Member Reviews

This is the fifth book in the series, so I’m not sure how to talk about it without giving too much away. A lot happens in this book! But I will say that I absolutely loved it. This series just keeps getting better and better.
The story picks up six months after the events of the last book, which ended on a huge cliffhanger. Luckily, the author doesn’t keep us waiting long before we start getting answers to all the questions left hanging at the end of the previous book. The stakes keep getting higher and higher with each book, and this one is no different. There’s so much action, and the pacing is absolutely perfect. With all the politics and moving parts in this book, the pacing needed to be fast, and it totally works.
Since this is the fifth book in the series, we can really see how much Paige has grown as a character. She’s a lot less impulsive than she was in the previous books. This might also be due to the author revising the earlier books. I originally read the earlier version, and it was a bit jarring to see how different Paige is in this book, but not in a bad way. She’s grown up a lot, which makes sense, considering everything she’s been through in the previous books.
There’s also a lot of character development for the other characters. The relationship between Paige and her friends keeps growing stronger with every challenge they face together. And the ending! It was bittersweet and satisfying, especially compared to the previous book. No painful cliffhangers this time.
Overall, this was such a great continuation of the series! I loved this installment so much, and I’m so excited for the next book! The author has truly found a way to keep things fresh and exciting, and I’m looking forward to seeing where the story goes next. If you’ve been following this series, you won’t be disappointed. If you haven’t started yet, now is the perfect time to dive in!
Thank you so much to the publisher, NetGalley and the author for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Net Galley for the ability to read this ARC
What can we say. If you made it this far into the series then you know what you are in for because we are finally at book 5... Like every book that we get this one is so much more. We finally get to the free world. And I have been wanting this for some time. So color me very happy.
This book is more political than the other ones so be wary of that if that is something you are looking forward to...at least I was exited for this.
Paige and our friends (or enemies) are in for more adventures.
Overall I don't want to give too much because I don't want to spoil it but I cannot wait for book 6 and 7 after this one.
Please enjoy this book.

A great continuation to an amazing series! This was my most anticipated release for 2025. I have completely fallen in love with these characters and this story from the very start of The Bone Season. That isn't to say that I didn't go into this book unbiased.
So here is what I will say about book 5. The start of The Dark Mirror was a bit slow. There was a lot more telling rather than showing. That was a bit of a drag although, I understood that it was necessary to catch the readers up that read book 4 when it first released (I binge read the first four books all together). This story has a lot of moving parts, which is one of the things I enjoy most about this story, so it made sense to give readers a recap. However, the story doesn't lag there for long. Very quickly (like after 5 or 6 chapters) we are back to the fast paced, gripping action that is The Bone Season series. We have new characters to love and hate and some of our old favorites come back (and boy did I miss them). The story is set in a new location with new history and language to add to the tone of book 5. I really enjoyed the new governing council's interruption into the plot. It was enough to give me angst but not so much that it didn't make any sense.
While the story is not really about romance, we know that some is offered and I am a HUGE Arcturus and Paige fan! So it was no surprise that the way their relationship progressed in this one had my feet kicking and me bouncing around in my seat!! However, with that being said, I do wish we could get that whole thing more solid already. By the end of book 5, the two were still half in half out in a way. I assume that was done to keep the tension in the future books but after this long, I feel like this thing needs to either grow or die.
All-in-all this one was not my favorite of the series but I still absolutely loved it and I am looking forward to the following books.

I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

I enjoyed taking my time with this. All the twists and turns had me anxious and excited. I also loved all of the homages to the underworld, Greek mythology, and religion. I’m also extremely excited that the miscommunication did not last long, otherwise this review would have been very different. But again Samantha Shannon leaves me in awe not only with her prose, but her story line and characters. The characters arcs continue to amaze me ❤️

