greedy leader. Just as fun and silly as the first book, with lovable characters that really shine, this second installment of the Tomes and Teas series was a very enjoyable read!

The audiobook narrator is wonderful, creating unique voices for each character. I really felt the emotions she portrayed in each scene, and the way she brought out each character's traits through her voices made me feel like these were real people, not just characters on a page. It was an engaging listen, well paced, and the narrator spoke clearly. My one gripe would be that occasionally the narrator would slip out of her character's accent and I wouldn't be sure who was talking. Serena and Bobby also sounded very similar to each other.

The story itself was full of romance, banter, friendship, and adventure! It took place in a different location than book 1, and was full of pirates! Kianthe still made all sorts of silly puns in this book, and was obsessed with reading and tea. I love how Kianthe and Reina have such a healthy, solid relationship. I also liked seeing Bobby and Serena's relationship grow, but was espeically in love with the fact that Bobby used crocheting as a destresser and made all sorts of lopsided toys and hats.

If you liked book 1, you will LOVE book 2! This is the perfect series for those who love romantasy, sapphic romance, and cosy fantasy. It's like Legends and Latte's but with more adventure. 5/5 stars, highly recommend!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for providing an advanced listener's copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Genre: cozy fantasy

Stop me if you've heard me say this before (you definitely have): I need to stop requesting cozy fantasy ARCs. They are *not* for me. Even with pirates, this one wasn't a book I connected with.

That said, if you have an ARC, it's perfect for Sapphic September, and if you like your romantasy cozy, you'll love this.

Reyna (former queen's guard) and Kianthe (most powerful mage in the country) own a bookshop in a remote part of the kingdom far enough away to not be tracked....but a little too close to the dragons. The dragons' eggs were stolen long ago, and they want them back, and Kianthe and Reyna are on a mission to retrieve them. This brings them to the conflict with Serina, former farmer now pirate who steals food to redistribute, and Bobbie, constable and former besties with Serina.

Look, this had hope and promise...and about three too many conflicts for me. It's 444 pages/13 hours. Again, recognizing that this is a me & cozy fantasy issue, the pacing was off - there was a lot of action, and yet the plot crawled. I give it 3.5 stars and 4 swashes buckled.

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I loved A Pirate’s Life for Tea even more than the first Tomes and Tea book - what a lovely, relaxing audiobook, perfect for fans of Legends and Lattes or The Spellshop.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="A Pirate's Life for Tea (Tomes & Tea Cozy Fantasies, #2)" src="" /></a><a href="">A Pirate's Life for Tea</a> by <a href="">Rebecca Thorne</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
3.5 stars .. I might have given it more if I would have read the first book to get to know the characters even more. I love the relationship of the two female main characters . It was a little slow going for me at the beginning but after getting more into the book it came together and I enjoyed the fun adventure. I love that it has fantasy, romance, and adventure all mixed into it. I would say you should definitely give it a read , but start from the Tomes &Tea Cozy Fantasy #1.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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I would like to thank the publisher for giving me an audio-arc in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley.

I enjoyed book one. I really did. It was mostly cozy. Book two? I think I like this one better in a lot of ways. Was it cozy? No. It was very much a light fantasy with some higher stakes.

We take a step back from the tea shop as Kianthe and Reyna take to the seas. This was very much a swashbuckling adventure that goes easy on the wild adventure and heavy on the banter, cute moments, and light-hearted storyline.

The bonus short story at the end of the audiobook was a little spicy but also super cute. I look forward to reading the next installment in this series.

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When I first read the indie published version, I thought the middle of the book dragged a bit. However, listening to the audiobook fixed this issue for me. The narrator is great and she helps keep the story moving. I can't imagine reading the story any other way now. Highly recommend this series; it's cozy, funny, sapphic, and I can't wait for more.

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