Member Reviews

First and foremost, I’m a bit of a Kelley Armstrong fangirl. This is the 15th book (three series and several standalones) of hers that I have read. Suffice it to say. I think she’s an excellent writer and storyteller. Secondly, I love scary, ghost and supernatural stories, and when I came across this one, I just had to have it. With ghosts, a haunted house, a séance, and even swarms of bugs that surround you every time you walk outside, all of which makes for a great story for the upcoming Halloween season.

The book summary basically lays out the start of the story and introduces the MC, Nic, a Cystic Fibrosa sufferer who has lasted long past her expiration date. However, her healthy and fit husband, Anton, hasn’t. Fast forward seven months, and Nic is volunteering as a mentor for a grief counseling facility. It comes across as a kind of 12-step facility where newbies can partner up with mentors, supposedly those who have succeeded in moving through the stages of grief. Lol😂 While Nic is nowhere near getting through the grieving stages, she does have a lot of experience in getting duped by a slew of charlatans who target the newly grieved in scamming them into thinking they can help them “communicate” with their loved ones. This is the type of mentoring she provides to Shania, a woman grieving her sister.

However, Nic’s brother, Keith, and his ex-wife, Libby, and his current husband, Jin, all think that the reason Nic can’t move on is because she truly believes that spirits can be summoned, because of her own past experiences. So, they’re all, including a “reputable” medium, off to a lake house where Nic and Anton loved to visit, with hopes of conjuring up Anton’s spirit once and for all. It’s not long before creepy and scary things start happening. There is also a secondary storyline of the missing son, Brodie, of the woman down the road, Mrs Kilmer, who provides the meals to Nic and the rest of the guests. The son is a drug addict and has a history of not coming home sometimes, but the woman believes that something is wrong.

Most of the story revolves around all the creepy stuff happening around the house and the creepy occurences of a few seances. They realized that at some point, Brodie, was in the basement of the house because they find his drug kit. They even start to suspect that Brodie might be involved in some of the creepy stuff going on in the house and that he’s trying to get them to leave. It's not long before they discover that is not the case. It isn’t until deep into the second half that we discover what Nic has been hiding about her past and how it may be connected to her present. Some of the chapters flip back and forth from Nic’s present and past.

The character development of Nic, and even Anton to some degree, was pretty good throughout the story. She kind of started out as this troubled and grieving widow who couldn’t move on and by the end…!!! Unveiling the fact and fiction of Nic’s memories, real and imaginary, as well as her past was a shocker. The pacing was steady, the storyline was very interesting, and the writing was crazy, bizarre, good too. Classic Armstrong with an outrageously, creepy and super scary scenes. I’m looking at an overall rating of 4.1 that I will be rounding down to a 4star review. I want to thank NetGalley, St Martin’s Press and Macmillan Audio for sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

#NetGalley #StMartinsPress #MacmillanAudio #IllBeWaiting

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I'll Be Waiting
A Novel
by Kelley Armstrong
Narrated by Jennifer Pickens

I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley

If you’re in the mood for a ghost story that will keep you guessing and re-thinking your guesses all the way through - this book is for you!

As an avid listener of books I often hope to find “the bad guy” so that I can pat myself on the back for figuring out the mystery a la Detective Poirot. But, alas, I am no Agatha Christie awesome sleuth. But, does that ever stop me from trying? Heck, No!

I guessed and then guessed again until I realized I was guessing that most of the books characters were “the bad guy” - both those alive and dead, because it’s a ghost story!

If you enjoy trying to figure out the ending - this book will leave you satisfied like a really fun escape room or spine tingling movie (not horror movies per se, but suspense movies).

I deeply enjoyed this book and I am sure you will too!

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This was the perfect book for spooky season! A woman loses her husband in a car crash and starts going to seances in order to "speak" with him. She quickly begins debunking some of the seances as fake and therefore enlists the help of a professor who seems more scientific. She and her friends meet the professor at her husband's lake house and conduct various seances in order to communicate with him. Then chaos ensues. I loved trying to figure out what was happening in this book and who or what was behind strange occurrences. I definitely recommend this book to add to your spooky season TBR.

