Member Reviews

I'm a huge horror fan and Brian Keene is one of the best people currently writing. This was a great collection of short stories; I loved every one of them. The artwork at the end was brilliant, too. People who love zombies will love these slices of life after the world ends. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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I LOVED these short stories!

I have to say, I have a fascination with zombies in both movies & books but these zombies have to be the worst kind! Everyone/thing comes back with their memory. Which means they know how to shoot guns, and talk. Noooo thank you!

When I read the reason for these short stories, I was saddened I didn’t know about it. How cool would it be to be written in a short horror story?

Anyway, these stories made me want to read his book “Rising” from 2003! Highly recommend.

A nice quick read

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Fantastic set of stories set in the world of City of the Dead and for a great cause. Each story is disgusting, horrifying, and absolutely wonderful. This zombie mythology still packs a punch and there are some truly nightmarish stories here. A great read!

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I have been a fan of zombies for a long time- since the early 2000’s at least. I’m also a huge fan of reading (obviously lol).

Zombie books were so hard to find in the early 2000’s. Like nearly impossible. And then I stumbled across Brian Keene’s The Rising at the bookstore. It was an immediate purchase. And as soon as City of the Dead came out, I also bought it immediately. Same with Dead Sea.

Brian Keene was my introduction to zombie literature and I haven’t looked back.

I absolutely loved this collection of short stories from The Rising universe. One thing that’s always bothered me about most apocalypse/zombie books, is that it almost always focuses on one group. I want to hear about other survivors around the world. Not only does this book give a look at some of these other survivors, but we also get a peek at what comes after this wave, the Siqqusim (IYKYK). What I wouldn’t give for this series to continue with waves 2&3 (Elilum and Teraphim).

Favorites in this collection were Sophie’s Final Choice (the goodest girl), Plan D (🥺), Nemrotto (the goodest boy), Last Embrace Part 1 (creeped me out!) &2, and Watching It Burn. I was a fan of all the stories, but those are the ones that really stood out for me.

The artwork by Charlie Benante at the end was also incredible.

So glad I was given the chance to read this! Thank you to Bian Keene, Dead Sky Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read the eARC.

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Twenty years ago I was managing a mall bookstore and a paperback copy of Brian Keene’s, The Rising showed up in the weekly order. Being a horror fan, I read it immediately and was blown away by the fact that the end of the world was going down in my back yard. I fired off an email to Brian thanking him for the apocalypse and he invited himself to do a book signing at my store.
The new addition to the Rising family is great. All of the horror, pathos and fun is still there. Thanks Brian!! I hope people buy this!

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As always, Brian Keene is Goat.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this was fabulous as always.
The way I raced through this read was intense.
Stories from the end of the world and the horror that goes with it

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Brian Keene returns to his world of The Rising with more short stories set in that universe of demonically controlled zombies. The stories are all very short quick reads. One or two mentioned characters from the other novels which I recognized, though I haven't read them all and it's been ages since I read what I have of them. The book is kinda depressing, as there's not a lot of hope found in most of the tales..

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I’ve read some of Kenne’s stories from his zombie universe. And the thing I enjoyed most about these short tales from the end of the world was how surprisingly sweet each tale is. Just adoring moments from across a disaster, little brief snippets of life.

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