Member Reviews

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer, Netgalley and AM Strong and Sonya Sargent for the ARC! The last book I read by these authors was one of my favorite books of 2024, so I couldn’t wait to check this out!

When our FMC wakes up on the shore of a lake, freezing cold and with no memory, she has no choice but to trust the man who rescues her, Gregg. Together, they try to work through what has happened to her. The panic of her amnesia was leaping off the pages - she was afraid and confused, and any memories she had came back in a jumble. It was wild to be inside her head as she recovered and Gregg helped her get back to health. Told in dual points of view, I could not figure out how the two viewpoints were connected. Was it our FMC before? Was it someone else entirely? And how trustworthy was this man? The twist that occurred near the end was absolutely brilliant! I never would have seen it coming. AM Strong and Sonya Sargent are a pair of authors to watch!

”Gravewater Lake” releases March 1, 2025. This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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This one was so slow to start that I almost DNFd at about 25 % . I read some reviews that hinted at a really good ending so I persevered to finish the book but overall I just didn’t enjoy the book

2.5 ⭐️

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I thought I had the plot of this book all figured out until the very end. There was a huge unexpected twist that I hadn't seen before in any thriller books that I have read. It was a great read for the cold, snowy winter months, with most of the story taking place in an isolated cabin cut off from everything due to a snowstorm.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing me with an eARC of Gravewater Lake in exchange for my honest review!

This thriller provided an odd experience for me. On the one hand, it does compel me throughout its narrative, maintaining a nice tension that encourages me to continue turning the page. On the other hand, it ends up being an ultimately cliched mystery that could have handled its tropes more ambitiously. It unfolds along such a tropey path that makes me wonder throughout the first act, "Wait, this is probably going to subvert my expectations, right?" I had faith in this thriller to head in that direction because I've read books that open up in this exact same fashion, that deploy all the familiar cliches and then twist things around onto a road that keeps me riveted over what the hell will transpire next. But then I plunge further into the narrative, and it seems like these tropes may not have much groundbreaking substance beneath the atmospheric surface. But I keep reading, I do, because I want to see how this all wraps up in the third act. So once I reach that point, I'll admit that I'm solidly satisfied with where we end up, even though it simultaneously feels like a conclusion that the book just throws into the plot, even though the tropes stick to a well-worn path. It helps that this boasts a suspenseful and claustrophobic atmosphere while it switches back and forth between its two timelines.

Overall, I'm officially rating Gravewater Lake 3.25 out of 5 stars, which I'm rounding down to 3 stars. It's not landing as one of my favorite thrillers, but it's still a compelling read, and I'll keep an eye out for more of A.M. Strong and Sonya Sargent's writing.

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My second book by these authors and they did not disappoint!
I absolutely loved The Last Girl Left and was so excited to read Gravewater Lake. I was hooked from the beginning!
“Anna” wakes up by the shore of Gravewater Lake with no memory of who she is or where she is. She manages to get to a house and the man living there takes her in and takes care of her. There’s a big snow storm so she is stuck there. But when suspicious things start happening at the house with no answers from the man, Anna must find out what’s really happening.
This one had me shook. I did not see the twists coming. Even when I thought I had it all figured out, I was wrong. Be sure to pick this one up!

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Gravewater Lake - A.M Strong & Sonya Sargent
When she wakes on the shore, she is freezing and has no recollection of where she is, or even who she is. She has no memory of anything, but when she sees the lights from a house, she takes her chances, hoping someone there can help.
As luck would have it, a kind man answers the door and welcomes her in. She is unsure of this man, Gregg, wondering if he might know the truth about what happened to her, who she is, but she also has no choice but to accept his help.
A winter storm has trapped them in his house. The phones are down, the roads are closed, and she still has no recollection of who she is.
After multiple mishaps, she has trouble deciding if she is losing her mind, or if Gregg is hiding something. Nothing is adding up.
As she tries to piece together who she might have been, she also tries to piece together who Gregg actually is. Is he trustworthy? Does he have the best intentions? Or is she truly in danger?
This book may have been one of my favorite thrillers from 2024, and I’m sad that everyone has to wait until March 1st to experience this greatness. I truly couldn’t put the pieces together on this one. I was so determined, but not even close. From the first page, I was hooked and it was such an easy read with many twists and turns to keep you invested. This one gets a 4 stars out of 5 from me!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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4 Stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As a lover of isolated thrillers, the wintry, desolate setting only heightened the atmosphere of solitude and despair, which I found utterly captivating. The author masterfully wove this sense of isolation throughout the story, creating a mood that stayed with me long after I finished reading.