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Kelley Armstrong's I'll Be Waiting took me on a supernatural journey that far exceeded my expectations. The story masterfully blends haunted-house horror, séances, and deep emotional struggles, all while keeping you on the edge of your seat. It follows Nicola Laughton, whose life has been shaped by both her struggle with Cystic Fibrosis and the tragic death of her husband, Anton. When she’s dragged into a séance at a beach house that previously belonged to Anton’s family, eerie events begin to unfold, and a sinister spirit seems awfully ornery to say the least.

The narrator’s performance adds another layer to the story. Initially, her tone felt a little bleak, but that perfectly matched Nicola’s state of mind at the beginning of the novel. As the story progressed, the narrator transformed along with Nicola, making the emotional and supernatural elements even more powerful. Her voice captured the chilling atmosphere of the story while bringing Nicola's complex emotions to life.

Armstrong weaves an immersive narrative, filled with shocking twists, creepy imagery, and tense moments. The haunted setting, combined with Nicola’s past and the ghostly encounters, creates an atmospheric horror that’s both thrilling and unsettling. And while there are plenty of spooky moments, it’s Nicola’s personal journey—her fight for closure and survival—that truly stands out.

I’ll Be Waiting is an incredible blend of horror and mystery that had me hooked from the start. I look forward to seeing what else Kelley Armstrong has to offer in this genre.

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Macmillan Audio ALC
What a perfect book for spooky season. Nicola experienced such tragedy in this book. While living with Cystic Fibrosis, she thought she would die before her husband, but a horrible accident takes him first, and she'll do anything to try to reach him beyond the grave - and that's all you need to know. Armstrong writes such creepy, atmospheric horror. This one was so full of is/isn't it scenarios, that I kept going quickly because I had to know what was really going on. I liked how everyone was a bit sketchy because it made me think about all of their different motives and decisions. I thought the suspense and horror elements were so well done. There's believable mysteries here. I even liked the use of flash backs. They were necessary and added just enough to the plot to make it a truly scary story. This one is perfect for fall if you want something a bit creepy.
I also loved the narration. Jennifer Pickens really captured Nicola and this story.

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I'm a big fan of Kelley Armstrong's work. She has written a lot of great books in various genres over the years, including YA, urban fantasy, paranormal suspense, epic fantasy, and mystery series. I recently read one of her horror novels, and it was fantastic. The story follows Nic, a middle-aged woman with cystic fibrosis who is mourning the tragic loss of her new husband. Over 8 months, she attends numerous seances in an attempt to connect with him and find closure. The final séance takes a spooky turn in a seemingly haunted house. I won't give away any more details to avoid spoilers.

My thoughts on the book are mixed. I loved the ending where all the suspense finally culminates in an action-packed and intense finale. However, I found the protagonist's indecisiveness to be quite irritating, which made it hard for me to connect with her. I also wished for a spookier setting throughout the story, as most of the eerie events happen towards the end. Yes, there are bugs, strange voices and events, but I wanted more spooks, some jump scares. Despite this, I still found the book enjoyable, especially with its paranormal elements and sweet moments. Overall, it's a quick and enjoyable read, perfect for the spooky season.

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I loved this audiobook so much. Perfect for your spooky TBR this should be on everyone’s October list and I’m definitely going to be listening again thank you to the publisher and the author for this early listen! 10/10 stars!

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3.5 ⭐️

I think this is a great thriller for those that like a bit milder suspense experience. The story is interesting with good pacing. There is murder and it’s fairly descriptive - I don’t want to think that’s what I mean by mild. The audiobook is nice; the narrator did a good job trying to up the suspense impact. For those that are looking for a more intense experience, this may not be the best choice for you.

Thank you NetGalley, Kelley Armstrong, and Macmillian audio for this audiobook ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Really great mystery with some supernatural elements to it. It was a little bit confusing because there is back and forth with timelines and characters but it was all around a good book. It held my interest, had some surprises and some interesting character development. Good narration as well.

