Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!!

I really enjoyed this book. More than I thought I would. I liked the characters! Great writing style and I liked the storyline. This book kept me guessing. I finished it in one sitting.

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DOA III: Extreme Horror Anthology, is an audacious and relentless dive into the darker, grittier side of horror literature. For fans of the extreme horror genre, this anthology doesn’t just test boundaries—it shatters them.

As there are so many stories I'd like to break down the books strengths and thing to keep in mind.
• Excels in presenting different subgenres within extreme horror, from psychological dread to graphic splatterpunk. This variety helps maintain a sense of suspense as the reader never knows what to expect next.

• Stories are unafraid to push boundaries and challenge societal taboos. The authors explore themes of violence, madness, and depravity with a level of honesty that is both impressive and unsettling.

• Some of the stories stand out for their vivid and disturbing imagery, leaving a lasting impression that lingers long after the book is closed. It’s not just about shock value—many of the stories are genuinely creative in their approach to horror. (my personal favorite being "Skipp's Splatterpunk Alphabet Souffle")

Now onto somethings to keep in mind.

• As with many anthologies, there’s some inconsistency in the quality of the stories. While most are engaging and well-written, a few rely too heavily on shock value without much narrative substance. (this is complete personal preference of course)

• Some stories cross the line into gratuitous violence, which might feel more exploitative than genuinely horrifying. It embraces the extreme in every sense, and while that’s a selling point for some, it can be off-putting for others.(read your trigger warnings folks)

• The anthology is unapologetically extreme, which makes it a niche read. This is not a collection for casual horror fans or those with a low tolerance for graphic content.

My over all impression is that for a seasoned extreme horror fan I believe this book to be fun to push boundaries, it's a must-read. This collection revels in the grotesque!

(I received this book as an arc and am freely writing my own thoughts and opinions)

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I got this for review on netgally.

It's odd to say I enjoyed it as the stories was messed up, gory and disgusting but I like that type of horror. Like any other anthology I enjoyed some stories a lot more and some a lot less. But overall it was a good collection with a lot of diffrent stories but definitely a book you need to be careful for what time you read it. Wouldn't recommend reading it before or after you eat.

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I had apparently already purchased and read this previously but reviewing here as I requested it haha.

This is great just like the previous two.
I love the short little looks into the authors brains and these type of books always introduce me to a new to me author.

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This book was amazing to read, gross, disgusting, graphic, everything it promised to give it delivered.

so many authors i had never heard of before, it was nice to see how so many can come together and make an amazing anthology like this one

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