The pacing also struck me as particularly well-executed. The narrative moved at a brisk yet comfortable pace, allowing me to stay engaged without feeling overwhelmed. I could easily follow the unfolding events without becoming lost in extraneous details, which kept the suspense flowing smoothly.

While the amnesia trope isn’t exactly groundbreaking, this book elevated it above the usual expectations. Though not quite a perfect 5-star thriller, it handled the familiar theme with such skill and nuance that it certainly stood out among others that use this trope.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Mercer for this advanced reader copy. My review is voluntarily my own.

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A unique twist on "whodunit", Gravewater Lake adds the element of "who am I?" Obviously you're meant to believe from the jump that Gregg is the one after "Anna" - Until the last 10% of the story, I believed Gregg's true identity was Peter, and Anna was Adria; as I'm sure the author intended. While Ricky did add a surprise 10th hour element, his character was present for so little time and so underdeveloped, it was almost nonsensical how or why he entered the story, other than as a plot device for Gregg's moral conflict. All in all, this was another fast-paced thriller and will be a great beach read for many.

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Full of suspense, confusion, and twists! The setting and pace are perfection. Think locked room with snow storm. I could not figure out who the characters really were until the final twists at the end. It's a very unique plot with a surprising ending. I was intrigued and left guessing until the very end. Another great thriller by A.M. Strong!

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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⭐️⭐️ (2/5 Stars)

"Gravewater Lake" begins with a gripping premise: a woman wakes up freezing and afraid on the shore of a desolate lake, with no memory of who she is or how she got there. Seeking refuge in a nearby house, she encounters Gregg, a mysterious man who offers shelter. Trapped together by a winter storm, the protagonist begins to unravel the unsettling mysteries of both the house and its occupant. Whispers, phantom footsteps, and Gregg's evasive behavior build an atmosphere of tension. But as her fractured memories begin to surface, she learns that appearances can be deceiving, and the truth is far more dangerous than she imagined.

While the setup intrigued me, the execution ultimately fell flat. The dual storylines—Anna’s current predicament and Adria’s past—had an uneven balance. I found myself far more invested in Adria’s narrative, which was compelling and richly detailed, compared to Anna’s sections, which felt repetitive and frustrating. Anna’s constant questioning of herself and the people around her was realistic in light of her trauma but bordered on exasperating when paired with her inconsistent behavior. Her quick shifts between suspicion and trust, especially regarding Gregg, strained my patience and made her perspective a challenge to stay engaged with.

The pacing was another drawback. The middle sections dragged as Anna and Gregg’s interactions felt repetitive and lacked forward momentum. I often wished to return to Adria’s storyline, which offered more intrigue and depth. Anna’s decisions, though justified by her circumstances, often seemed to defy basic common sense, which made her arc less compelling.

The twist at the end was unexpected, and while it added some excitement, the rushed execution didn’t fully land for me. It felt like the narrative tried to pack too much into the final act, leaving little room for the revelations to breathe.

Despite my critiques, there were parts of the book I enjoyed. Anna’s acknowledgment of her doubts about Gregg was refreshing compared to the typical thriller trope of completely oblivious heroines. The initial setup was strong, and the atmosphere at Gravewater Lake was genuinely eerie and well-crafted.

Ultimately, while the book had potential, the uneven pacing, frustrating protagonist, and lackluster payoff detracted from my overall enjoyment.

Thank you to A.M. Strong, Sonya Sargent, Thomas & Mercer, and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this ARC.

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A really good psychological thriller with a huge plot twist I don't know how anyone could see coming! This book is unlike any I've read in the perspective of the characters, nobody is who you think they are. Very short chapters which I loved and made reading faster. Full of suspense! I also loved the touch of romance involved as well.

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What a twisty and crazy book. The unreliable narrator in Anna gives this story an unforgettable and interesting take on a close proximity thriller.

Found on the doorstep of Greg’s isolated lakeside cabin in the middle of nowhere Vermont Anna doesn’t remember who is or why she’s there. Deep down inside she knows something bad happened.

Filled with cast of shady characters Grave Water Lake is hard to put down.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced copy.

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Book/Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book Cover: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Trigger Warning(s): Murder
Domestic Violence
POV: Dual, First Person & Third Person
Series/Standalone: Standalone
First In Series: N/A
Trope(s): Amnesiac MC
Spice</b>: None
Genre: Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Burn: Medium
Safe or Dark: Dark
Release Date: March 1, 2025

After being in a reading slump where I felt like I got stuck with a lot of two-star books, I was so glad that I decided to pick this one up! I wasn’t sure what to expect based on the short, relatively vague synopsis, but I was pleased that this ended up being a great read for me.  

