Member Reviews

Overall an ok book.
A lot of J names to keep track of. Some strange language that doesn’t seem to match the characters.
A quick read but not something I would probably read again.
Thanks NetGalley for the copy

I have so many thoughts and feelings on this book. The digital arc that I received had weird formatting so it took me a minute to realize when there was supposed to be a page break, but that's not the authors fault. What is the author's fault was the storyline and just how it read overall. The first part of this book and the book in general reads as an ad for her other more popular book The Accidental Housewife. It was mentioned so much I thought it was a prequel.
Jules, our protagonist is an idiot. There were obvious signs from the start of the story that her lover Sean was up to no good and even when she tells us about a flashback scene later in the story, I don't for the life of me understand why she stayed in this predicament. You would think with the word sisterhood in the title that the other three women who have been duped by Sean would get equal amount of characterization and screen time as Jules but that just doesn't happen at all. When we meet each of the three ladies, we get a brief summary of their life story and that's it. It just felt so low effort. Honestly the dog Bagels had more character moments, especially considering how amazing of a dog he is. Finding and bringing tiny liquor bottles to his owner unprompted.
I can't recommend anyone to read this. I stayed up all night reading it and felt nothing but annoyance at the end of it. Thank you to Netgalley for sending me an arc of this.

The Accidental Sisterhood by Julie Edelman is about a woman named Jules Malone who has sworn off love indefinitely after two horrible relationships, one with an abusive fiancé and the other a nice but boring ex with whom she shares a son named Max with. But then on one faithful Christmas Eve night she meets Sean, a handsome charmer with a smile that drives her wild! Despite her efforts to stay guarded she can't help but feel drawn to Sean. As their relationship deepens so does Sean's weird behavior. He misses her calls, changes plans abruptly and hangs his phone up as soon as she walks into the room. One night she returns home to find Sean missing and blood everywhere! Right as she is getting ready to call 911 she hears a phone ringing and it's Sean's but it hangs up before she can get to it. That doesn't stop the multiple texts that follow though. Which sends Jules on a journey of shocking discoveries. One huge one being that she is one of four women sharing full lives with Sean! Together they discover the biggest devastating secret, which heads them to a resolution none of them could ever have imagined, and also to the power of Sisterhood.
This book was definitely a page turner for me, filled with twists and turns, snappy witted humor and the unstoppable power of sisterhood! I hope it ropes you in as much as it did me! Enjoy! Happy reading y'all!

Absolutely enjoyed the story and the pace of the book. I didn’t want to put this down and would recommend it to everyone

What happens when four women each think that they're in an exclusive relationship with the same man, and then discover the truth?
That is what Jules, who traded in one problematic relationship experience and another boringly predictable one for the promise of the charming Sean, is about to find out...
This book is more of a romance and relationships story than a thriller (as the title somewhat misleadingly seems to imply), but it is engaging and provides an interesting commentary on how the internet has enabled infidelity for more effectively than it has, for example, sleuthing. An enjoyable read.

Jules Malone has sworn off love after two failed relationships: one with an abusive fiancé she calls her white knight-mare, and the other with a nice-but-boring ex with whom she co-parents their son, Max. But then one fateful Christmas Eve, Jules meets Sean, a twinkly-eyed charmer with a captivating smile and an unexpected invitation. Despite Jules’s efforts to stay guarded, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to him.
As their relationship deepens, so does Sean’s unpredictable behavior. He misses Jules’s calls, changes plans abruptly, and hangs up quickly when she enters the room. One night after returning home from a charity meeting, she finds Sean missing and blood everywhere. Panicked, she’s about to call 911 when she hears a phone ringing on her patio. It is Sean’s. By the time she gets to it, the caller has hung up. Multiple texts follow—as does Jules’s journey of shocking discoveries. The first? That she is one of four women sharing full lives with Sean.
But it is the devastating secret these women uncover together that leads to a resolution none of them could ever have imagined… and to the power of sisterhood.
My Review:
The Accidental Sisterhood is frustratingly miscategorized as a mystery/thriller. Although the description/blurb of the book is worded in such a way as to make you think there is some mystery afoot, there really isn't. The book is straight-forward general fiction/women's literature and we, the readers, get a ringing alarm bell right from the first date as to what's going on with Sean. The fact that Jules didn't, is a particular bone of contention for me that had me cursing her, and the other women involved as each was revealed. The fact that Jules ahs survived abusive relationships before should have had her antennae raising about ANY man coming into her life. And yet Jules does less background checking on Sean than seniors in retirement homes. And has she no friends? The lack of any social media checking, background checking, meeting friends or anything that passes for normal rights of relationships are missing, and Jules is particularly oblivious or uncaring about it all. In an age where we stalk our doctors, teachers, and Grub Hub drivers, it's unthinkable that neither Jules nor any of her friends knew the assignment. It is small things like this (and Baby J's story and timeline that tries too hard to make her into a badass in order to put heron par with the other "sisters") that the reader is forced to suspend belief about in order to make this story work. Additional points off for the use of Fluck and Dickmatized more than once.
Once you overlook the details, the book settles in to an enjoyable read. It's a book about romance that, doesn't focus solely on the romance. Jules is an actively successful career woman, an attentive mother, a cordial ex-wife, and a a middle aged woman who is trying to live her best life. The romance isn't what defines her, or any of the other women in the sisterhood. It is this sense of self and resilience that gives these four women the courage to create a bond, forge a plan, and execute it. In the end I wondered whether, if Sean hadn't pushed the envelope just that last bit too far, these women would have been content to continue to live as they had been. Jules, JW and Jude, at least, sas they all seemed to thrive in the arrangements they had with Sean. For all his faults, he did manage to give each of them what they needed. I also want to know who gets Sean's frequent flier miles!
And easy, straight-forward, uncomplicated read. Since you've been warned, go into it with a light heart and a willingness to go with the flow and enjoy

