Member Reviews

I’ve been getting into poetry more and more and I was delighted that this one ended up on my radar. Vulnerable. Honest. Dark. Grim. Hopeful. A set of poetry that made me cringe and devour every single line. I appreciate when a poet can take their emotions and layer them with imagery that parables their own experiences.

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Each poem in this collection is bloody and visceral. 'Bestial Mouths' definitely leans towards lyrical imagery than structured poetry, but is done in a darkly beautiful way.

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I loved this collection of poetry, the multilayered and at times dark imagery. It is definitely one that I will reread.

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the gothic tone was delightful and the poems felt thematically aligned, making this collection quick and easy to read. part of this is due to the action-heavy imagery and the narration-style voice. in some poems, such as Acrobat Girl or A Dream, this works well as the action is a used as a metaphor and tied to deeper emotion. however, there were some poems were this could be employed in a more nuanced manner.

the line breaks often felt like they were there purely to give the aesthetic of a poem rather than for a purpose. a more tactical use of enjambment (like in the poems Crow Man or La Leth Laughs) would have made many of the poems flow easier. i also noticed the author loved using the word ‘mastication’ but as someone who also have favourite words that they use far more than other people might like, i could not fault the author for this. (also, its just a great word.)

there is a vulnerability i’ve witnessed from poets (and from being a poet myself) that makes poetry highly subjective and personal, moreso that prose can be. while i didn’t feel as emotionally attached to this collection as i would have liked, i do think this is a good addition to the horror poetry subgenre, particularly for those who enjoy the occult and feminist regalings of monster myths.

thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an e-copy of this collection. i absolutely love the cover design.

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This was phenomenal. The grotesque physicality of Tolian's writing embodies the gothic, folk, and horror intersections of genre. The poetry's form took a bit to get used to and I wonder how it is intended to be performed/spoken. The descriptive and vivid languages lends itself well to the imagery the poems create. Would definitely recommend.

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It’s been a while since I’ve read any poetry but this one I thought was beautifully done. It was nice to read horror poetry for a change. I enjoyed how the POV would change between poems and I found them captivating. The way this was written left room for the reader to have some of their own interpretation as well.

As for the cover, it’s stunning and I think it conveys exactly how these poems feel.

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I would like to thank NetGalley, RDS Publishing and Raw Dog Screaming Press for the opportunity to read this book.

Through the poetry in this book, I felt like I was in the roots of this magical, raw, feminine charged existence. Beautifully written and often moving. The author does well to take us through a journey in these primordial almost tribalistic words of verse. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and would recommend to other fellow poetry lovers.

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I wish I had more to say than this wasn't my jam. I didn't understand the poetry, which is quite unusual. The concept behind it is interesting, but it steers too far into implied imaginative statements that I would finish a poem and not know what I just read. This may be one I pick up again when I'm in a different headspace because it feels like it has a lot to offer.

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Review of Bestial Mouths by [Author's Name]

Bestial Mouths is a mesmerizing and unsettling collection that plunges deep into the realms of nightmares, metamorphosis, and the liminal spaces where the beautiful grotesque resides within the human psyche. The author’s mastery lies not only in the vivid imagery and striking metaphors but in the haunting way the poems linger in the mind long after reading.

The collection is built upon the unsettling and surreal, blurring the boundaries between dream and reality. Each poem feels like a fragment of a dark, twisted dreamscape, where the familiar is distorted into something eerie and unfamiliar. The exploration of metamorphosis is particularly striking, as the poems twist the human form into something animalistic, monstrous, or alien, challenging the reader’s perception of self and identity. This is not transformation for the sake of horror alone, but as a way to explore the fragility of the human experience.

What stands out most in Bestial Mouths is the ability to navigate the liminal spaces—the thresholds between life and death, sanity and madness, beauty and decay. The grotesque in these pages is not merely shocking or disturbing; it is beautiful in its vulnerability, raw in its honesty. The imagery dances between dark eroticism and existential dread, creating a sense of both attraction and repulsion. The mouths that inhabit this collection are not just literal but metaphysical, representing voices that speak from the shadows, from places of unspoken desire and hidden fears.

