Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a great romcom!! This is a first for me by this author but will not be my last. It was such a cute story! The writing style is great and I loved the characters chemistry.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sometimes all you need is a really sweet YA queer romcom. 4.5 stars rounded up. Parker and Lizzie share the same beat friend, Camille. Neither of them can keep a relation going for more than a couple of weeks. Then starts the fake dating for 30 days trial in which they will date from October 1-30. Parker has to deal with stalking her ex, Emily’s instagram. Lizzie loves music but has stage fright. I don’t know how they were ever enemies as they are really cute together. I was really rooting for them to fall for each other. They had great banter, loved the fresh dialogue and sense of humor throughout. Camille is caught in the middle although this is not a love triangle situation. I really appreciated that Parker identified as bi but there was no rival boy thrown in just to make that part of the character. I think it’s important to show bi characters who aren’t portrayed as being indecisive or sexually promiscuous. As this is a YA romance, it was really clean, which I like, spicy scenes in romance I find cringy. I would like to see a sequel where Camille is the main character.

Thanks to @NetGalley and @wattpadbooks for the ARC. Book to be released February 4, 2025.

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This is such a sweet YA novel. I love Parker and Lizze together, their banter and chemistry is adorable, and I enjoyed seeing them fall for each other for real. There is also some great character development for our two mains, with both making more mature decisions and finding confidence by the end of the book. I particularly enjoy Parker's development, learning to appreciate her dad and Hayden, and taking ownership of her actions. The book wasn't without some issues, however. Mainly, Parker is frustrating at times because she is self-centered and oblivious to the way she treats people. Her biggest fear is being abandoned, and yet she can't stop pushing people away with her actions. Luckily, she comes to her senses throughout the book and starts appreciating those around her. Overall, this is the perfect YA romance filled with sweet moments and fun characters. 4.5/5 stars rounded up.

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First review? I don’t know why this makes me feel good but it does.

This was 4 or 5 stars, hard to decide, and in the end I rounded down. I enjoyed this novel a lot while reading it. It was very entertaining and that is the most important part in the end isn't it? That is my main takeaway: this novel was a lot of fun and very enjoyable. At the same time, a few parts felt somewhat forced (mostly at the start) and some parts didn't fully make sense, or weren't as good as they could have been in an objective sense. Considering that it is short, easy to read, and very enjoyable, I would absolutely recommend it to readers.

-This was a lot of fun to read. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The writing was well done, and had some well timed humour worked into it. There were a handful of truly spectacular scenes that were a lot of fun to experience. Great banter between protagonists.
-They were adorable together. The chemistry worked very well. They were sweet. The characters were all well developed and felt real, particularly the protagonists. Great use of side characters too.
-Excellent job of subtly showing non-narrator characters feelings and thoughts prior to them coming out for real. The protagonists resonated before they got together, the third friend having issues before they became obvious, etc there are lots of examples.

Nitpicks and criticisms:
-I found 3 or 4 errors or mistakes in continuity/timeline/wrong name used. This wasn’t terrible and they would all be easy fixes, but it was surprising that they got through editing and it makes the novel look bad. They were not major details but it distracted and confused me as a reader.
-The beginning section of the trial seemed forced, rushed, and inorganic, like the author was trying to force the plot line that they had decided on instead or it occurring naturally. I think there needed to be more conversation at this point. I wasn’t clear on the “rules and expectations” and neither were the characters. Like was it a secret and why, because there didn’t seem to be any reason to lie to friends/family/bystanders considering the point was just to give each other feedback.
-People found out they were faking and proceeded to throw up? Really? Slightly dramatic.

At the beginning I wasn’t loving this, it just wasn’t doing it for me and I was worried I wouldn’t like it. By the middle and end though it got me and overall I really enjoyed this novel!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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