Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review

This is the second book I’ve read in this series and to be honest I was mostly confused as else rarely actually saw O’Malley and Caro together , and the book seemed more focused on recapping previous books and kidnapping then a love story 🤷🏼‍♀️

Perhaps this series isn’t for me - especially since I didn’t start at the beginning

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C.H. Admirand always writes such delightful stories and I must say I'm really loving the Duke's Guard series!! The men are so loyal, honest, protective and stalwart and once they fall in love, watch out:) Being that most of them are brothers and cousins, I just love the camaraderie, the teasing and yes, even the bare knuckle fights!

This is Thomas O'Malley's story and it doesn't take him long to fall hard for Caroline when they first meet. Sent to protect her and bring her home to her uncle's place, he soon learns that she has a mind of her own and although very innocent, she has an inner strength that has helped her overcome the many tragedies in her life. With danger surrounding them, love still finds a way!!

I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Family, Kidnappers, Romance
The Irishmen are on another mission. for the Baron. This one is headed by O'Malley and his new mission is to find the lass. The vicar's niece Caro is missing, and O'Malley and some of the men are heading out to discover what has gone wrong.
This is a journey that brings forth a romance between Caro and Thomas. The instant attraction towards each other made this a charming, yet thrilling story before they reach a very happy ending.
This book has all of the emotions I look for in a good solid love story. Lots of comradery, heartache, fear, drama galore, unsavory characters to overcome and an unusual marriage ceremony that grabbed at my heart strings.
The epilogue finished off the story with more than just a happy ending.

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The sizzle, the suspense, the banter, the denial of feelings it was all a great recipe. And those intimacy scenes, super romantic and steamy.

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What can I say……..I DO. Love this Irish band of cousins! Seeing Thomas fall over Caro was such a delight to read! Awaiting the villain to return to the “scene of the crime” the group does their best to fortify the area- including the Vicar’s house and The Blacksmiths. I adored how Thomas took care of Humboldt…that was hilariously funny! Melanie was quite a pill in this tale and it was good see her someone finally tell her to “grow up”. I was a bit put off by how “anticlimactic” the climax was over the villain, but I have a feeling that was left for another story. It truly is a treat to read this series. I love each and every one of the characters and the story lines are different, yet similar at the same time. Thomas and Caro have a connection and it just bolts off the pages!

I received this story for free and these are my own opinions

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