The language is at once poetic and primal, with moments that are lush and lyrical, followed by sudden, sharp fragments that jolt the reader into a new reality. The tone shifts between quiet introspection and feverish urgency, echoing the instability of the human mind as it grapples with its inner monsters.

Ultimately, Bestial Mouths is a powerful meditation on the duality of beauty and horror that resides within us all. It reminds us that the things we fear most—the monsters, the nightmares—are often reflections of our own inner turmoil. This collection will not be easily forgotten; it invites readers to confront their own dark corners, embracing the grotesque beauty that lies hidden within.

For readers who appreciate poetry that pushes boundaries and explores the visceral, the primal, and the uncanny, Bestial Mouths is a must-read.

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Publishing date: 14.11.2024
Thank you to NetGalley and RDS Publishing for the ARC. My opinions are my own.

Now THIS is horror poetry. This was exactly what I have been looking for all year in this very specific genre.

I probably like this a lot more because I am a woman that goes through phases of feminine rage, and this book has been infused with the essence of feminine rage. You can really feel the surge of emotions through the pages. The horrors of womanhood, the beauty of it, and the dangers of pushing a woman too far.

The poems were so descriptive and visceral without being crude and overly saturated with gore. I could imagine my own place amongst the lines, in the poems, in their shoes.

I experienced emotions from unbridled rage, to deep and drowning sorrows from this collection. I think a lot of women will when reading this.

Final ranking and star rating?
4.5 stars, A tier. Absolutely stunning. This is prime horror poetry. Beautiful and magnificent. If you, like me, have struggled with finding horror poetry that touches upon the "horrific and beautiful" ... Don't sleep on this collection.

Favorite poems:
Skinwalker Moon

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★Thank you to NetGalley and Raw Dog Screaming Press for providing me with a copy of this book to review★
Bestial Mouths by Brenda S. Tolian is a poetry collection which revolves around themes of trauma, exploitation and power.
When I first saw it, I was immediately drawn to the name of the collection and, to some extent, the cover. However, unfortunately, I did not have the best time with this. Initially, what struck me was the odd and often annoying formatting of these poems. Most of them are centred, which is fine, but a lot of the poems have large portions where there is only one or two words per line. Rather than having a certain effect, it just made the poem annoying to read, and it took several rereads to understand the content rather than focusing on the structure.
In addition to this, I found that the poems were at times incoherent. There was a surprising mix of extremes within them, as, on the one hand, there were some poems that were blunt and very on the nose with the meaning, yet there were also poems that were overly-confusing and difficult to decipher.
Despite this, it is clear throughout every poem the amount of emotion that the author has put into her work. It is a collection that feels extremely personal, and that is admirable. It is not necessarily a collection that I would revisit, but I do think that there are some powerful and sickening images that come from it. I think that the Tolian is brilliant at creating strong and grotesque imagery. There are certainly a few hard hitters from this collection, and there were a few poems that I particularly enjoyed including: Eros Root, Johnathan Fry, Melancholy, Apple, Child and Opio-Cordyceps.
This collection will be upsetting to some, so please check the content warnings before reading.
I have kept this review intentionally short, as I don't feel that it is productive to linger on the negatives, particularly when there were other reviews that did not encounter the same issues that I did. However, it is also important to express my honest opinion of this collection. That being said, I would definitely like to read more from this writer, and will be looking into them further. I don't want to let one collection reflect completely on the writer's work, especially as there were poems within it that I thought were well-written and eerie.
Overall, Bestial Mouths is a poetry collection that is dividing. On the one hand, it was hard to keep track of, at times blunt, and the formatting was definitely something I would reconsider. On the other hand, there were some really good, grotesque moments. I was a huge fan of the eco horror elements of Bestial Mouths, and I think that if Tolian played more into the physical horror rather than explicitly stating the meaning, it would have been a better collection for me. With this in mind, I gave the collection: ★★

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Dr. Brenda S. Tolian, DA, MFA, lives and writes New Orleans and is the author of Blood Mountain, published by Raw Dog Screaming Press. As an active member of the Horror Writers Association and the Angela Carter Society, Brenda's work blends haunting narratives with deep literary insights. She holds degrees from Adams State University and Regis University (MFA) and earned her Doctorate in English Literature Pedagogy from Murray State University. Brenda's work has been featured in numerous anthologies and publications, showcasing her unique voice, fierce narratives, and poetry of the female experience through dark fiction, folk, gothic and southwestern horror. Her newest collection of poetry is Bestial Mouths.

