Member Reviews

'The Honeymoon' by Gemma Rogers was a good read. I enjoyed the twists and turns in the story, as well as the ending. I will continue to read Gemma Rogers's books because they are easy and fun reads!

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After finding her new husband in a compromising position with another woman, Kelly flees to her honeymoon in Crete, alone, without Ryan. Kelly is enjoying her cheating-husband free vacation, even unexpectedly meets an honest, attractive man, until Ryan shows up. The plot suddenly thickens and Kelly is in for a whole lot of surprises! TWISTY, surprising and kept my eyes glued to the pages! LOVED!

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I had quite a few issues with this book, number one being that it did not feel like a psychological thriller at all, it is difficult to explain without giving too many details away but essentially there is a crime aspect involved in the second half of the book, but defiantly wouldn’t call it a psychological thriller. The first few chapters of the book, I thought the author was setting the stage for a good, twisty, murderous, revenge type plot however none of that happened. Many times I was rolling my eyes at the main character just by how passive and submissive she was. I mean continuing on a honeymoon after the groom and best friend of the bride are caught cheating and they show up and join you, proceed to gaslight you and the main character just endures and joins in on honeymoon outings? I know we have naïve characters but this was just too much for me and took an immediate dislike to our FMC, her cheating husband and don’t even get me started on her best friend. The book became tiresome as it went on and the last half of the book just did not grasp me.

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2 stars. Dnf. Started out strong but I dnf'd around 40%. Didn't like any of the characters, kept waiting for the "thriller" part to begin, and quit when I realized I didn't care what happened to Kelly or anyone else, not even enough to look up spoilers. I've read books by this author I enjoyed, this just wasn't the one for me.

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Kept me turning the pages. Kelly married her highschool sweetheart Ryan of ten years. But at their wedding reception she gets a full on shot of what her husband is up to. She can't believe it! She ends up leaving on her honeymoon all alone without anyone knowing. Things start to go wrong once she finds out Ryan is on his way to Crete. Turns out he's not alone and things start happening to make Kelly question her safety. Things start going downhill from there when they rush home due to an emergency. From there it just gets worse. Trying to not give any spoilers sorry. Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the advance ecopy.

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This is a gripping thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish
The plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns, the writing is both engaging and suspenseful, with well-developed characters that add depth to the narrative.
The pacing of the novel is really good, with just the right amount of tension to keep readers hooked without feeling overwhelmed.
Really enjoyable

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I just can’t say a bad word about this book. After all when you catch your husband misbehaving with someone in your wedding day there isn’t much you can say really is there. Well written and now recommended to all my friends.

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I can't recommend it enough! I really enjoyed this book, I couldn't put it down, I finished it in a couple of days!

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The Honeymoon by Gemma Rogers is a sharp, emotional, and suspenseful story that delves into the complexity of betrayal and self-discovery. The protagonist’s idyllic wedding day quickly shatters when she discovers her husband, Ryan, in a compromising situation with his best friend’s wife, Liza. Overcome with shock and heartbreak, she flees the scene, desperate for space and clarity.

What follows is a surprising twist as she decides to go on the honeymoon alone, hoping that a few days on the beautiful island of Crete will help her find peace and a sense of direction. However, things take a turn when Ryan unexpectedly shows up, denying the affair and hiding even bigger secrets.

Rogers expertly captures the emotional rollercoaster of the situation, with the protagonist’s journey from heartbreak to empowerment being both compelling and relatable. The luxurious honeymoon setting contrasts sharply with the unraveling of the protagonist’s life, creating a tense, unpredictable atmosphere. The twists keep coming, and the reader is never quite sure where the story is headed, which makes it an engaging and thrilling read.

With themes of betrayal, secrets, and healing, The Honeymoon is a rollercoaster of emotions that will keep readers hooked until the very last page. Fans of intense, character-driven stories will appreciate the book's depth and suspense.

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This one had me on the edge of my seat. When a newlywed is caught cheating on his wife with his best friends wife, it is just the surface of a deep pool of lies. In debt, in danger and facing divorce, is this the worst honeymoon ever recorded? A great read.

