Member Reviews

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for the audioARC of this book!

HANDS DOWN the best second book in a duology I've read in a VERY long time. This duology is actually a valid and complete story having two full books. It doesn't drag on and it doesn't try to introduce new random weird plot lines that don't make sense. We get satisfying conclusions to every plot and I am SO thrilled with everything.

Kosara and Asen were amazingly exceptional in this book. With interesting developments that twist their relationship different ways, we see them constantly drawn to one another in the most beautiful way. I absolutely loved their slow burn through these two books.

I also loved that this duology had so many morally grey characters and decision-making. "Who are we to decide the fate of others?" It's such a big theme throughout this book in particular. It's so hard to say too much without spoilers... I know most of what I'm saying is so generic haha

The narrators were very good; they do have accents but they're appropriate for the environment. As someone who sometimes has trouble with accents in narrators, I wasn't bothered by them at all.

Highly recommend to fantasy lovers, especially those who want something with no spice (as this has none!) but still want a lovely romance behind the very intricate main plot.

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Once again I was brought back to a story full of folklore , monsters, and magic. This book was a super fun story with a quest full of twists and turns.

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A perfect sequel. I loved this duology so much to the point both books are in my top ten of books read this year. The stakes were high, the characters at risk of danger so often, and yet there was something so cozy and comforting about it all. Will absolutely be reading everything from this author in future, especially if it involves werewolves in book clubs.

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Monstrous Nights
Dropping us straight back into the world of Chernograd only a couple of month after the events of book 1, but this time we get dual POV and Asen is back! Yet again witches are being separated from their shadows and Kosara is investigating who or what is responsible. After trapping the Zmey in the wall, things have been affected on both sides and a permanent remedy must be found. This is a perfect completion of the story begun in Foul Days, and I’m sad there is no more time to spend with my favourite witch and copper!

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A delightful duology. Two people deny their feelings for each other while they’re constantly harangued by monsters of Slavic folklore and an asshole human smuggler (the smuggler is human, he’s not smuggling humans (I think)). There’s high stakes but this was a cozy read for me. I only wish the emotional moments hit harder than they did.

Thank you NetGalley and Tor for the ALC!

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Monstrous Nights has alternating POVs from Kosara and Aden, and the narrators' performances were both outstanding. I loved the developments on the different creatures and side characters, but I wanted more romance between the two main characters. Overall I really enjoyed this duology conclusion, and this series was so unique to anything I have read before.

I received an ALC from Macmillan Audio via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Listen, I have a feeling this duology is going to be vastly underrated but it’s SO GOOD!!! I was immersed and the monsters felt so real. I felt the author did an incredible job at building a concrete world and it was so intriguing.

This book wasn’t *as* good as book 1, but I think it was just a little lull in the middle. It does improve and get intriguing in the end! I love the women power displayed in this. The need for women to work together was such an important concept by the end and I love the character’s mini arc in realizing this (she has a greater arc so I feel like this was a smaller part). The FMC is so great and I love her strength. She’s a fighter and I really appreciated it.

Overall a superb series! The audiobook narrators were great voices that added to the experience. I do wish the male voice was at the same pace as the female as I felt he was a bit faster, but overall not too noticeable.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review!!

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This was a solid second installment in the series. The audio narration and production was excellent. The story kept me engaged throughout and I’m looking forward to what comes next.

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While the first book seemed to have solved Kosara's problems with Zmey by trapping him in the wall with his sister, all is not well. There were repercussions with the "czar of monsters" being kept away from his realm and that is only part of the issues. Monsters are showing up in summer and it is still snowing like winter and it is like the Foul Days all over again. I was happy to dive right back in to the story and I admire Kosara, who despite all the setbacks with her twelve shadows (that make her one of the most powerful witches) not listening to her (and making unsanctioned changes) and her still hearing Zmey, does her best. And luckily Asen is on the trail of dead witches which lead him back to Kosara for help. He loosens up in this book ( and considering what happens, that is a very good thing) which makes me like him more and him and Kosara work well together, when Kosara actually admits to needing help instead of shouldering everything herself. Honestly, that is the main thing in this book, how it will take help from others to solve this problem that has gotten massively out of control (you get more back story in this book about how and why Zmey is the way he is).