Jules Malone has sworn off love after two failed relationships: one with an abusive fiancé she calls her white knight-mare, and the other with a nice-but-boring ex with whom she co-parents their son, Max. But then one fateful Christmas Eve, Jules meets Sean, a twinkly-eyed charmer with a captivating smile and an unexpected invitation. Despite Jules’s efforts to stay guarded, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to him.
As their relationship deepens, so does Sean’s unpredictable behavior. He misses Jules’s calls, changes plans abruptly, and hangs up quickly when she enters the room. One night after returning home from a charity meeting, she finds Sean missing and blood everywhere. Panicked, she’s about to call 911 when she hears a phone ringing on her patio. It is Sean’s. By the time she gets to it, the caller has hung up. Multiple texts follow—as does Jules’s journey of shocking discoveries. The first? That she is one of four women sharing full lives with Sean.
But it is the devastating secret these women uncover together that leads to a resolution none of them could ever have imagined… and to the power of sisterhood.
Loved it. Will recommend to others.

This is a story of relationships. I almost feel like this could happen to anyone so it’s relatable. It’s hard to make friends in the digital age. But through it all it happens! The power of women when they come together! Can’t wait to read more from this author!

this is a book about a group of scorned women who seek revenge on Sean, the man they are all dating.

This plot felt like a slow burn and was quite predictable for my tastes; however, I’m glad I read it all the way through. The characters were complex, and the sensitive writing style effectively depicted the abusive relationship storyline.
Although I anticipated the conclusion before reaching the climax, I still found it enjoyable. This would make a great quick read for fans of this genre.
Was it the best book I’ve ever read? Not by a long shot! But was it worth the read? Absolutely!

