Member Reviews

What's in a name?

The premise of this book's plot is so enticing. Cora (mother and one time dancer) and Gordon (husband and physcian) have their second child, a boy. He is welomed at home by big sister, Maia, 9 years his senior.

Because the baby is born at home during a snow storm with a midwife attending, it is days later that Cora trudges to the registrar's office to register his birth and record his name. This is where the meat of the plot begins - she is very ambivalent about the name. Her husband, who is controlling, manipulative, calculating, cruel and for lack of a better term, a real a**hole, is expecting her to name the baby after him and his father, Gordon. Cora herself fancies the name, Julian, and in her mind believes she can justify it to Gordon because Julian means "father" just as their daughter's name, Maia, means "mother." Maia herself, a real little mother hen who has become accustomed to her father's tirades, voices that she would love to name her baby brother Bear because it is a fun, cuddly moniker.

Bear, Julian, Gordon...the remainder of the book, which spans a period of 35 years in seven year intervals, discloses the versions of each of their lives in relationship to the chosen names. What if their son and Maia's brother grew up being named Bear; who would he be if he were Julian; how would the name Gordon affect not only his but all of their lives?

The story is in intruging while simulataneously fascinating, disheartening, discouraging, and in some instances deadly. It is captivating to see just what is in a name and its connotations. Thank you, NetGalley and Penguin Group for this captivating read that hits shelves May 6th.

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At one level an engrossing family drama with appealing characters. At another it’s an overly schematic novel, with parallel storylines that can become confusing. Knapp is talented and I can see why her plan for the book would appeal. But I’m still unsure that the structure was a wise choice. Yes, it allows latitude to examine the determinism of three options, but that becomes a rather rigid setup.
Also, Gordon the abusive husband is such a one-dimensional character..Yes, he’s given a family background that is supposed to explain his awfulness, but that seems paper thin too. I think the novel would have been stronger with a more rounded figure as its villain.
I’ll be interested to see what the author does next.

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Bear/Julian/Gordon...all the same person, but their stories told in parallel. How each of their lives were shaped because of the name their mother chose for them.

I absolutely loved this story and it really made me think about the importance of the names we choose for our children. How that name can define who that person becomes, partly because of the way others may react to that person based on their name. Equally interesting was how the lives of the people around him were impacted by the name that was chosen for him.

The story does revolve around domestic abuse which might be triggering for some, but was tastefully done. If there is a way for a domestic abuse story to be tasteful.

I want to thank the author Florence Knapp, PENGUIN GROUP/Viking Penguin and Netgalley for an ARC or The Names.

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I couldn’t put down this novel. The idea that the name given to an infant changes not only the course of their life, but all the lives orbiting around him was fascinating. The central theme of domestic abuse was difficult at times, but gently and respectfully handled. These characters were so real. As the author jumped ahead to each time period to update us on the three different lives being lived by Bear, Julian, and Gordon, I found myself thinking of them as three separate characters. What a unique outlook!
I know this book will stay with me. The characters were so vivid and the story so heartbreakingly real. . I will be recommending this novel to my reading friends and my book club. Thanks to Netgalley for introducing me to Florence Knapp and her wonderful, authentic voice.

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The synopsis caught my eye instantly, because my mother, too, chose between three names for me—and the one she calls me to this day is the one my brother picked. I don’t know if that’s why I connected to this book so much, but I found it to be a beautiful, life-affirming, touching story with so much depth and nuance to every character.

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