This has a very satisfying ending to a well written duology. I really enjoyed listening to it (really helps me know the pronunciation of names and really gets me feeling the atmosphere of the book). The narrators do a great job and it is easy to tell which character is speaking. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this fun chance to listen to this audiobook and review it!

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Thank you to NetGalley and to MacMillan Audio for the ARC of Monstrous Nights by Genoveva Dimova.

I LOVED the first book in this series - Dimova is a new force in the folklore fantasy realm and I think she is so incredibly talented. I love the world she has created here, and, if anything, my largest complaint about this book is that it is too short. The first audiobook, Foul Days was about 3 hours longer, and I feel like Monstrous Nights needed the same treatment because there is so much happening here that I would have loved to have expanded upon.

In this book, we pick up 6 months after Foul Days, and Kosara is now one of the strongest witches in the city, though her 12 shadows are a bit more unruly than helpful. She is helping the people of the city with their ailments and issues, but for some reason the weather has been getting colder and colder, just like it does before the Foul Days usually begins. Kosara is brought to the scene of a murder of another witch who has had their shadow stolen, and she is once again looking to see who in the city is trying to cause trouble. Meanwhile, Asen is back in Belograd, and he too stumbles upon a similar witch murder, that leads him to his nemesis Konstantin Karaivanov, and then, back to team up with Kosara. From there, the adventure and murder mystery ensues.

Again, I wish this book was longer because there is so much happening and so much being taken on and resolved. Monstrous Nights does complete the duology. Kosara and Asen develop a lot as individuals (though I wish we saw more of them together) .I wish we got to spend more time with the other creatures and people of Chernograd -- I don't know, I guess I just wanted more of every part, generally.

I can't wait to see what Dimova releases next - she is a must read author for me now.

The audio is fantastic -- there is a part where Kosara's accent is influenced by her shadows and I loved the way that was represented by the narrator. It was the finer details that really made the story pop.

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I love dark, folklore inspired fantasies. I also love disaster sad-sack characters falling in love. So this duology is a win-win.

These were just some of my notes as I was reading and I feel like they sum up my overall thoughts pretty well:

-I think Dimova does such a remarkable job of blending dark folklore with humor and intrigue.
-There is a humorous edge to so many of these characters that I adored. And some really sweet, silly moments that made me laugh. It was a nice balance to the themes of grief and guilt that so many of these characters are experiencing.
-It's canon that they read monster romance! I love this for everyone involved.
-Kikimoras are a real bitch. Would not recommend.
-Look at all of these queer monster loving fools! I love them.
-I do wish there had been just a pinch more of romance. The slow burn really slow burned but I still wanted just a little bit more. (even like a little epilogue with them being sweet and happy.)

The narrators did a fabulous job with this book! (I ADORED that it was Dual POV)

Huge thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced audio!

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3.25 stars

🎧Audiobook🎧 is well-narrated.

OK. First-off, I absolutely loved the first book in this series! The world-building is creative, detailed and so well thought-out. In the first book, I found the characters truly likeable and they pulled on my heart-strings. I dashed through every adventure with them, hoping desperately for a solid (if not truly happy) ending. And though I had only read/reviewed *Foul Days* only ~6 months ago, I reread and re-enjoyed that book before beginning this second installation.

I was SO EXCITED to read this second book by Genoveva Dimova, until.......

The shift from a one-person to two-person viewpoint probably could have worked well in this book - if it wasn't THESE two characters!! Not only did the witch completely lose all of the personal development that she gained in the first book, but now the cop (whose viewpoint we see for the first time in the second book) is just as self-conscious, un-confident and whiny as she had been and now reverts to. I swear that the amount of adventure fades for the first half of this book, only to make way for an onslaught of "I will never be enough", "I'm so stupid" and "There is zero chance that they return my feelings" - from both of them. Honestly, it went on long enough to ruin my love for this series!

