Member Reviews

Saddle up partners for this fantastic western horror novella which features gruesomely bloody kills, a revenge story, and black magic.

Blue is a bounty hunter with a reputation. When he finds out his momma's ranch has been taken over, he heads back home to reclaim it.

But his town has another problem. A group of traveling musicians with supernatural powers sing death songs each night. Whomever they sing it to is brutally killed in the night and it appears they can't die.

With a psychopathic group holed up at the ranch waiting to kill Blue, and this group of murderous musicians, Blue is headed back to more than he bargained for.

This story is going to place all these elements together and creates a horrifying, bloody, and (at times) heartfelt narrative which will keep you reading until the end.

The characters are ones you'll love and loathe and there's a palm reader who will play her part and really rounds this novella out wonderfully.

Filled with wild west vibes and teeming with atmosphere and dread, I can highly recommend this western horror.

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I got this arc for review on netgally.
Might be 4.5 stars but definitely more of a 5 stars then a 4 stars.
I was intrigued with the synopsis and very quickly got invested in the story and it's characters even if a lot of them weren'tvery lukeable. It was gruesome in parts and the death songs very terrifying to think about. I really liked the book.

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