Member Reviews

Petra earns her way into servitude in the Cloistered City, run by their emperor, the societies elite, and all-powerful captains called the Shivarly, in order to discover how her brother truly died.

Not believing her brother would take his own life, she finds every opportunity to advance into his previous role, to get to the bottom of what she assumes is his murder. Doing so places her in the path of a Shiv captain who seems less than happy to participate in the overt abuse towards the indentured slaves of the city. In her grief at finding him aware of her brothers death and a dose of ethereal magic, she binds them together for all eternity, much to both of their horror. How will he be able to maintain his vows to his city, as well as the new addition to his life?


This book had so much potential to be a fantastic fantasy series. She laid down an intriguing world, shady characters, a conniving emperor, and wove stories of magic and myths through it. Then she cut it off at the legs.

I was astounded when the book ended where it did. It felt like she was just fleshing out the main characters and their motivations. We were going to see the impact of their time in Mynydd when they returned to the Cloistered City, and get the political fallout, experience the adjustment to life with their own roles and responsibilities, and see their love story develop. Instead, it just ends. I would have loved to see how a character like Rand works to dismantle the oppressive society he lives within, as he so clearly wants to do. How they live with the fourth Shivalry captain meddling about and his horrible ways. How the emperor responds to his plans being foiled and the complex nature of the Sacred/Sacrifice. As well as Petra finding her place in her new role and a society that is loathe to embrace her.

Having this as a standalone makes the lack of continuation in the development of the novel, stunt its overall impact. If this was a first book? I would be thrilled to wait to read a second or third. As this is all we get? It's lacking so so much. Why are there so many loose ends? Why was her brothers death solved so quickly and without any further reprocussions? What about his friends and colleagues? Why do we not get more of the slavery and shady politics that are immersed in her role in the garment house and as a courier? Why do we not get more of the emperor? There's bread crumbs everywhere in the story that elude to grander things and background history, yet none of it is explored in any depth. The magical and sacred garden is just a blip in the storyline, but so much more of the world could have been explained through how and why they have access to the Vale, and what the purpose is.

Due to the gaps, instead of being left satisfied by mystery and intrigue, we've let to discover, I find myself disappointed. Other than that, the book was well written. The voice carried through beautifully, and the pace was quick and exciting. I did find Petra a bit annoying with her jumping to conclusions about who could be involved with her brother and to what extent, and in the end, what seemed to be her driving force just dying off the second she solved how he passed. Other than that, I loved it, and honestly, I hope the author decides to pursue turning this into a trilogy so she can flesh out some of those unanswered questions.


Thank you, NetGalley and Bree M. Lewandowski - for the digital ARC copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was really looking forward to diving into Sanctuary by Bree M. Lewandowski, given its intriguing premise. Unfortunately, this debut fell flat for me.

From the outset, I struggled to connect with Petra, the protagonist. Her introduction into the emperor's service felt forced and lacked the depth I was hoping for. The early chapters were filled with a sense of isolation as Petra barely interacted with anyone. Even her first encounter with the male lead was underwhelming.

While I understand that the book might appeal to others, Sanctuary simply didn't resonate with me. I found myself skimming through pages, waiting for something to spark my interest. Perhaps the story will pick up later on, but based on my experience, I'm afraid I won't be continuing the series.

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This was a hard slog of a read. I was unable to empathise with any o f the characters. The world that it was set in seemed based in the Far East. There was no character development and the ending was rather abrupt.

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Sanctuary is so good. I loved to read this story. I recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can because it's really good and the characters are fantastic and the story is an example of creativity.

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The story follows Petra Ondise, a determined young woman bound by the memory of her deceased brother, a loyal courier to the crown. As she delves into the enigmatic world of the House of Couriers, her quest for truth becomes entwined with destiny, and she discovers secrets that challenge her understanding of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. Lewandowski’s prose is both evocative and immersive, painting vivid landscapes and intricate character dynamics. The backdrop of the royal city, with its rich lore and political machinations, draws readers into a world where every whisper carries weight and every shadow holds secrets. The Festival of the Late Harvest Moon serves as a powerful emotional and thematic anchor, providing a palpable sense of urgency and anticipation throughout the narrative.
Petra's journey from a humble maid to a pivotal figure within the House of Couriers is both inspirational and deeply human. As she uncovers the truth behind her brother's untimely death, her encounters with Third Shivalry Captain Rand Tsenturian shift the narrative into a realm of romantic tension and moral dilemmas. Rand, with his haunting dark red eyes and complex backstory, serves as both a protector and a catalyst for Petra’s transformation, embodying the enigmatic allure of forbidden love.
The themes of sacrifice and destiny are central to the novel, particularly as Petra and Rand navigate their evolving relationship amidst the constraints of their roles. The ancient garden hidden within the emperor’s palace symbolizes a sanctuary not just from the harsh realities of their world but from themselves as well. Here, the incantation that binds them captures the heart of the narrative—the allure of destiny drawing them together while simultaneously threatening to tear them apart.
Overall, I highly recommended read for fans of fantasy and romance alike. This book poses profound questions about loyalty and the sacrifices one must make for those they hold dear. With its rich world-building, complex characters, and an engaging blend of romance and adventure, Lewandowski's debut stands out as a remarkable entry in the fantasy genre.

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A promising fantasy romance, it had all the markers of being a potentially good book. I was so bored the first couple chapters that I thumbed through the rest of the pages. This just wasn't the book for me.

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Sanctuary swept me away to a world where Petra Ondise, driven by a vow to her late brother, rises from her humble beginnings to join the prestigious House of Couriers. As she tries to find out more about her brother’s mysterious death, she encounters the enigmatic Captain Rand Tsenturian and uncovers a web of secrets entwining them both. The romance and fantasy elements are skillfully woven together, creating a story full of intrigue and emotional depth. y with a compelling love story, making it an immersive and memorable read.

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Ready for a fantasy romance that'll sweep you off your feet? ✨ Sanctuary is where magic and passion collide! Follow Petra as she leaves her mundane life behind to uncover the truth about her brother’s death and finds herself entangled with the mysterious Captain Rand Tsenturian. With secrets, ancient spells, and a romance that defies destiny, this book is a total page-turner. If you’re into epic love stories and fantasy adventures, this one’s for you! 💫📚❤️

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I wanted to give this book a fair chance, but the reality was I couldn't get past the first chapter. I am sure this has an audience out there, but I am not it. The first chapter was such a turn off that I had no interest in reading the rest of the book.

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I was drawn to this book because of the cover. The blurb sounded interesting so thought I'd give it a try. Unfortunately I just couldn't get into the writing style. I am so used to reading books in first person, I really struggled that this wasn't. Also I know the first couple of chapters are scene setting, and the book is about Petra finding out what happened to her brother, but it felt like he was mentioned on every single page.
The premise of the book sounds really interesting, so I'm sure for some readers this is going to turn out to be a great book, it just wasn't for me.

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