I'm glad that I didn't completely give up on reading this audiobook, as things did sort-of pick up in the last half or third. The magic gets more complex, as do the consequences. The reasons that I loved the first book somewhat faded back into the fold. That said, it wasn't a true redemption.

I know from experience that healing and personal growth are cyclical, but both of these characters lost both that and any pull on my heart-strings as they whined their way through the first half of the book. Any balance that may have been an illusion due to the one-person viewpoint disappears. And it created my perception that neither of these people were even mature enough to maintain any kind of relationship whatsoever. Basically taking what I perceived to be more of an adult first book, and reverting the second into the kind of popular romantasy and YA that I thoroughly avoid.

There are so very few fantasy and books these days that don't centre on romance, and I was so disappointed to see this series and this author be affected by the market in this way. Let's ditch the washing of all stories with romance to make them sell, and let fantasy and maintain adventures, with a possible side of relationships rather than being complete overtaken.

Huge gratitude to Netgalley and the publisher, Macmillan Audio, for an Audio-ARC of this book, in exchange for my (probably too) honest review. I really WAS so thrilled to receive this audiobook!!

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Loved it.

Super fun duology. I’d happily read 10 more.

It’s the perfect blend of humor and seriousness and action.

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what else Genoveva Dimova can cook up for future books.

Thanks to Tor and Macmillan Audio for providing me with an advanced copy and ALC to review! Can’t wait to add it to my shelf when it releases.

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Such a great finisher for the duology.

Kosara and Asen have been separated following the events of Foul Days as he returned to the other side of the wall and she's remained in Chernograd. However murders that leave witches beheaded and the unexpected early return of the foul days draws them together again.

Of course there's more mystery, detective work, and dangerous plans to preserve Chernograd and the realm of monsters.

Ultimately what stood out for me was the closure each of our main characters were able to achieve in this book in a way that allowed them to free and ready for each other. There's no spice, but I personally appreciate the slow, respectful burn of romance as the story is not centered on this relationship, it's just a nice garnish.

There's dashes of unexpected humor (the werewolf bookclub) throughout that add some levity to an otherwise fairly dark story. The inclusion of Slavic folklore into the fantasy also adds a little extra depth.

If you've enjoyed any Spinning Silver, The Bear and the Nightingale or the like, chances are you'll get a kick out of this duology.

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Genre: Slavic inspired fantasy

Six months ago, during the Foul Days (at the New Year when the Chernogradians hunker down inside with their vodka for a couple of weeks indoors while the monsters stalk their streets), witch Kosara and detective Asen trapped the Zmey, the terrible dragon-man monster, in the Wall that separates Chernograd and Belograd. The Wall is designed now to let humans through, but not monsters. Things should be relatively peaceful in Chernograd, but a cool summer and the creeping presence of monsters out of season have Kosara on alert for an early Foul Days.

For Kosara, a witch from Chernograd, the monsters are a part of her daily life: she ignores some and keeps a healthy distance from others, but also fosters relationships with her household spirits. Asen, the detective from Belograd, is still not used to the monsters, as the Wall has kept them away from his regular life, and to be honest, he’s still reeling from his first Chernogradian experience. But when something happens in Belograd, he knows Kosara is the only person he can turn to. (For my romance readers, there is just enough of a romantic thread between Kosara and Asen to hook you!) The character development while both Kosara and Asen sort out their pasts and try to navigate a future balances out a plot filled with monsters and peril.

I’m really impressed by the scope of this fantasy duology. I love Slavic folklore, and Dimova sets a strong, creepy, dark tone that makes you feel as if you should be reading this during a cold and stormy night, or with a glass of vodka in hand. The worldbuilding evokes an atmospheric setting of hard times with a dash of hope, common in Slavic tales. I, of course, cheered for the house on chicken legs, but also love that Dimova uses a huge range of the monsters (with a very helpful “Practical Guide to Monsters” in the back).

