Member Reviews

I give this book 5 stars. It was well-written and entertaining. It is not my usual genre of books but I was impressed! I will be looking for more books from this author!

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Atlanta Det. Tammy Sharp is shot on a trip to question a little old grandma. While she is in the hospital, her Uncle Ellis dies under what she believes are mysterious circumstances. Once released from the hospital, Tammy heads home to Tennessee to help her mama with Uncle Ellis' estate. Trouble seems to be following Tammy, though; Someone breaks into her mama's house, her dog, Castle is shot (spoiler alert, he lives!) and she finds out her first love lives down the street. How can she navigate grieving the loss of her uncle, while working through the PTSD of being shot, and now having to address the feelings of first love she has worked 20 years to suppress, all while trying to find the person who murdered her uncle.

I love the premiss of this book - the plot was fascinating, and kept me guessing. The family ties were sweet and real. The writing was so very difficult for me though; it was choppy and did not seem to flow well. It took me longer to finish than normal as I was really having to slow down to re-read paragraphs and sometimes pages because a sentence popped up that was confusing, and I thought I missed something - turns out the author just popped in random character thoughts or facts in the middle of something else. I reflected real life and the way human brains work, and it was very difficult to follow at times as the reader. As much as I huffed and complained about working my way through the book, I didn't want to stop reading - I had to know about the gold and who killed Uncle Ellis. This is considered a 'clean mystery' so it will appeal to those who do not want an abundance of violence, gore, or sexual content.

I rate this 2 stars for "it was alright"

Thank you to NetGalley and Annarose Press for the ARC of this book.

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The copy of the file is corrupted making this book unreadable. I would love to read a copy to review but there are way too many formatting issues that make this unreadable. (i.e. entire sentences run together with no spacing, numbers replacing letters in a word (example: bo9).. This may be the best story ever written but without serious corrections to the compatibility of digital files, no one can read it. (I'm rating 2 stars merely because I hate giving 1 star reviews - especially for a DNF).

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I could not make it past the first few pages of this book. I realized it's an uncorrected copy but they literally had random letters thrown in with words and words than ran together and entire sentence without any spacing. Justlikethisandicouldntrradthatbecauseithurtmybrain.

So I can't tell you how good or bad this book was. I may try to read it on my library app once it's released.

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To Find a Killer is a fast-paced murder mystery with plenty of twists and emotional depth. Detective Tammy Sharp returns home to solve a case tied to her past, facing old secrets and new dangers. Suspenseful and gripping, it's a solid read for crime thriller fans. Four stars!

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Are you in the mood for a good murder mystery?? Look into To Find a Killer. It was a good book that I highly recommend.

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