Member Reviews

When I was little, there was a saying that one white lie becomes two and three and then snowballs. Even when used to try and help, like Lucy tries to do can be harmful. Now she has fortune hunters wanting to court her. Hugo saw passed her lies but leaves England for awhile. As he returns sparks fly but trust is the overall hurdle. A lovely story with some subplots that cause the reader to feel lots of emotions waiting until the end. Beautifully written with likable characters. Part of a series but can be read alone

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Little lies can cause big problems. That is the moral behind this historical romance. Our kind hearted heroine unwisely told a lie to defend her father from a nasty gossip. Now that has followed her to London.
Our hero has a very protective streak, especially with the ladies under his care. He is a true gentleman in every way, even when he doesn't want to be.
We get excitement and a little danger along with our romance. Lovely characters and an interesting story.
The books in this series are stand alone so you can read in any order.
Good fun.

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Cringe worthy lie....

Lucy tells a cringe worthy lie...Hugh, the Earl of Dorchester overhears, but likes her anyway. Lucy and Hugh meet again in London. Hugh has all sorts of problems. He's sort of already promised to marry someone his father arranged for him. His sister is infatuated with someone unsuitable and Lucy is now his sisters bf.

Lucy's lie follows her to London and grows to attract fortune hunters and the like.
I really liked Hugh, a decent sort.
Lucy, not so much.

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A convenient misrepresentation of the facts becomes an inconvenient lie when the rumor that Lacy Kershaw is a wealthy heiress emerges. I loved that Lord Dorchester sees through Lucy's dissembling and recognizes her need to cover her family's shame. Seeing Lucy in London at the opening of the season, Hugh is on his guard against her, as he is not sure whether she is capitalizing on the lie or whether malicious gossipers have spun the rumor out of control. Unfortunately, the gossip attracts the attention of the wrong sort of man, and despite his own promise to marry a neighbor, Hugh and his best friend come to Lucy's rescue. There is more than one plot intertwined in the main narrative of this novel, but they all come together at the conclusion of the book with only the nose of the perpetrator of gossip being out of joint. I received a copy of this enjoyable romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Falling for the Earl by Maggi Andersen is the second in the Improper Ladies series. Hugh Fairburn was called away from France when his father died and he became Earl of Dorchester. Early in his sojourn back into society he met a young woman named Miss Lucy Kershaw, who was speaking up to two society matrons, correcting what she viewed as misinformation. He was enchanted, but knowing he was betrothed to Miss Isabel Ashton and had been for years, their fathers had arranged it, he moved on. When her met Lucy again in London he was just as enthralled, but not only had Miss Ashton to contend with, but also his sister and his failing mother. His sister was enthralled with a most unsuitable man and Hugh felt like he needed to keep an eye on that situation. He involved both Lucy and his friend, Hugh, who he thought would make Sarah a much superior husband.

Hugh was nothing if not honorable. When presented with the situation in which her could ruin Lucy, he stubbornly refused despite her assurances that it was what she wanted. She had proven very helpful with Sarah as she was eminently sensible and his betrothal had been broken, but he still hesitated. He was an excellent character. There were plenty of twists and turns on the road to happiness for this couple. It was an intriguing novel, full of duty and yet plenty of room for love. I enjoyed it tremendously. Thanks, Maggi Andersen!

I was invited to read Falling for the Earl by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #MaggiAndersen #FallingForTheEarl

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Lucy Kershaw has just told a lie to two spiteful ladies. Her father is not, as she said, the heir to a marquessate. Lucy hopes it is quickly forgotten, even though the handsome Earl of Dorchester overhears her. In London, the news has already spread, and suitors and fortune hunters rush to present themselves to her aunt. Fearing it will all fall down like a house of cards, Lucy just wants to go back to Bath. But she is surprised to have a sympathetic ear in Lord Dorchester, who dances with her at a London ball and introduces her to his sister. Lucy is drawn to him, although she knows he is betrothed.
When Hugh Fairburn, Lord Dorchester, comes across a lady at a ball, he is immediately taken with her. Despite the fact that he just heard her telling a blatant lie. Years ago, his father arranged for him to marry the neighbour’s daughter once she emerged from the schoolroom. Hugh joined the army. Then his father died, and the chance to overturn his decision on Hugh’s marriage died with him. He remains honour-bound to keep his father’s promise
A well written book, which I read in two sittings, I really liked both Hugh & Lucy & thoroughly enjoyed their journey to a HEA. I wondered how the author would bring that about as Hugh was so honourable. Their journey was strewn with problems & obstacles, which added to my enjoyment.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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The sizzle, the suspense, the banter, the denial of feelings it was all a great recipe. And those intimacy scenes, super romantic and steamy.

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This slow burn romance was an engaging read. Hugh, Lord Dorchester, had been in an arranged betrothal since childhood. He always intended to honor the agreement. However, now that the young lady is about to be of marriable age, he has some concerns. Lucy likes the earl but understands that he is off limits. She has many worries of her own and she wishes that life could simpler.
The situations of Hugh and Lucy are both complicated. The main question ends up being whether or not Hugh will be able to disentangle himself from his unwanted betrothal before Lucy is lost to him forever. It is definitely a nailbiter. Of course, everything finally comes to a happy conclusion.
This story is not so much about the romance, but rather the path taken to get there. I would have liked this book even better had the lead couple have had the opportunity to interact more. I received a free ARC on NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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Lucy has one chance at a season. When the ton erroneously thinks she will soon be an heiress suitors flock around her. Hugh knows this is not true but still remains fascinated by her. However, Hugh feels duty bound to honor his deceased brother’s betrothal that was made between families. Will he choose duty or love? I received an ARC from NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for my honest review.

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Hugh comes home from the army to accept his title and prearranged betrothal.
He encounters Lucy in Bath defending her father with lies but he is taken by her looks and smile.
A struggle to overcome the marital issue and gossip within the ton hinders the development of their relationship.
Unexpected problems crop up endangering lives.
Light reading with a couple of intimate scenes.

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