Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this ride!
The wide range of feelings in this book is abysmal, it has been a complete rollercoaster.
You change from pity to hate, to comprehension and love, once and again. You feel the tension and the internal discussions; you doubt alongside the main character (yes, the serial killer!) and sometimes even approve of his choice (yes, *that* choice, even you'd never do it in real life, of course)... Most times, both his doubts and his statements appeal to your core.
The flashbacks are very well intertwined with the "present" (2017), and I especially liked the jumping forward from one period of his youth to another. I felt the warmth of his family, his love for them. I really appreciated the backstories and was eager for those chapters.
I thought of the FBI agent's first chapter as an intrusion, as the novel was quite advanced and felt out-of-the-blue; it had nothing to do with the rest of the story. But next time he reappeared, I was ready and also enjoyed them.
I loved every page, I'll be waiting for the next one. Yes, there will be another one, as the final cliffhanger is spectacular. As a reader who usually gets plot twists easily, I thought I knew when their ways were going to cross but... nope! It was much better and unexpected.
And I loved that it was only hinted at, not explained like the reader is stupid. We are not. Thank youuu and respect!!!

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The overall plot and characters were decent. Personally I think I'm just bored of the police/FBI agent stories so I wasn't too compelled by this. However, I did like the author's writing style. I loved the idea of the serial killer's journey and I may pick up the next in the series because I'm curious to know what's going to happen.

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This was a strong start to this series, I enjoyed the idea of going on this journey with a serial killer to see where they were shaped. It had that overall concept that I was looking for and had a suspenseful atmosphere. I thought the overall story worked well together with the characters and that it had that realism that I wanted in the genre. David Santana has a great way with words and characters that I cared about. I hope there is more in this series as this was really well done.

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