Member Reviews

Nora Roberts writes an excellent romance novel. As far as her trilogies go, this was a strange middle section, without much development. I am excited to read the final installment but I wish these trilogies were released together, especially when they are such a strong continuation.

Be sure to read the first one first, and I would recommend ensuring they are read close to one another.

Thank you to Net Galley and Macmillan Audio for the audio ARC!

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Book 2 in the Lost Bride Trilogy is spectacular! As Sonya gets settled in the Victorian mansion that she inherits more of its history and the family of her father's past is revealed. It's gruesome and intriguing. With the help of Cleo, Trey and Owen they will go through a myriad of discoveries. So looking forward to Book 3!

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Nora Roberts is a must read author of mine. The Mirror was the latest book of hers that I’ve read. I listened to the audiobook version and I loved it!

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After being completely enthralled by the first book, I was thrilled to be invited to read an advance copy of the second book of this trilogy.

Nora Roberts is an auto-buy author for me, and I read this one slowly, trying to savor the story; it picks up right where Inheritance left off and kept my attention throughout.

Very enjoyable second title for the trilogy and I’m absolutely looking forward to the final title 🙂

I was fortunate enough to receive an ALC as well and though Brittany Pressley’s narration took a little while for me to get used to her performance certainly adds to the story.


Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the DRC

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Thanks to Nora Roberts, St. Martin's Press, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for allowing me free access to ARCs in exchange for an honest review.

True Title: In Which Meals Are Had

DNF 45%

I'm not reading Nora Roberts anymore. I know I've bitched about her in the past, but for real this time, I'm done. The first half of this book was just a series of meals with the occasional lame haunt thrown in. The premise is intriguing, but the execution is just a ramble of unnecessary and inconsequential details. Who gives a flying rat's ass what color and material the tables and chairs are at the party they're planning? Who cares what the menu is for every goddamn meal they eat? Who cares about work projects that present no conflict and have nothing to do with the plot? The fluff is suffocating. What's that? The MC's love interest is falling in love with her? News to me, because we're not seeing it on the page. I feel no chemistry between Sonya and Trey, and none between Chloe and Owen. The haunts aren't scary, there's no tension, the stakes feel like a shrug, none of the characters are remotely interesting. Sweet jesus, Roberts's writing is in the shitter. They really will pay her to write to-do lists---because people keep reading them! It's so frustrating! It's a fricken scam! You're paying for a name and reputation, not a quality product. Either Roberts has no editor or her editor has no spine. Or skill. I'm so glad I stopped paying for Roberts's books years ago. I'm done. Done, done, done. I feel like ordering an arrangement of white lilies, because I'm grieving this loss.

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