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I’ll Be Waiting promises all kinds of spookiness for this October. It certainly gives off chills and provides some much needed haunted house vibes for October, but the synopsis gives a different kind of impression than the experience readers will get in the book. There’s a mystery somewhere in the book to be puzzled, but the plot doesn’t so much twist and turn as much as bounce around zig-zag trying to make up its mind what it wants to be. The ending comes out of left field, much like a 90’s R.L. Stine book, and I’m not really sure how well the overarching conflict resolves itself in the end.

My biggest peeve has to be a synopsis that does not give an accurate representation of what readers will get from the book. It happens frequently, and when it does, I always point it out because many times it feels like a false advertisement/expectation setting for the book. First, spiritualists do not hound Nicola. Nicola actually has a problem constantly going to them. She desires desperately to speak to Anton again and understand what he meant by his final words. It becomes an addiction for her. Second, the synopsis gives the false impression that this is some kind of slasher horror with, “That’s when she finds the first body.” This I won’t debunk too in depth—it will spoil the story—but bodies don’t just drop like flies here.

At its heart, I’ll Be Waiting is a ghost story, but it’s also a story about grief, loss, and the desperate attempt to find out if there is an afterlife—and what it is if there is one. I quite like this aspect of the story, as it shows compelling emotional depth. If Nicola’s journey through mourning were the only aspect of the story, I would rate it 5 stars. Armstrong shines with dramatic writing.

But the drama isn’t the only part of the story. I’ll Be Waiting is a supernatural horror novel. It’s supposed to be scary, malevolent, and creepy; it is—up until the end. All the twists and turns and bumps in the night lead readers to a conclusion that just takes all the scary out of it. The dénouement reminds me of the endings of Stine’s Fear Street series. Ultimately, the force Nicola and her friends find themselves up against comes from out of nowhere. There’s no foreshadowing or buildup. It just gets dumped on readers and left there. And the conclusion to all the searching she’s done for Anton? Anticlimactic.

Jennifer Pickens provides excellent narration for Armstrong’s novel—the pacing and cadence match the theme perfectly. Pickens’ voice gives a great impression of Nicola, deep and somber, pulling listeners in with sadness and chilling them for the horror. I highly recommend listening to this one for those who love spooky stories. Bonus points for putting the headphones on/earbuds in at night and giving it a go.

Overall, 3.5/5 for the story and 5/5 for the narration. I’ve read too many haunted house and ghost stories for this to stand out among the crowd.

My thanks to Macmillan Audio for the ALC, for which I willingly give my own, honest opinion.

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I'll be waiting follows a women who didn't think she would see adulthood due to cystic fibrosis. As an accident and her final moments with her husband are aired publicly, Nicola becomes hounded by spiritualist.
This book starts out great, and goes along quickly for about 50%. Then it becomes slightly unbelievable and Nicola becomes infuriating. I wanted to yell "come on" multiple times throguht the last 40% of the book. The plot is a little far fetched in the ending.
Gave it 3 stars, as a neutral in the middle. Wasn't a bad paranormal read.

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I'll Be Waiting is a story nightmares are made of. Nic's husband dies in a high profile car accident they were in together, she wants closure, so she invests in seance after seance. Following many failed attempts with phony mediums who had heard her story and wanted in on it, Nic finds a professor of psychology whose work centers around supernatural experiences and contacting those who have passed. It's through this final attempt at contacting her husband that we learn that Nic is no stranger to death or seances, and things in the present day seance get a little crazy.

Listen, I'm the biggest wimp when it comes to spooky things, thrillers, etc. I ate this up but also wanted to hide under a blanket. 😅 The supernatural really freaks me out. Woof. I don't know if I would have been as spooked by reading the text... But the audio narration really did me in!!

Also, really funny to go from reading romance to horror with the same author! @kelleyarmstrongauthor

A great option if you're looking for something scary to ring in the season, this book releases October 1!

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I knew when I started this audio I was going to like it, but I didn’t know just how much I would love it!!! The narrator was literally perfection and the story was soooo engaging and entertaining!!!

