Member Reviews

Literally every recipe has me drooling I can’t wait to test these out and devour them! I’ve already ordered ingredients for three recipes!

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This book was very informative for anyone facing bariatric surgery or even on a weight loss journey. It has great recipes to add variety to meal planning. The beginning of the book helps you to understand many things about the process of after surgery.

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Let me begin by saying that I have in fact had Bariatric surgery and am over a year and a half post op by the writing of this review.

This book does give a nice bit of information that echoes what is provided by many Bariatric centers at this time, although some of it there are also opposing viewpoints, so I do agree with the notation in the beginning to take the book with you and discuss anything that conflicts with your particular Bariatric center guidelines because they often vary about many things.

The recipes were pretty decent and minimal in ingredients. It is very helpful that the general macros are there- I do want to call out that there were a few that mentioned using essential oils, please do not do this. Use baking extracts instead, if you want to use these flavorings. Essential oils should not be ingested, even if the company who makes them says they're safe.

Another thing I was not a fan of was the mention several times of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). A Bariatric Cookbook is not the place for mentioned what is needed for a psychiatric disorder.

Unfortunately since reviewing this on a Kindle, I am unsure if there are photos. I see the formatting has symbols that appear to be where a photo would make sense to appear.

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This book includes a lot of great recipes. I look forward to making some of these recipes in the future.

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Absolutely loved this!! So many great recipes and so much helpful advice. I’m 18 months post bariatric bypass and 60kgs down and I can’t wait to make some of these recipes! Thank you so much

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I received a free ebook copy from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

I had bariatric surgery several years ago, and I've been looking for a good cookbook that helps balance the very specific nutritional needs of a weight loss surgery patient with the desire to still eat delicious food, but unfortunately, I don't think this is it.

There is a lot of useful information about WLS and immediate surgery aftercare, which is helpful. Unfortunately, there are no pictures or calorie/protein count with the recipes, which is crucial to planning meals for bariatric patients. The pictures are just a preference thing, but I can't really enjoy a cookbook without them.

So I'll have to keep looking for a decent WLS cookbook. The hunt continues!

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This cookbook was super helpful! I wish it had pictures to go with the recipes but a lot of them sounded really good and the couple I tried were easy and pretty tasty.

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Looked at this book on NetGalley. I’ve never had this surgery but have a family member that has so thought it might be interesting to learn more. I was interested in the recipes but doubt I’ll make any of them. Wish there was photos of the completed recipes.

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There's a lot to read here before you get to the recipes. Some of it is very useful and some less so but I appreciate the effort to provide information across the spectrum of people with bariatric needs. I do think there are a couple of definitive statements that are not accurate for every bariatric program and that can be misleading because so many programs are different but that's a small quibble. The recipes are good and easy to follow.

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I've not had bariatric surgery, but always on the lookout for some healthy, low calorie recipes. Whilst it does have some recipes, there are no pictures with them, but I always think is nice to be able to see what you are cooking! The recipes are sorted by mealtime/occasion and there is a good selection. They seem easy to follow and are fairly easy to cook, with not too many high cost meals. It does feel a bit American though with US spellings, ingredients and measurements of cups rather than grams/ounces. I read this on the Kindle, but did find the formatting in the recipes quite difficult to follow, so would recommend the book version. It was an okay cookbook, and if you are undertaking bariatric surgery then you may find it useful as there is lots of information regarding the surgery at the beginning.

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This book is informative, thorough & easy to follow. While there are not a ton of recipes included they all sound healthy, delicious, and nutritious. Unfortunately there are no images, which I personally prefer in recipe books, the inclusion of nutritional information is a valuable addition. I think this would be especially beneficial for individuals who have recently undergone bariatric surgery or are considering it and would like to understand what their journey may involve.

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Greta book. Easy to follow and to the point. I do wish It had more recipes. Highly recommend. I haven’t had bariatric surgery and don’t qualify but I was looking for healthier food options.

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I read this book as someone who is always on the lookout for low calorie recipes, rather than someone who has had bariatric surgery, and from this perspective, my findings were as follows:

The book starts with information and advice for those who have had surgery, then moves on to recipes, first come the smoothies / shakes (wonderful to noted that chocolate is still on the menu!). We move on to breakfast with choices such as oatmeal prepared the night before in a slow cooker, also pancakes, quiche and muesli (amongst many others). The next chapter covers sides and it is wonderful to see lots of appetising vegetable dishes (including veg inspired pasta substitutes!). Dinner follows in the next chapter with international dishes included. Gratifyingly, desserts are also featured, included delicious- sounding fudge brownies

This book doesn't include illustration, but nutritional information is helpfully featured..

Overall, this is a book that is some to inspire many whilst consistently promoting good choices.

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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