Member Reviews

Many thanks to netgalley, the author and the publisher for approving my request to read this book.

The Playroom is a dark, atmospheric thriller that ramps up the tension with every page. It's expertly woven and the final chapter took my breath away, needless to say I was expecting that!

I loved the characters in this book, Jessica and Eve in particular really intrigued me.

I absolutely loved this book, 5 stars from me!

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Unusual, at times quite disturbing and compelling.

The blurb doesn’t give much away and I’m careful to avoid spoilers. Trust me when I say this is very different and original.

Jessica meets Max, the man of her dreams or a psycho-k*ller hunting for his next victim? She’s convinced she can mould him into Mister Right…

I’d compare it to books like Samantha Downing’s A Twisted Love Story, Robin Roughley’s None, and CJ Skuse’s Sweetpea, and like those it’s hard to know just how seriously you’re supposed to take it, while still being entertaining and really quite compelling.

It’s well written and visceral. It won’t be for everyone, it’s quite an oddity and it’s good to read an unusual and challenging book once in a while.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bloodhound Books

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With many thanks to Netgalley for this free arc and I am leaving this unbiased review voluntarily.
This has got to be the weirdest book I have ever read -very twisted, warped and disturbing yet totally captivating and addictive. None of the characters are likeable, however the mind games they play make them interesting. The first half of the book is intriguing and you wonder where it’s all going, however in the latter half the story isn’t actually going anywhere but it’s fascinating enough to stick with it. This storyline would not look out of place in a Tarantino movie! If you like your stories warped with truly monstrous characters then this will be the one for you. 3.5⭐️

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This was a dark and twisted read. Definitely different from the thrillers I'm used to reading. The author does a great job of having the reader guessing who's the victim and who's the monster. I found myself hating both main characters but I guess that's the point. Would recommend looking up the trigger warnings before diving into this book.

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I was not able to put this book down! It was a true page turner.

I did not see that ending coming! Definitely worth a read!

Thank you to NetGalley for the arc

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A dark thriller that is different from other books I have read so far. It is twisty and dark with characters who have their own complexities and challenges. Their past driving their present with them often being unlikeable.

Who's the captor and who has the upper hand. Both the characters are out there to beat the other with their own skill sets the other is unaware about. Overall an interesting read!

Thank you Bloodhound Books and NetGalley for this e-arc in exchange of my unbiased review.

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Well, this was one dark, screwed up story! Who is the victim and who is the monster? This story is full of manipulation and dark secrets. The author did a great job with the character development and several mental health issues. I enjoyed this one because it was twisty and thrilling. If you like dark thrillers, this is a great one!

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Wow. Not what I expected but that isn’t a bad thing. I’ve read some jaw dropping and intense books but this one really surprised me and earned every single bit of 5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Well written, full of twists and kept me on the edge of my seat with my heart pounding. I finished it in a couple of hours because I couldn't put it down.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc. This was a VERY intense book! I was kind of bummed that the characters were so unlikable, I normally want to root for someone. However, very interesting plot and different from regular thrillers.

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Twisted, unique, well-written, and a real page turner. They synopsis for this book asks who is the victim and who is the monster, and nothing could describe this book better.
Jessica is used to being bullied for her weight and longs for a beautiful man to love her. When she is picked up by Max things go horribly wrong for both of them, but how far are they each willing to go to get what they want?

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Thank you NetGalley for the fee ARC! In my opinion, this book was great! It was insanely twisty and always unpredictable, full of quirky characters and lots of dark humor. I really enjoyed the storyline, it was quite unique. I loved everything except for the last few pages; I wish the ending had been a tad different, but I highly recommend reading.

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I’ve read some disturbed, intense, jaw dropping and weird things but this book takes it to a whole new level. Not in a bad way.
Gripping, page turning and full of plot twists. I just couldn’t stop reading it.

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This was such a dark and twisting read that I had no idea who the true villain was in the story until the end. I was guessing the whole book and every guess was wrong! It wasn't my favorite thriller but still a good one for anyone who wants a moody thriller.

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I really struggled with this book. Was a bit too dark and horrible for me. I’m sure if you liked dark books you would love it.

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Jessica is longing for someone to love her. She is picked up by Max, who asked for directions and ends up living with him.
Max only loves himself, there is no way he can love Jessica - even though she will do anything for him.

I truly tried to like this book. I truly tried to find something I liked in the characters in this book.
I failed. I plowed through it to see what the ending would be, and wasn't shocked.
There are those that will be engrossed, rapt, and who will love this dark, twisted horrible tale. But I didn't.

Goodreads doesn't do half stars, but I would give this 2.5 stars. Has to be rounded up to 3.

Please don't let my honest opinion stop you from enjoying this book. Everyone has different tastes.

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Who is the victim and who is the monster? Jessica never allowed herself to get close to anyone... until now. She wants to find a man who will learn to love her – and is prepared to do anything to achieve her goal. Max soon becomes the focus of her attention. He is a handsome man, but he is also carrying a dark secret! This book was definitely a weird one lol it was a very interesting read but definitely out there! It had suspense, intriguing, brutal murder, mystery, and a few crazy twists and turns! I would recommend reading this book, it wasn’t one of my top favorites but still worth reading! Thank you NetGalley, the author and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This is such a rich and very dark thriller.
I did not know who was going to be the villain as this book takes the reader on a journey of who to trust and who turns..

I loved this book. It is a twisty and exilarating read and to be honest I was scared.
This would make a terrific film.. It is moody and the plot is on point. I loved how it unfolded and had no idea how it would end.

It's brilliant..

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