Member Reviews

Rating 3.5-3.75 (I can't decide)

I've been wrestling with my rating on this one. I liked some parts but not others. It almost seemed like to different stories to me. But in the end I liked the second half of the book. I kinda see what MY was doing here, but think the execution could have been smoother with more depth. But again she did only have 192 pages or so to deliver the story. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Florence and Hades have had a physical relationship only, for ten years. No relationship at all but sex. They each have major Daddy and some Mommy issues. It's shaped each of them into who they are now. Both Fathers were very successful and intelligent businessmen. They were actual rivals in the business world and intermingled in the same social and financial circles.

And this is how Florance and Hades got "aquanted". They kind knew of each other as preteens to young adults. Florance was infatuated with Hades but was very careful of showing it as her father would have been furious. At eighteen she sent a note to Hades asking him to meet her in her hotel room. She convinced her father she was old enough at this point to have her own room. She lost her virginity to Hades at eighteen that night. Their sexual encounter was very intense and obsessive. So let me say upfront that their sexual relationship was very much on the erotica side. They each traveled with their Fathers for business as the Father's were training their children to take over as CEO's. Each father eventually passed away and they took over as CEO.

Whenever they were in the same city, or social circles/functions or had business together, they always ended up having sex. There was never any romance, no really conversation and no real relationship. Both have become successful CEO's. We pretty much only get the heroines point of view in this story. She is dealing with image issues and especially as a woman CEO. She feels a huge amount of pressure to put on a certain image. So each has decided to keep this secret as they are rivals. And this goes on for ten years. I had a problem with how long their sexual relationship lasted.

Well surprise, surprise on month after a recent hook-up Florence learns that Hades is getting married in a month. And all of a sudden she is furious and decides to confront him as his office. She goes off on him for not letting her know on their last hookup that he was engaged. She ends everything as he will be married and he see's no need for them to really stop their hook up's. That pissed me off that Hades had no problem with them continuing their relationship, but we will learn later why, wish it was made clear at the beginning, his thought process here. I did not like Hades for about a third or half of the book. I also struggled with liking Florence ,because like girl what the heck are you doing with this jerk. Oh and they have angry sex when she went off on him and let him have it. Florences says it's her good bye and last time, that was her thought process. 🙄

Florence runs away with her assistant and friend Sarah to Lake Como where her Mother has a home. She has to get away from everything and process her hurt. I think it was the day or so before Hades is to get married that her Mother and her are having a conversation and she's asking a lot of questions because Florence seems different. Well low and behold during the discussion her Mother asks her if she's pregnant and Florence realizes she is but has been ignoring/blocking all the signs.

She decides she will have to tell Hades before he marries. She arrives the day of his wedding and informs him and his bride that she will be having his baby. Well we begin to learn more about Hades from this point on. Florence becomes the bride that day as Hades insist they marry and his ex was fine as he compensated her with money. They were marrying for convenience. Hades because of a stipulation in the will from his father and the ex was more for money and fame.

From this point on we begin the "relationship" part of Hades and Florence. I have to be honest I was about to DNF this book but decided to stick with it. MY rarely fails me in her stories. So I pushed through and continued.

The last half was a good read. We see the development of who they are, what caused them each so much pain, dissatisfaction with life and their lives. It's a process of them finally communicating and opening up about their feelings. I learned to like Hades and understand him to a certain point. They each worked through their past and made some discoveries of who they really were individually and as a couple. They definitely got their HEA.

A few points I have to share

Ten years was wayyyy too long in my humble opinion.

This review was longer than I intended but again I really wrestled with this story and wasn't sure what I was going to write up for this book.

I didn't really like the first half. But see that maybe MY was luring us in and giving an outside view/perspective before delving into their emotions and feelings. I really am kinda guessing here, not sure. Wish it was a different first half, still thinking I didn't care for it.🤷🏻‍♀️

I would have liked more of Hades thoughts and feelings.

I appreciated how Florence evolved, grew and accepted who she really was and lived HER life.

I liked Hades towards the end.

I so appreciated that MY made each of them stay true to each other in 10 years. Especially Hades. Thank you Maisey Yates.

Nice epilogue and HEA for both of these poor souls who had terrible childhoods and parents.\

Oh one more thought. I would LOVE a story for Sarah, Florence's assistant and her half brother. Yes please.

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