Member Reviews

Such a beautiful love story. I loved reading this one. This author has yet to disappoint, I have loved all the books I have read from her.

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Robbi Renee’s ‘Somebody’s Husband’ delivers a touching exploration of love, loss, and the path to healing. The novel deftly navigates the intricacies of starting anew after devastating losses, making it stand out in the realm of romantic dramas. Both protagonists, Dr. Dresden Xavier and Harper Kingsley, find themselves connected through shared grief—each having lost a spouse to cancer. This shared experience forms the backbone of their unfolding relationship, transforming a professional medical research project into a personal journey of self-discovery and emotional healing.

The dynamics of Dresden and Harper’s relationship are complex. Dresden, grappling with his loyalty to his late wife’s memory, experiences a poignant struggle. His late wife’s wish for him to find love again resonates deeply, adding a layer of emotional depth to his character. Harper, on the other hand, supports her ex-husband through his illness, showcasing her strength and compassion despite their past.

A particular scene that struck a chord was when Dresden hears Harper’s voice while waiting during his daughter’s college orientation. This moment marks a turning point for Dresden, igniting a spark of new love that he is initially reluctant to pursue. Their subsequent lunch showcases the gentle unfolding of their bond, marked by mutual understanding and the tentative steps towards letting go of their pasts.

The title ‘Somebody’s Husband’ reflects the deep themes of the book identity, belonging, and rediscovery. It is a poignant reminder of the roles we play and how they continue to define us even as we seek new beginnings. Renee’s writing shines in her ability to weave significant social issues such as cancer awareness into the narrative, enriching the story with a realism that many will find relatable and enlightening.

This book is a heartfelt recommendation for anyone who appreciates a narrative that respects the complexities of moving on from loss while embracing the potential of new love. Robbi Renee has crafted a world where sorrow and joy coexist, leading to a fulfilling and thought-provoking read.

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I’m not crying you are! If you need a good therapeutic cry then this is for you. The grief and heartache the two MC’s shared was intense. Both faced a different type of loss but both had to face a new way of life. Beautiful!!

I’m sick and tired of these bratty Bebe kids always trying to mess up grown folks love stories! They are far too old to act like that! So I could definitely done without Hassan’s and Bryn’s behavior but I’m glad it was short lived.

What I didn’t not enjoy was the multiple POV from different characters alll in the same chapter and sometimes the same paragraph. It made things confusing at times and I had to re-read sections because the switch was so abrupt and I didn’t know whose POV it was.

Overall this was a great book. I enjoyed all of the heartache, growth, love and angst. But what happened to Vanessa? 😂

Thank you Black Odyssey Media for this Advance Readers Copy ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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I definitely cried, but I laughed too.

This story follows Dr. Dresden Xavier as he navigates the breathtaking loss of his wife,and how to love again without guilt.

Professor Harper Kingsley was feeling unheard and unseen for years, and enjoys the attention from Dr Feelgood. Can she get over the feeling of competing with the ghost of his Rosie?

Although I enjoyed following their beautiful love story it was a bit too heavy for me. It is a perfect fit for readers who enjoy emotional, character-driven romance novels that explore the complexities of love, grief, and personal growth, particularly those who appreciate stories about overcoming adversity and finding healing through human connection.

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Words can’t express what a truly beautiful love story makes you feel like on the inside. It makes me wish that every single person who wants to find this kind of love and happiness can and will. Highly recommended!!

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This was a good follow up to the Somebody's Wife series. I was totally wrapped up. Although, I was frustrated with the FMC a lot it was still good.

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Majority of the book was emotionally heavy due to both main characters dealing with grief. Dresden and Harper romance fell flat because so much time was spent of Terrance’s health and Dresden’s past with Nina. It was just too much. Things started getting interesting with Hasan and Bella situation but by then the book is over.

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Dresden & Harper both experienced a similar situations with their past spouses unfortunately. This book had me in literally tears at times because I it’s just unfortunate to love someone and lose them due to illnesses at so young 🥺 This book was so beautiful how they found each other and was finally able to breathe again. Love is so beautiful and to experience it twice in one lifetime is amazing! I definitely recommend this book to everyone but prepare yourself to shed a few tears 😭

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This was such a beautiful story on finding love after losing love. After losing his wife Nina who he affectionately called “Rosie” Dr. Dresden Xavier never thought he would find love until meeting Harper Kingsley. When they first met Harper’s husband was also dying from cancer. Life brought them together and it was so beautiful to watch them fall in love. But not only watching them fall in love but watching their heart heal through the love they found for each other

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I really loved this! Harper and Dresden had great chemistry and I enjoyed their journey together. Fantastic read.

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I loved Harper and Dresden was immediately inseparable. At one point, Dresden didn't even believe he could breathe again without his "Rosie" and there she was. Harper with her own life and things going with her brought them two together and it was beautiful. This was a cute story.

Thank you Netgalley for the gifted copy.

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