It's been four years since I last read a new Bone Season series novel, but The Dark Mirror was worth the wait. I genuinely intended to spend my time savoring the latest chapters of Paige's story, since I know it'll be some time before we get the next one. But the moment I read the first few pages, I was sucked right back into this saga and inhaled the entirety of this 500+ page book in basically one sitting. It's just that good, y'all, and I'm still trying to make sense of all of the ways this book made me feel.
Once again, Samantha Shannon's well-crafted prose and engaging storytelling worked in tandem to capture my attention completely. I was so deeply immersed in this tale that I barely surfaced to do stuff in real life while I was reading! I really liked the way that this one combines espionage, action, travel, politics and relationships; I'm particularly fond of the confrontational scenes, as I usually never really take notice of them but I like the way this author writes them. Written with a masterful hand and a readable style, the narrative was very strong in both the entertainment factor and the actual series development.
I've already alluded to it, but I didn't realize how much more of the world we had yet to learn about until I read The Dark Mirror. But Samantha Shannon clearly spent a lot of time thinking about these details for the series because there's such vivid, intelligent additions (yet again) to the base knowledge we already had for the series and its lore. Whether it's through actual character experiences, brand new locales or shared on the page revelations, there's simply more added in this installment, and I was fascinated and soaking it all up with every new lore drop.
But you know what eclipses the incredible aspects I've already mentioned? It's, without a doubt, the character (and relationship) development. I've been such a big fan of Paige Mahoney since we first met her in The Bone Season and to be able to continue to follow her, five books in, is really special. She's undergone so much since that first incident on the train, and I appreciate the fact that Samantha Shannon has never shied away from showing us the effects of her choices, the influence of her history and the way her circumstances shape her attitudes. It's both heartbreaking and awe-inspiring (depending on the moment, of course), and I continue to be impressed by how this character is portrayed.
It's really wonderful to get the opportunity to see Paige among friends again. This is one of my favorite things for sure about the newest installment, the fact that we get to see how her connections to certain familiar faces (some of whom are among my favorite individuals in the series) are developed, and how deeply the characters care for one another. There are even some new individuals in play, each of whom had fascinating things to add to the already existing relationship dynamics (and also come in to wreck what we thought we knew). Of course, I'll also have to mention that I have a soft spot for the romance (as I always have) and the moments we get in this book are some of my favorites of the entire series!
Of course, this wouldn't be a Bone Season book if it didn't end with some explosive, intense action that leads to an unexpected turn of events that sets the stage for the next book. Even though I was braced for it, I still can't quite believe where the next book is going to start for Paige... but I also cannot wait to get my hands on that part of the story and find out what happens next. The Dark Mirror is every bit as excellent as the other books in The Bone Season series, and I imagine many other long-time fans will enjoy this one as much as I did!

Paige Mahoney is the character of my heart, and everyday I’m so thankful that she exists in my favorite ongoing series. While she never seems to catch a break for long, The Dark Mirror reminded me that Paige and her crew always come back, stronger than before, because they are together.
Paige is tested more than ever before in this 5th installment. More than one government/secret agency are chasing her heels, and to make matters worse my girl has been given white aster aka a substance that causes amnesia. I was stressed from the get go.
While we were introduced to another country, Paris, under Scion rule in the previous book, The Dark Mirror passes through four countries on page in the free world beyond Scion, and I was EATING. IT. UP. The political complexities between Scion, free world, and secret societies were perfectly delicious, and I loved getting to see modern technologies like the Internet (albeit different name and not controlled by Scion) and even jeans (yes, jeans!) exist in this dystopian world. It was a top contender for my favorite part of this novel because it introduces even more players into this fight for clairvoyants and the free world’s survival.
Now the best part of this book? Paige’s loved ones reuniting with her to support her. The Mask Falling was a very secluded installment for her and Arcturus, so it was necessary to have her found family alongside her to face enemies and help regain her memories. Plus, these characters added their own depth to the politics because they’ve been in other countries fighting Scion.
Paige is in Italy for the most part, and I’ve actually traveled to Naples and Capri. The latter city in particular was a WILD ride because Chapter 12 is indescribable. Coming to terms with my own memories of the island and Paige’s experiences was… interesting. I’ve included photos of my travels for anyone curious.
In terms of Arcturus and his fate… I need a whole OTHER post with spoilers to talk about his role in The Dark Mirror. The only hint y’all get is lots of tears were shed.

As always, Samantha Shannon had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Continuing to follow Paige's story, this time in the free world, so much more was revealed, and yet I still have so many questions in the best way possible. I loved that in The Dark Mirror, though it was overall dark like the rest of the series, Shannon still managed to add such an amazing and believable love story. I will never stop recommending this series, and this book just adds to that, with every book being better than the last.

While the premise was nice, the writing was... not what I expected. I wanted more from the characters because I felt that what was on the front cover and the front flap was not what we were given.