The Accidental Sisterhood von Julie Edelman ist eine herzliche, humorvolle und tiefgründige Geschichte über Freundschaft, Veränderung und das Leben in all seinen unerwarteten Wendungen. In diesem charmanten Roman geht es um eine Gruppe von Frauen, die sich auf den ersten Blick eher zufällig treffen, doch im Laufe der Erzählung eine tiefe und bedeutungsvolle Verbindung miteinander aufbauen.
Im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte steht eine Protagonistin, die mit den Herausforderungen des Lebens kämpft – sei es in der Familie, bei der Arbeit oder in der Suche nach einem tieferen Sinn. Doch durch eine Reihe von Ereignissen, die sie mit den anderen Frauen zusammenbringt, beginnt sie, sich selbst neu zu entdecken. Diese Frauen, jede mit ihrer eigenen Geschichte und ihren eigenen Kämpfen, bilden eine ungleiche, aber unschlagbare Gemeinschaft, die sich gegenseitig unterstützt, egal was kommt.
Julie Edelman versteht es meisterhaft, die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen den Charakteren darzustellen. Dabei werden sowohl die Höhen als auch die Tiefen der Freundschaft beleuchtet – von Missverständnissen und Konflikten bis hin zu den Momenten, die das Leben wirklich wertvoll machen. Die Chemie zwischen den Frauen ist greifbar, und der Humor, der die Erzählung durchzieht, sorgt dafür, dass der Roman nie zu schwer oder bedrückend wird, selbst wenn er tiefere Themen anspricht.
Der Roman ist warmherzig und zeigt auf liebevolle Weise, wie Freundschaft und Unterstützung einen großen Unterschied im Leben eines Menschen machen können. Es ist ein Buch, das den Leser sowohl zum Lachen als auch zum Nachdenken anregt und die Bedeutung von Zusammenhalt und gegenseitiger Hilfe in den Vordergrund stellt. Es gibt viele unerwartete Wendungen und Momente der Selbstentdeckung, die den Leser auf eine Reise mitnehmen, die sowohl emotional als auch befreiend ist.
Edelman's Schreibstil ist flüssig und zugänglich, was das Lesen zu einem angenehmen Erlebnis macht. Die Charaktere sind gut entwickelt und realistisch, ihre Entwicklung im Verlauf der Geschichte fühlt sich organisch und authentisch an. Die Erzählung ist von einem angenehmen Tempo geprägt, das den Leser durch die Höhen und Tiefen der Geschichte führt, ohne dass es jemals zu hektisch oder langatmig wird.
Fazit: The Accidental Sisterhood ist ein warmherziges, humorvolles und inspirierendes Buch über Freundschaft und die Stärke, die Frauen in der Gemeinschaft finden können. Julie Edelman gelingt es, eine Geschichte zu erzählen, die sowohl unterhaltsam als auch nachdenklich ist und die Leser dazu anregt, über die Bedeutung von Freundschaft und Unterstützung nachzudenken. Wer Romane über Freundschaft, Selbstentdeckung und das Leben in seiner vollen, komplexen Schönheit liebt, wird dieses Buch mit Sicherheit genießen.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to receive an eGalley of this novel in exchange for a fair and honest review.
I wanted to love this book, but for some reason, it just wasn't working for me. I think it was the dialogue feeling a bit forced and the attitude of the main character not really clicking. The format of the eGalley on my Kindle was also a little disjointed that made reading a smidge clunky.
Overall, I just wasn't able to get fully invested in the plot, so I made the decision about 25% of the way into the novel to move on. I do not want my review to scare anyone else away, I feel this book just wasn't a great fit for me as a reader, but others will certainly enjoy it based on the positive reviews I have seen coming out.

I have acquired a love for books with Desperate Housewives vibes. The trope of women banding together amidst mystery, death, and chaos.

Thanks for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. In the beginning I was honestly not sure if I was going to like or want to finish this book. I’m glad I stuck with it and gave it a chance. One man, multiple women. So many secret lives and of course it finally comes tumbling down. Give it a chance and read this book!

This book was wild. It started off so strong with a group of scorned women banding together to figure out what is really going on with Sean, the man they are all dating and ended with them setting up a ridiculous plan to give him a heart attack. I would not read this book again or recommend it.

Very quick read but not without its challenges in that most of the characters’ names start with the same letter. The plot isn’t heavy and I did not gel with anyone particularly.

A woman looking for love that falls for a man who isn't what he seems is not a new plot line but Julie Edelman took that same plot line added some distinctly different characters and upped the game of payback is a bitch!!!!
In THE ACCIDENTAL SISTERHOOD, Jules Malone is a divorced mother stepping back into the dating game when she meets Sean. Maybe he's not Prince Charming but she already has two strikes in choosing the man of her dreams. Julie Edelman spends the first few chapters introducing us to Jules and building the back story. When the fairy tale explodes and she finds herself as one of four women in Sean's harem, she will join forces with the other three to see that Sean realizes his mistakes.
This was a truly entertaining story that will be enjoyed by anyone who would love to see the playboy get his just desserts at the hands of those he had played. 5 easy stars.

I loved how deep this book is. Girls coming together for revenge - does it get better? I really enjoyed this and read it super quick. I definitely recommend to girlys that like any genre, I think anyone would enjoy this book.

"Loving Mothers" by Miranda Smith is a heartfelt exploration of the complex relationships between mothers and their children. Smith's writing is both poignant and relatable, capturing the nuances of love, sacrifice, and the struggles of motherhood.
The narrative weaves together various perspectives, showcasing the diverse experiences of motherhood—from the joys of nurturing to the challenges of letting go. Smith's characters are well-developed, each with their own distinct voice and story, making it easy for readers to connect with them on a personal level.
The themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, and resilience are prominent throughout the book. Smith skillfully addresses the societal pressures placed on mothers, highlighting both the triumphs and the tribulations they face. The emotional depth of the story is complemented by vivid imagery and thoughtful dialogue, drawing readers into the characters' lives.
Overall, "Loving Mothers" is a touching tribute to the bond between mothers and their children. It invites readers to reflect on their own relationships and the complexities of love that come with them. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of motherhood.

I flew through this book! It felt like I was listening to a story from a friend. I found the storyline to be predictable but you just can’t go wrong with a story about girls coming together to get revenge. It definitely wasn’t the most complex read but would make a great palette cleanser/ quick day read. 4 stars!