Member Reviews

Oh my gosh the drama, suspense and the who did it just gripped me throughout!

Such a fabulous read and definitely recommend reading it! I can really see this being on the big screen!

Mike Avery just kept giving what it needed to give and I think this book is definitely worth the read.

It flowed throughout! Fabulous read! 4.8 stars

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William James is a typical high school student; thinking about girls and the independence he will get once he graduates and goes to University. He takes school seriously and has goals for himself. He is the kid that you’d want your son or daughter to hang around with… until he is found standing over his dead father with a shot gun in his hand.

William’s lawyer Susan Sorella is trying to defend her client in a case that becomes more and more complicated. Did William shoot his father? If not, then who did?

This was an excellent read! The story flowed. It had a lot of moving parts that aided in the complexity of the plot. The characters were believable and the legal elements were interesting and added to the depth of the plot and the investigation.

This book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book started exactly the way a book should start; with a bang! The first chapter was enough to suck me in and make me want to read more!!

18 year old William Jackson has been accused of murdering his father. He seems like the only suspect until a private investigator that works for his attorney works hard to find some puzzle pieces. There are some surprising twists that will leave readers shocked!

Definitely a book worth reading!

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion/review

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Mama’s boy is a good mystery that you wouldn’t want to miss!
This book was a good read on audiobook version read aloud. Thanks netgalley for that feature as it saves me time. I like reading my arcs but listening to them like audiobooks while walking or doing my chores is a game changer. I listen to all my arcs so far and I really enjoyed this one.

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reading this novel you can tell the author has experience in the law.

It is a well written tale and quite upsetting with the abuse and family dramas of the main character.

It is a thrilling mystery and I really had no idea how it was going to end, but I loved it. I enjoyed how the story unfolded but found it harrowing in places. this could quite easily be based on a real life incident.

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Are you looking for your next mystery? Try Mama’s Boy. This was a thrilling mystery that kept me engaged to the very end.

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