Member Reviews

"Crude" can refer to a lot of things. It could refer to the oil pumped out of the rig that gets sabotaged in the opening chapters of this book. It could refer to the way the book's billionaire oil magnet/Elon Musk type protagonist views those who don't share his vision of how to save the world. Or it could be a reference to the author's own politics and writing style, which are so awful it feels like he's never read a novel himself and never given any critical thought to the issues he's chosen to engage with in his book. I do not give one star lightly! It's not because I don't share the author's politics or worldview, but because he has no understanding of character interaction, no idea how large companies are run, a conspiracists view of the media and a total lack of understanding on how the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution works. Or how the DEFCON system works for that matter. Or how people speak to each other. Or any critical thinking skills. Or how to properly end his book!

This is a harsh review because I don't want anyone to have to pay even the $0.99 to read this tripe. Please, please find other aspiring author's to give your attention to.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC copy. P

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A political thriller that read more like a MAGA novel. I couldn't get past that feeling of ick throughout this book. I would not recommend this book to anyone.

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This is my first Mike Bond book and it was an experience! Parts of it I really enjoyed and other times I was really scared. Parts of it were too lifelike.

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An interesting and political take on a possible path of the future. Although it seemed like it was definitely geared against the democratic party, I found it to be more of a story against big government no matter which party is in charge. The story is fast paced and has a lot of information being thrown at the reader so one must pay attention to what is happening. The main premise is a David vs Goliath type story - pitting one man and his company against big government. Not a bad read, and one that is sure to polarize the readers - you will either enjoy it or hate it.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book is straight out of today’s headlines! It begins with an American drilling rig blowing up in the south China Sea killing all on board except the geologist, then onward to Montana and an explosion of an oil and gas refinery killing all but one worker. Both are owned by Rawhide Energy who has been in business for 50 years and has never had any safety violations. From the Middle East to China, Russia, England and Washington, DC, 4 people are running for their lives trying to prove that both accidents were sabotage. This book may be fiction, but I’m sure there are plenty of facts or similarities to what is happening in our world today. I will tell you my eyes have been opened and I am disturbed and even disgusted even more with the current political views and the New York Times. It’s a very intense read!

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This thriller had potential but got bogged down in political rants that overshadowed the plot. It felt more like a commentary on current events than a cohesive story, which was pretty disappointing.

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After nine years and eight books, I'm starting to understand Mike Bond a little. A true contrarian and unconventional thinker, Bond consistently views the world from a different perspective, which contributes to his distinctiveness. He is drawn to characters who are solitary heroes with a clear, balanced outlook, often pitted against malevolent global conspiracies. This theme is particularly prominent in "Crude." The main character, Ross Bullock, who owns and operates Rawhide Energy—a major global energy firm started by his parents in Montana—finds himself in peril after voicing concerns about a potential global nuclear war instigated by self-interested politicians and the military-industrial complex. Suddenly, he becomes a target of the very powers he criticized, who seek to neutralize or eliminate him. It's a compelling narrative that resonates with our current era. And as Ross asserts, "The powerful are only powerful because we allow it."

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It's been a long time since I've stopped reading a book because of the blatant crap being spewed. It's sad that it's obviously MAGA agenda pushing lies that are disproven by actual facts. And it also grossly distorts other facts in typical MAGA fashion.

There was a lot of the story I was really enjoying that I tried to push through. Unfortunately it just got really bad. If the story was rewritten to focus on the fiction rather than the distorted view of recent political events, it would be a worthwhile read.

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The action was incredibly riveting and the characters extremely well defined.
Someone is trying to destroy Rawhide , a billion dollar world wide global company with
refineries and cutting edge oil production plants around the world.
But very political.
Too political for me.
I knew the content would be so but did not expect it to be as over the top, in my opinion, as it was.
I have liked several of his other books very much but this was just too much.
The story could have been told without the constant and much too repetitive political hammer to the head.

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Although this is a fictional novel, reading it felt as if I were reading or listening to the national news. This country is being run into the ground by its current leaders and hopefully Americans will begin waking up really soon! Thank you to Mr. Bond for such a true and insightful novel of today. I received an ARC from NetGalley, and the opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a good piece of political fantasy. The plot is based on the premise that the democrats and their president are war mongers set on destroying the world with a nuclear bomb. The story is told from multiple points of view of several characters. The setting is international from London to China. The story also features two couples finding love.

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This is a VERY timely novel. The infamous "Doomsday Clock" is set at 90 seconds. Ukraine is set to have a nuclear war & given the fact that they have the nuclear reactor, this could mean SERIOUS problems for the world. There is some serious campaign issues back here in the US & the President is at the heart of the issues. Can the word be saved, or are egos too big to pull us back?

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Suspend reality for a while and enjoy an action-packed thriller with a super hero, bad governmental leaders, and greedy private companies.

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A miserable, preachy attempt at a political thriller. By incorporating current events and leaders in the story, the author’s political opinions immediately play a direct part in the story. Maybe this is political thriller porn for MAGA types, but for this reader, it’s tiresome drivel that pales in comparison to the classics of the genre.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

The book was a nice read. I did enjoy it eventually. Took me a couple chapters to get into it.


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“Crude” will be a polarizing book. Even though it’s fiction, people with strong political opinions will latch onto the negative portrayal of Democrat presidential administrations (especially the current administration), abuse of power by government officials, the way the mainstream media distorts the truth, etc. and either think the criticism is warranted and love it or think it is “maga” propaganda, as some reviewers have asserted. The positive portrayal of Russia will also likely anger many.

However, an attentive reader will notice that the plot criticizes the actions of both Republican and Democrat administrations, as well as a wider condemnation of the governments, industries, and individuals who profit from war. And while the scheming and machinations in this story may be over the top, it cannot be denied that government officials and agencies have at times abused their power to protect and profit themselves, that the US has meddled in the affairs of other nations (often using practices that they condemn when used by other countries), that governments and the media distort the truth when it serves them, and that political and economic considerations influence policy decisions, sometimes to the detriment of the ordinary citizen, as citizens of many countries can attest.

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Mike Bond's Crude delivers an engaging, fast-paced thriller that successfully blends corporate greed, geopolitical tension, and the looming threat of nuclear war into a tightly woven narrative. From the opening sabotage of an offshore oil platform, the story takes readers on a whirlwind journey that touches on some of today’s most pressing global issues. Bond’s ability to keep the tension high from start to finish is one of the novel’s strongest features.

The plot revolves around geologist Liz Chaplin and Ross Bullock, the CEO of Rawhide Energy, as they unravel a chilling conspiracy that stretches from the oil fields to the highest levels of government. The stakes are high, and the action moves seamlessly from the South China Sea to Washington, D.C., creating a sense of urgency that pulls you in and keeps you hooked.

What I appreciated most about Crude was its timely relevance and the way it explored important themes like corruption, environmental impact, and the precarious nature of global peace. The political elements, while present, didn’t overshadow the story for me. Instead, they added depth and a sense of realism, making the thriller feel all the more grounded in today’s world.

If there’s one critique, it’s that the political undertones might feel a bit heavy-handed at times, but they didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the overall plot. For readers who appreciate a fast-paced, thought-provoking story with real-world stakes, Crude is a strong and satisfying read.

In the end, I found Crude to be a well-crafted thriller that delivers plenty of suspense and action, earning it a solid four stars. It’s a timely, gripping novel that will keep you thinking long after the final page.

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