Member Reviews

A Stolen Kiss is a well written Amish romance. I enjoyed the plot and the character dynamics. I recommend this book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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A STOLEN KISS took me by surprise with how much it touched my heart. I was intrigued by the concept of a “forced marriage” because of a simple kiss and was interested in how it would all play out. In the end, the storyline flowed quite nicely and the “forced marriage” was understandable. LeEtta had my heart. She was such an incredible character. I loved her sweet and caring nature and she’d a tear or two over everything she went through. Ben, on the hand got my motor running over his stubbornness and stupidity. I wanted to throttle him but then just as quickly he won me over when he got out of his own head. This book kept me engaged. I truly enjoyed it. I’m giving A STOLEN KISS the judy.ann.loves.books stamp of approval , TBR and Enjoy!

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Five stars from me.
As always I love a good Mindy Steele book and she hasn't let me down yet.
This was a fantastic read that I just finished. I enjoyed if very much.
God's timing and plan are very much a part of this story. It reminds us of our purpose here in life whether we are Amish or English.
LeEtta is an usual name but a pretty one. I've really enjoyed in getting to know her and Ben too.
Love does find us doesn't it? No matter where we are at. Love is a gift from God as is family and friends.
I really hope that Mammi Iola gets her chance too. She deserves her chance as well as everyone else
The one I loved especially was Onieda. She's a gentle soul. And a very wise woman. I loved how she put a certain someone in his place.
I also liked how Steele shows us that time does heal all wounds. Time has a way of doing that you know.
I loved every minute of this story and yes sometimes it made me laugh and hold my breath.
I highly recommend!
My thanks for a copy of this wonderful novel. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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I enjoy all books by this author and A stolen kiss was no exception.. LeEtta was raised by her dad, her mom died at her birth. She had lived a shelter life her dad keeping her close to home and watching out for her, so at twenty-two she had not dated let alone kissed. Ben had came to visit his grandparents and work to save money for his own farm, when he's walking a wooded trail he runs into LeEtta after introducing themselves he ask to walk with her home and she agreed.. Little did they know this walk home would change both their lives. I really loved reading this book, it kept me interested and wanting to read more.. I'm glad I was given the chance to read it by Netgalley and I wasn't required to leave a review it was of my own.
#Netgalley #MindySteele #Stolenkiss

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Entertaining Christian romance that was predictable, but still enjoyable. Picking a book like this, the reader usually has expectations, and the author doesn’t disappoint. The stereotypes are there, but a few exceptions, and the way they play out make for a good, quick read.

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Can a kiss change your life? Yes when it is an Amish couple, La Etta Miller and Benuel Ropp had first seen each other across the aisle at church, Benuel was new to the area and LaEtta was a native, she thought Benuel was cute with his dark hair and bright blue eyes.

But LaEtta was motherless and not popular with the boys, except 15 year old Jonah, a young teen. Benuel had gotten in trouble with the wrong crowd, he had been disinherited and was working for a pig farmer.

LaEtta saw Benuel by her house and they walked around her land and stopped to talk and admire the animal - shaped clouds. LaEtta and Benuel moved closer together and LaEtta on impulse kissed Benuel ! They drew apart, but Jonah was spying on LaEtta and he told LaEttas' father that they were kissing and cuddling and they had to get married!

Benuel said that LaEtta kissed him on impulse and that they did not do anything else, they barely knew each other!

But Amish custom said they had to get married so they did.....

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