⭐️I’LL BE WAITING, out OCT 1st⭐️

(Thank you for the free audiobook ) #MacAudio2024

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Recording and narrator is great. Great pronunciation and voice changes with each character. Story needs a lot of working and editing.

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I’m still new to the horror/paranormal genre, so this one was a bit different for me.. pub date 10.01.24

I really enjoyed the first half of the book! Chapter one was so intense- Nicola and her husband Anton are in a car crash and just before Anton passes say, he tells Nicola “I’ll be waiting for you”

A witness to the accident states his ghost actually said those words, and the story ended up going public. Nicola seeks out mediums in order to try to connect with Anton one last time to get some closure.

Spooky house vibes, seances, dead bodies, all come together for the perfect spooky season read. I think it was even spookier listening on audio. I do think horror and will love this one - it was a bit too gory in parts for my personal preference which is why my rating is simply : I liked it. Horror fans will probably love!

Narrated by Jennifer Pickens who did an incredible job- I’ll be seeking out more audio done by her.


Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for my ALC!


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This book is good for this upcoming spooky season. I was scared at many parts of this book. The plot twist was great! It does get a bit repetitive which I personally didn’t like. I also personally didn’t like the ending.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for the audio arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Nicola is still reeling from loosing her beloved husband. Now, she goes back to a place of meaning to them with her brother in law and friend to meet with a ghost expert who will perform a seance.

Kelley Armstrong is a queen of modern day horror novels and this one is no exception! Here's what I loved:

The premise: There is so much to love in this one. It's a ghost story, a thriller, a heartbreaking drama, all in one. The idea that Nicola and Anton's last moment is shared with so many really broke my heart. But that's what leads her to wanting to find out more.

The creepiness: This book has such a good unsettling feeling to it. From the bugs to the noises, there is always something to really get you in the creepy mood. This is a perfect Halloween read!

The characters: You get to see not only the present day characters but some past characters, This dual timeline really gets you into the myster of what is really going on.

The audio: Jennifer Pickens does such a good job with this one. She built the tension with her voice alone. Bravo.

All in all, this is a great ghost/horror story!

Thank you to the author and publisher for the gifted copy!

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I always look forward to a new release by Kelly Armstrong and this one was definitely worth the wait. This story starts out sad. Nicola Laughton has always known her life would be cut short, since her diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis so when she fell in love with Anton she thought he would one day be living without her. Life unfortunately had other plans and she lost him when they get into a car crash. He promised to wait for her so she is hounded by psychics and spiritualist promising her closure. When a reputable medium decides to help they rent the Lake Erie beach house that Anton’s family once owned. Things start getting really weird and creepy fast. This was a fast paced book that will take you on a wild ride. Jennifer Pickens was the narrator and I thought she did a fabulous job telling this story. She kept me entertained and held my attention. The characters and the story are well written. I would definitely recommend this book and anything else Kelley Armstrong writes.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to this ALC for my honest opinion.

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This book is a tender and emotional examination of grief with inclusion of the supernatural and ghost stories throughout. It was definitely on the slow side but I liked the eerie aspects and the narrator did a great job!

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Content warnings: bodily possession, blood, car accident, physical violence, drug use, psychological abuse

I'LL BE WAITING started off with such a strong concept - the reasoning, the hints that Nicola is an unreliable narrator which encourages readers to question everything they're being told, the "final" seance setup... all great. Even as things start to go sideways for Nic and her guests at at the beach house, I was still riding with the plot. But then Armstrong jumps the shark and the plot becomes so unrealistically convenient and interconnected that it totally lost me as a reader. I would have DNF'd this around the 40% mark but chose to stuck with it to see if the ending was worth the nonsense... for me, it wasn't, YMMV.

Jennifer Pickens does a decent job with the audiobook narration though the flashbacks were particularly confusing since there was no audible clue (tone change, chapter title) to let listeners know the flip from present to past. Hopefully there is in the print version, but I can't confirm that. Either way it made for a clunky reading experience during the transitions.

Advanced Reader’s Copy provided by NetGalley and Macmillan Audio in exchange for an honest review.

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