The audiobook is a dual narration by Tim Campbell and Zura Johnson, which is interesting because the first book is narrated only by Zura Johnson, and Foul Days is primarily Kosara’s perspective, whereas we get Asen’s perspective in this one as well. I highly recommend the audiobooks, but also recommend reading along with your eyes for the rich worldbuilding.

I can’t recommend this debut duology highly enough to readers who want a darker fantasy laced with Eastern European vibes and a touch of romance.

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Monstrous Nights is the witty, adventurous sequel to Foul Days with brilliant characters, pulse-pounding action, addictive writing, and magical creatures galore.

This series has my heart. I love the characters and their excellent development. The writing is elegant and beautiful. The romance is satisfyingly spectacular, and the pacing is lovely. The incorporations of Slavic monsters, cozy and dark fantasy, slow burn, and a snowy setting make this story the ultimate fantasy novel. I cannot recommend this series enough!

Tim Campbell and Zura Johnson narrated this audiobook wonderfully. The accents and depth they used fit the story perfectly, and their voices complemented each other very well. MN makes for a great audiobook listen!

Thank you to the publisher for the free ALC!

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4.5 ⭐️

Monstrous Nights is a perfect continuation of Foul Days —> if you liked Foul Days, I think it’s very safe to say you’ll enjoy Monstrous Nights. FYI there is a short 1.5 story you may also want to check out: Ace Up Her Sleeve. My goal is to always keep things as spoiler free as possible. Monstrous Nights (MN) delivers with more creatures, some may even switch “sides”, more magic, more slow burn tension, more mysteries to solve with Kosara. The audiobook for MN is just as enjoyable as it was for Foul Days (again, if you liked the 1st, you’ll like the second). Zura Johnson is joined by Tim Campbell for a dual POV narration. I zoomed through this book in less than a day. This duology has been one of my favorite reads of the year so far. I highly recommend checking it out.

Thank you, thank you so much for sharing this story with me NetGalley, Genoveva Dimova, and Macmillan Audio for this audiobook ARC.

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‘Foul Days’ was a 5 star read for me, and a must read before this sequel. We pick up six months later - Kosara and Asen are back, dancing around each other’s feelings, and once again trying to solve interlocking mysteries: who is killing witches and stealing their shadows? Why are monsters entering the human realm unexpectedly? And is the Zmey really vanquished?

The same vibrant Slavic inspired world building and fantastical creatures are back, and this sequel certainly carries on as strongly as the first in the series. The narrators of the audiobook also add much to the story in terms of accent, pronunciation, and character inflection, perfectly depicting the slightly darker atmosphere of this type of fairy tale. I thoroughly enjoyed being immersed in this world with these characters once again, and while the ending ties everything up in a very satisfying way, I am sad this is only a duology because I want more!

Thank you to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I've found that there are a couple of general approaches to a duology, the first is that there is one story split in half in each book, leaving readers hanging with nothing settled at the end of book one; the second is to tell a complete story in the first book and a second story in the sequel that are only tangentially connected. The author of The Witch's Compendium of Monsters does a magnificent job of a hybrid, where readers of Foul Days received a satisfying semi-conclusion with a teaser that there was more to be resolved. And in Monstrous Nights we get a complete resolution. There is more magic, more monsters, more of the slow-burn romance between Kosara and Asen, and more of a mystery to delve into. And I found myself enjoying this conclusion even more than the first book. This duology was a brilliant mix of folklore and urban fantasy and I hope to read more from this author in the future.
I read this book as an audiobook and the actors were excellent at narrating Kosara and Asen's stories. The voices of both actors enhanced the dual viewpoint in the tale and their emotions shone through making the story come alive.
I received advanced access to this audiobook thru NetGalley (for which I want to thank NetGalley and the publisher, Macmillan Audio) for an honest review. The opinion expressed here is my own.

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