It will be challenging to give a thorough review without giving too much of the plot away, but I will do my very best. 

First off, I just want to say that the naThis story starts with a prologue that pulls you right in. That’s my favorite. You’re tossed into a scene that gives you just enough information to want to continue reading to find out what happens. From the very first page to the very last, I just couldn’t put this book down. I constantly found myself saying, “Just one more chapter,” which quickly turned into ten. I was so upset when I was forced to stop reading because I needed to sleep or go to work. I just had to find out how this one ended as soon as possible. The overall writing is easy to follow while being very engaging at the same time. It flowed nicely and constantly kept you in the moment. That’s always a big plus for me. 

I’m usually not a fan of the amnesiac trope. For some reason it’s just never been one that I’ve enjoyed. However, the one in this book is done wonderfully. I really enjoyed this somewhat new take on a memory loss situation. I really liked how we got to piece things together with our main character. Like how after she wakes up from being unconscious on the lakeshore and finds Gregg’s house, she realizes that she’s wearing a bracelet with the initial ‘A’ on it. Using that piece of information, both she and Gregg work to figure out her name, and feeling like none of them seem to fit, they settle on “Anna” (this is not a spoiler since it happens early on in the story). It was nice that even if the character didn’t know who she was, we as the readers had a name to work with. It was seeing how things unfolded right alongside Anna.  

There are two alternating timelines in the plot, and they are intertwined so beautifully. They never got choppy and confusing to follow. Both stories just fell so perfectly into place. One picked off where the other left off nicely and vice versa. I really enjoyed getting inside both Adria and Anna’s heads. me Greg being spelled with two gs (Gregg) drove me bananas. I don’t know why, but it did. It was also never mentioned, even though it's not the common way to spell the name. Not even something as simple as “My name is Gregg with two gs.”. I know it’s so silly and such a trivial thing, but it drove me insane. 

“The blank canvas of my past is just waiting to be filled with every paranoid delusion my brain can conjure.”

This story starts with a prologue that pulls you right in. That’s my favorite. You’re tossed into a scene that gives you just enough information to want to continue reading to find out what happens. From the very first page to the very last, I just couldn’t put this book down. I constantly found myself saying, “Just one more chapter,” which quickly turned into ten. I was so upset when I was forced to stop reading because I needed to sleep or go to work. I just had to find out how this one ended as soon as possible. The overall writing is easy to follow while being very engaging at the same time. It flowed nicely and constantly kept you in the moment. That’s always a big plus for me. 

I’m usually not a fan of the amnesiac trope. For some reason it’s just never been one that I’ve enjoyed. However, the one in this book is done wonderfully. I really enjoyed this somewhat new take on a memory loss situation. I really liked how we got to piece things together with our main character. Like how after she wakes up from being unconscious on the lakeshore and finds Gregg’s house, she realizes that she’s wearing a bracelet with the initial ‘A’ on it. Using that piece of information, both she and Gregg work to figure out her name, and feeling like none of them seem to fit, they settle on “Anna” (this is not a spoiler since it happens early on in the story). It was nice that even if the character didn’t know who she was, we as the readers had a name to work with. It was seeing how things unfolded right alongside Anna.  

There are two alternating timelines in the plot, and they are intertwined so beautifully. They never got choppy and confusing to follow. Both stories just fell so perfectly into place. One picked off where the other left off nicely and vice versa. I really enjoyed getting inside both Adria and Anna’s heads. 

“Living in constant fear is exhausting.”

This book is full of twists and turns, and I loved them all. The plot twists always kept me guessing. Just when I thought I had things figured out, I realized I didn’t. The red herrings were so amazingly placed. This book should be one of the prime examples of how plot twists are done! They weren’t just dropped on us. They didn’t just come out of nowhere. We as the readers were never “lied” to; all the details to try and work things out were given to us. I had a few “wow” moments while reading this. 

The only reason I rated this a four-star read instead of a five-star one is due to the ending. Despite the big reveal being a good one, the last 15% of the story was a little too far-fetched for my taste. 

This is my first book by A.M. Strong, but it definitely won’t be my last.  

“A minute later, I’m climbing the stairs into an unknown as dark as the one filling my head.”


As always, please remember that reading is subjective, and that’s what makes it so great. 😊

I would like to thank Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this book.

This is my voluntary, unbiased, and honest review.