Bestial Mouths is a collection of gothic poetry tinged with pagan folk horror. The poems themselves are minimalist and fragmented, tools which Tolian is attempting to use to create a mythic or mysterious tone throughout the pieces. Furthermore, the underlying rhythms and hints of veiled formalism create incantatory pieces that enchant the reader. For example, the poem “You” begins

you were never a martyr

you were an open coat

cold influx of air

silk on my throat

A hand in my hair

Everyone has left

These are typical of Tolian’s lines, and readers who enjoy this sort of minimalist gothic poetry will certainly enjoy this book.

Bestial Mouths by Dr. Brenda S. Tolian creates a personal grimoire that readers will find spell-binding and elusive. Tolian presents her poems without ornament or poetic trickery, creating sparse and alienating pieces that beg the reader to engage with them. For readers who enjoy intentionally gothic poetry, especially poems that are minimal and sparse, this book cannot come more highly recommended.

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Bestial Mouths was so raw and macabre. Dark secrets unfolding in every page. This collection was immersive and heart felt. I read this with fascination and full focus. The many lives of different women at the heart of evil.

I didn't know horror poetry was a thing with the cover drawing me in at first glance. The first page had me intrigued and had me dreading for more.

I loved the writing and the way the collection was put together. I will be reading more from this author.

Thank you to Netgalley and RDS Publishing | Raw Dog Screaming Press for an ARC digital copy for my honest review.

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The cover is awesome! This is a great collection of poetry! They are dark but very well written. If you enjoy poetry, I would recommend this! Special Thank You to Brenda S. Tolian, RDS Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Bestial Mouths by Brenda Tolian is a poetry book that explores themes of identity, trauma and sexuality. Filled with unsettling imagery and themes, the author does a good job of blending haunting narratives using inspiration from gothic, folk horror and the grotesque.

Many poems in this book examine the "bestial" aspects of human nature, using symbols and powerful depictions of metamorphosis. The author delves into topics such as societal control over female bodies. As a person who doesn't read much poetry I found some of the poems to be both likeable and relevant, especially as a fellow woman in today's world. The poems that I enjoyed most were "Full Moon", "Johnathan Fry", "Melancholy", "Child" and "Awake Now".

Despite enjoying some of the poems I'm not quite sure that I enjoy this type of poetry, often times some of the poems in the book felt like an incohesive jumble of words. I would rate this book 2.5 stars, thank you netgalley for a arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is exactly what it said it would be. From the cover to the content it has a somewhat old Saxon dark poetry essence. It explores a few sexual themes using darker imagery. This collection isn't lighthearted or cheery its morbid I mean that as a compliment. The Intention behind it seems to be to paint a scene of a dark ambiance with vivid imagery and eloquent vocabulary. Given the description this book does what it said it would it and it does it well

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If you love or like horror and gothic, you will love this book. I had to read a few poems again and again because it was weird sounding but after reading a couple times I got the gist of the poem. Its a great collection and would love to read more from his author.

I received a free copy of the book and is voluntarily writing a review

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A firebrand of a poetry collection that was dark and powerful. I enjoyed reading almost all of the poems in this short collection. Each of them are a masterpiece in itself and can stand proudly on its own. Love how fresh and unique this collection was. Highly recommend to all lovers of poetry!

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Bestial Mouths is a gothic, horror, poetry chapbooks by Brenda S. Tolian.

I love the cover, which is what drew me into requesting this poetry book.

There were a handful of poems that I liked. The others felt like the rhythm wasn’t there and they sounded similar. While the theme carries over, it made a lot of the poems sound the same.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The cover is beautiful! The inside is not beautiful in the sense that we are used to but it's breath takingly good. I love the layers and the feeling of dread and darkness. I received a free eARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this opportunity.

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