Member Reviews
I got this for review on netgally.
It's odd to say I enjoyed it as the stories was messed up, gory and disgusting but I like that type of horror. Like any other anthology I enjoyed some stories a lot more and some a lot less. But overall it was a good collection with a lot of diffrent stories but definitely a book you need to be careful for what time you read it. Wouldn't recommend reading it before or after you eat.
I had apparently already purchased and read this previously but reviewing here as I requested it haha.
This is great just like the previous two.
I love the short little looks into the authors brains and these type of books always introduce me to a new to me author.
This book was amazing to read, gross, disgusting, graphic, everything it promised to give it delivered.
so many authors i had never heard of before, it was nice to see how so many can come together and make an amazing anthology like this one