The Bone Season series is a Dystopian Urban Fantasy set in an alternate near future Europe. Our FMC Paige Mahoney has been through so much in her resistance to “No Safer Place” Scion. I’ve loved every book in this series. I recently read Song Rising( book 3 ) and Mask Falling (book 4) assuming I would be ready for a break before tackling this new installment, but after that cliffhanger ending I was so thankful I was able to dive right into this eARC ( thanks @bloomsburypublishing and @netgalley).
While I won’t attempt to summarize the plot here, I will say that these books have it all. There is great characterization, interesting world building and a fast paced plot where our resistance fighters do everything from heists to spying to tense prison breaks.
It’s impeccably written, but don’t let the size intimidate you. These are not “priory of the orange tree” complicated. The story is immersive and the action keeps you engaged all through Paige’s single point of view.
Her complicated romance with Warden is my favorite aspect of the series. These two have been through so much. They deserve some brief rest and happiness but they keep missing opportunities.
I loved every minute of The Dark Mirror.

This was such a wild ride! I felt all of the feelings in this book and I cannot wait to see what happens with Paige and Warden and the crew in the next book. The world building as always was so well done and it made you feel like you were with the characters during each event the went through.

Truly one of the best fantasy series out there, Samantha Shannon continues to build not only the intricate world started with the Bone Season, but taking us further into the lives of these characters we love.
Paige has been through so much, and you think she can't endure more...but she does. Everything about this book feels like your heart is slamming in your chest, waiting for some moment of peace. Truly, even with years between books, the investment doesn't drop. The revolution and the battle for humanity continue...and you're probably going to cry about it. There's so much vulnerability in Paige, and I think it's what makes her sympathetic even when she's frustrating.
Another accomplishment of epic proportions...where can we possibly go next?

You know that feeling when you're caught up in a series and you're like "now what do I do"
I honestly feel like restarting the whole series and going again. This is such an addictive, engaging world and I want to be in it all the time. Paige and Warden have grown SO much in this series and I love how each book is so different from the last but they all make sense in the grand scheme of things.
The Dark Mirror takes us into the free world and out of Scion, with the majority of the action happening in Italy. I loved bringing the outside world into play and seeing a little bit how Scion has been controlling the population. Even though this is the fifth book in the series it feels like it's gone by in a flash.
Absolutely a must read for readers of fantasy, there's so much to love about The Bone Season series and Samantha Shannon keeps giving us banger after banger.

“The night we met, I saw your face and knew that you could be the end of me. This night, I fear the same.”
Hi it’s me again. Here to scream at you to READ THIS SERIES!!!
Seriously though, have you read THE BONE SEASON yet? Because it is a wild ride and THE DARK MIRROR (book 5 of the series) is a rollercoaster of emotions. I gasped out loud. I squealed with delight. I wanted to punch a certain villain in his gd face. I swooned. And I mourned.
I will be sending Samantha Shannon my therapy bills until I get my hands on the currently untitled (and still being written) Book 6. ABSOLUTELY. I’ve been collecting them to invoice her since finishing TDM back in October. How dare she leave me hanging like that?!
The fact that it’s been 4 months since I finished this book and am STILL thinking about it should tell you everything you need to know. The world building is incredibly rich and detailed. The side/supporting characters are fully developed. The villains are ones that you love to hate.
And then there is the FIVE book love story. There is so much yearning and longing throughout this series. The declarative words of love feel like something Jane Austen would write.
All the forehead kisses to @bloomsburyus for sending me a #gifted eARC. The shriek of joy I let out after receiving that email woke Ace up from his nap!
THE DARK MIRROR comes out February 25!
Which means if you haven’t started THE BONE SEASON yet, GET A COPY TODAY!
Okay I’m done yelling now…. Until I think about this series again… or see someone I know reading this series… or we get an announcement about TBS6. Then the yelling will commence!
Just writing all this has me wanting to do a reread….

My Rating: 5 stars
If Samantha Shannon has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Samantha Shannon has only one fan then that is me. If Samantha Shannon has no fans, then that means I’m dead.
All that to say Samantha Shannon owns my very soul and I will read (and love) everything she ever writes.
Years after reading the original edition of the mask falling, I finally get my answers about Paige and Arcturus, resulting in a book that both made me want to tear out my hair at points and giggle and kick my legs in glee at others. This book series is a fantastic joy to experience and one I think of often, and the Dark Mirror did not disappoint. Probably my favourite since the first, the mixture of Paige finally, truly, accepting herself and coming into her own, Arcturus’ entire plot line (no spoilers), the Ranthen finally seeming to understand humans in a not terrible way, and all the characters I’d missed and loved returning in wonderful ways.
I can’t wait to see more of Scion and the free world, and how all these connecting groups and people work together to take Nashira down. That being said, please let my babies have some moments of joy and peace at last, Samantha. What do I need to give you for the final book just to be Paige and Arcturus together, 6 of the 7 seals having coffee and fun, and Maria and Verča
just having fun romantic moments on the side, with all the Sargas loyalists and Jax completely out of the picture?
And seriously, who is Paige’s mom??? I don’t know how long it will take for the next book, but know however long it is I will be eagerly awaiting whatever comes next!