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Gosh this is one of those bait and switch kind of books. Unreliable narrator at times. There is a very long drawn out process to get to the “real” story that weighed things down a bit. Nice twist but the beginning of the story started off so strong that when it lagged in the middle it was like letting air out of a balloon.
1st third- 4 stars
Middle-1.5 stars
Ending-3.5 stars

3 stars total. Bumpy but interesting ride.

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This is my second book by these authors and since I LOVED the first one I didn’t hesitate to grab this one too! This book certainly grabbed me from the very get go and I binged it in one sitting! In this book, we have a girl Anna, who wakes up in the side of a lake, wet, with a bump on her head and no recollection of who she is or how she got there. It’s winter, she’s cold and so she stumbles to the nearest house. Thankfully there is a handsome, caring, kind man who answers the door and lets her in. Since there is a storm, they don’t have phone lines and they are snowed in, he offers her to stay in the guest bedroom until they are able to get out. He is very thoughtful and soon….things become very strange. Just who is this Gregg guy and are her memories starting to come back or is it her head injury messing with her?

From page one of this book I was completely invested in this story! I was so nervous for Annie because she seemed so vulnerable not having her memories! I was sketched out by all of the characters in this book. The authors did a great job casting doubt against all of the side characters which kept me guessing who was out to her poor Annie! The ending was not what I was expecting in a good way. It was unhinged, demented and crazy. I felt like I kept getting whiplash from all the twists. I do think you will have to completely suspend belief when it comes to this ending, but that’s what makes thrillers fun! If you love wild and insane thrillers then make sure to check this one out!

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I enjoyed The Last Girl Left, so I was excited to read this book. Even though I enjoyed most parts of this book, there were some scenes that didn't make any sense. Maybe for some readers, this won't be an issue. Since it is well-written, it will hook you from the beginning.,.And the twist at the end was so good.

"Anna" wakes on the shore of a remote lake in the middle of the night, freezing and afraid. With no memory of who she is or how she got there, she stumbles frantically toward the lights of a house. The man who lives there is shocked to see a woman on his doorstep and takes her in.

This book got me hooked from the beginning, a unique and interesting story, it intrigued me and kept me guessing until the very end, loved the atmospheric scenery. the mystery and the thrills elements, the first part, and the end of the book, but the middle part didn't make sense to me, I like that the heroine was cautious and her internal thoughts were very relatable regarding her circumstances. but then she throws everything out the window and starts having a "relationship" with a man she doesn't know anything about and acts very suspicious...overall it was a very Good read.

Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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I have read several books by this author and loved them. This was no exception. I was immediately pulled into the story and remained interested and invested in what was happening through out. Another home run by this amazing author. Can’t wait to read more by them.

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This was such a great read with a great pace throughout the entire book. The trope wasn't new but the take on it was great with well developed characters. The book starts strong by grabbing your attention and that continues throughout the book. Gravewater Lake constantly left me guessing with all it's twists and turns. This read will keep you engrossed right to the very end! Highly recommend.

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A woman who can’t remember her past encounters a mysterious stranger in a chilling novel of mounting psychological suspense by the authors of The Last Girl Left.

She wakes on the shore of a remote lake in the middle of the night, freezing and afraid. With no memory of who she is or how she got there, she stumbles frantically toward the lights of a house. The handsome stranger who lives there is shocked to see a woman on his doorstep and takes her in.

Trapped by a winter storm and cut off from the outside world, she starts to suspect that all is not right with the house on Gravewater Lake—or the man, who says his name is Gregg. Because there are whispers in the night, and phantom footsteps pace the halls. Is Gregg hiding a dark secret, or is she losing her mind?

As she struggles to remember her past and make sense of her present, she soon discovers that people are not always who they seem, and the truth might be more deadly than she could ever have imagined.

It was not well written. I found myself skipping all the parts that were not actual dialogue or progressing the story. That was a lot of skipping. 1.5 stars. Just not for me. I did finish it though.; so there's that. The ending was so anticlimactic. I wanted to try to guess what was going to happen but the "big reveal" was nothing guessable.

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Gravewater Lake by A.M. Strong and Sonya Sargent delivers a compelling mix of mystery and supernatural intrigue. The story's eerie setting and the authors' vivid descriptions create a chilling atmosphere that draws readers into the lake's dark secrets. The protagonists are relatable, and their journey is engaging, though some plot points feel slightly predictable. The pacing is solid, but a few sections could have used tighter editing to maintain momentum. Despite minor flaws, the book offers enough twists and emotional depth to keep readers hooked. It’s a captivating read for fans of atmospheric thrillers with a touch of the supernatural.

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