Member Reviews

Many readers know what it's like to hear or feel that they should 'just stick it out' for a while when it comes to a book or series. What I don't see as often, unless it concerns a debut author, is the same sentiment when it comes to authors. "The Witches of Santo Stefano" proves my instinct that while I enjoyed a few of Webb's books well enough, she could one day do something that really hit the spot for me.

The element that always kept that 'itch' in me was the way in which other words weaved in the magical realism elements. It always seemed a little too direct for someone looking for a literary work and not quite 'catchy' enough for someone coming from a fantasy or horror craving. The key to the success of it in this novel is that it's woven in a historical context where the is it/isn't it vibe that usually is tagged on with this more physiological take on magic was a part of every day life. Those same charms as they take form in present day. It creates a harmony in themes that is necessary for this genre to feel balanced, natural. In short, the most 'successful' to readers like me. For those seeking a 'transitional' book to try out a genre they're unsure of-this is by far the best so far from t his author.

As for the story itself, it slots very well into the 'cozy' genre that many are seeking. It's about finding a soft place to land and anchors even in times when the world, a community, or fate feels like it's at least a little bit against you. It is a very atmospheric book with a little town that will welcome you in with a hug in all the ways we romanticize a place to at least once in our lives. I was also pleasantly surprised about how many levels of unveiling that were woven into this family drama. There were several times I thought I must be nearing the end and, not in a dreaded way that can sometimes indicated tedium, was surprised to see there was more to be said. I hadn't been quite ready to let go of the vibe of this book.

It does have a couple elements that still were a bit clunky for me. While each chapter indicates perspective, the flip flop between the historical ears sometimes took an adjustment to remember just how far back, if it was the grandmother, great grandmother, or great-great gran at the focus of the moment. There is a coda that was sweet, but I would have been satisfied with an ending that excluded the snippet.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for something that is a marriage of mystery, self discovery, historical, sprinkled with natural and possibly 'real' magics or sensibilities, and tied up with a cozy colored ribbon.

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I am the biggest fan of this narrator. I have been relistening to her audiobooks in my car lately, so I was so excited to see a new and incredibly interesting novel narrated by XE Sands. Thank you for letting me get an early listen!
I am so in love with this book. It is romantic. I love the dogs, the curse, and the entire setting. What a Journey.
I love all books about family history but this is perfection.

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I received an ARC from netgalley.

Let's start off saying i love wendy webb's writing. I found her writing in 2020 and absolutely was addicted and she has become one of my favorite authors.

This book is different because it doesn't take place in Wharton. It's mostly in Italy. I would have loved for it to be in that setting. Dont get me wrong, i loved that it's different, but the whole witch part had me bored out of my mind but i did love the fact that the characters loved to learn where she came from. But to tell you the truth this wasnt my favorite book by her. The writing was phenomenal tho

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I love stories that follow genealogy and discover unknown mysteries in families and this one had a whopper of a secret (no spoilers, it’s in the tile). Discovering her ancestors on a trip to Italy, Cassie learns so much about her family and I enjoyed working back with her to find the truth about them, and learning a little about herself along the way. The writing is easy to follow, though, at times, there are a lot of characters to juggle, but the character development is well done so you can quickly discern the differences. Fascinating look at the history of witches in Italy.

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