This is such an amazing dystopian fantasy series and book 5 did not disappoint! This book was such a wild ride with so much action, political intrigue , and suspense!

My mixed feelings about the last few books aside, I have to give credit to this series because my reading mojo has been whack for a long time. And yet I blitzed through four of these books in a week (three of them in two days) so, yeah, I'm happy about that.
I'm also happy about where we've left things with this instalment. I have to believe (I h a v e t o) that our two main protagonists have finally kissed and made up for the last time. There was a lot of good progress made and even though they are separate at the end of book five it's for good and well-communicated reasons. For once.
Something I'm also happy about? Jaxon. I can't believe I'm saying this but he really, actually -- for once! -- made this story better. I have to believe he will one day fail to be fourteen steps ahead of everyone and constantly getting away with his psychotic bullshit but nevertheless.. I found his machinations and double crosses almost endearing. Especially when stacked up against all the other characters double and triple crossing each other or being double and triple agents for this that and the other organization (like holy shit enough I cannot keep this straight). Things are almost too big and convoluted now that we've entered the world stage vs just London or just Paris.
Which leads me to my first complaint of the day. The first half of this book? I couldn't really care much for it. There were too many long passages and discussions about background or past information and goings on, descriptions of places, meetings with certain figureheads, and I was pretty done with it. Like immediately. I worried I really might have found my end with this series -- especially with those rough early scenes between Paige and Warden before they figured their shit out, the double whammy was too much! But the latter half did bring things back together. And I'm glad for that.
It's hard to speculate on what comes next, and that's made even harder because I'm only so invested at this stage, but hopefully by the time we get some information about book six I'll have some excitement back for what awaits.
Overall, though, I can see why so many people are fans of this series and these characters. Maybe by the end of it all I'll even be one of them.

In this highly anticipated fifth instalment of the Bone Season Series, Paige Mahoney has been kept prisoner, all her memories of the last six months wiped. Paige finds herself outside of Scion at last but with no idea where she is, how she got there, or who to trust. She reunites with an old friend and gets in touch with the Domino programme once more. Domino sends Paige to Venice to help unravel Scion's top secret new plan. In her investigations to Operation Ventriloquist Paige finds out that Arcturus has also been imprisoned for the last six months by the Sargas and his intel may be the exactly what Domino needs to save Italy from the Anchor.
The Dark Mirror is an exciting new instalment of the Bone Season Series full of action, suspense, intrigue and intimacy.

Another fascinating read! The story follows the plot seamlessly. Perfect! It's hard to write a review without posting spoilers, but Samantha Shannon is a fantastic author. Thank you for the chance to read this.

Okay WHERE DO I EVEN START WITH THIS? I’m literally sitting here and going - okay SAM. On the other hand I’m pounding my fists against the ground.
While you don’t HAVE to reread the previous books I do think that a quick refresher might be helpful if you don’t remember everything. Shannon does leave little tidbits to remind you of things that have previously happened to help spark your memory. So even if you don’t, those should be enough.
I’m still flabbergasted the timeline has only been a YEAR. Poor Paige. I love her so much.
I love her story in this book, and I am REALLY excited for her story in the next book. So much happens in this one, plot lines from previous books are wrapped up, and yet new ones also begin.
There is a lot to admire in this book, and I feel like it’s hard to contain in one review - but I’m going to try my best.
This book deals with the theme of trauma very intensely. While it is mostly centered on Paige and Arcturus, we do get to see bits and pieces of how others have handled their trauma. And it’s all different types too.
One of the things I loved about this book was how delineating the line is between Scion and the Free World. But as in one moment during this book Paige points out some people look away even when danger is right on the doorstep. She implies that you can’t bury your head in the sand.
There is a staggering amount of super emotionally charged scenes in this book between all the different characters. I loved getting to see Nick and Maria and Paige together. And I adored Verca.
On top of that there are a few new characters who come to the table, and I’m definitely guessing we’ll be seeing more of them in the future.
This was a fantastic installment in this series, and I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next book.