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Yet another fantastic read from gemma Rogers . So many twists in this book it keeps you on the edge of your seat . I really really enjoyed this book.

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A wedding night incident leads Kelly to a fast-paced train wreck with her new husband. With a new twist and turn in each chapter one is continually on the edge wondering what will happen next. This was an easy-to-read thriller with a relatable main character. I found myself rooting for Kelly and the ending did not disappoint as the mystery concluded. However, the ending leaves one wondering if there is another chapter in Kelly's life even after it seems to be coming back together. This was my first novel by Gemma Rogers and I found it enjoyable as a nice easy-to-read thriller is refreshing.

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If you're looking for a fast paced thriller to read on the beach, add this one to cart immediately. I couldn't put it down. Great thriller.

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In a split second, your whole world crashes around you...

It was meant to be the perfect day. Music, flowers, a wedding venue to die for. The bride and groom exchanging vows to love, honour and cherish, forsaking all others...until death do they part. But the ink was barely dry on their nuptials when Kelly caught new hubby Ryan in a compromising yet passionate clinch with his best friend's wife! Can you imagine the feelings of betrayal, not to mention disbelief, at your new hubby cheating on you at your wedding reception?!

Not one for confrontation, Kelly cries off the celebrations with a headache and heads to the honeymoon suite where they were to spend the night. But instead of crawling into bed and pulling the covers over herself, Kelly decides to lick her woulds by embarking on their honeymoon alone, using the ten day break to figure out where to go from here. Packing her things, grabbing her passport and booking a cab, she sneaks out the fire exit and hightails it to Gatwick where she awaits her early morning flight to Crete.

And what a destination to run to to lick one's wounds! Normally I'm not a fan of books set on the continent but I found myself totally immersed in the sun by the pool or at the beach, lapping up the luxury and beauty of the Mediterranean island. She switched off her mobile before boarding the plane only to discover a barrage of messages and voicemails from her errant husband and worried sister upon turning it back on again. She responded to her sister but ignored (then deleted) Ryan's pleas and finally demands as to where she is and what she has done to his passport.

And so Kelly laid back and set herself in for a relaxing ten days. What she didn't envision was Ryan turning up a couple of days later with their best friends Bobby and Liza in tow, apparently having found his passport. She really should have taken it with her; then he wouldn't have been able to follow her out there. And when he did arrive, he acted as if nothing had happened and puzzled as to why she left without him. When she enlightened him he denied everything, saying "it wasn't what you think". No? His tongue down Liza's throat and unzipping his trousers for a quickie in the summer house at their wedding reception was just a figment of her imagination, was it? Kelly was having none of it and told them their short lived marriage was over. And why Ryan thought bringing his best friend and mistress along on their honeymoon was a good idea, she'll never know.

Like Kelly, I wanted to stay on the beautiful island of Crete (and not to mention, in the arms of the delectable Nico, no less) but like all good things, they must come to an end and unfortunately for Kelly, they ended a bit sooner than anticipated when things back home got a little bit stranger. I guess the author had to paint an even worse picture of Ryan than the one we had already. Another nail in his coffin, so to speak. It was a little out of left field and not entirely expected. Was it possible to dislike Ryan even more? Suddenly there were heavies enforcing their authority, throwing their weight and intimidation about as Kelly struggled to piece together just how much mess Ryan had created. This is where the story shifted and dropped off a little, in my opinion.

The beginning of this book was a five star read, for sure, as I devoured every word of every page long into the night. But when things took a turn upon Kelly's arrival back in the UK, it felt like a different book at first and I had to find my equilibrium once again. It wasn't entirely unpleasant (although it was for Kelly) but it was a shift that didn't seem to match the first three quarters of the book. Still, it was a turn of events that knocked the stuffing out of me and kept me guessing until the end.

The drama, the tension, the emotion and the oh so bitchy snarky comments between Kelly and Liza were off the scale. My blood was boiling as much as the Cretan temperatures as I navigated the warzone that had been created. It was a rollercoaster ride that was as anxiety-inducing as it was thrilling and despite the dip at the the last quarter, I could not put it down.

A wholly engaging and thrilling read, lapping up the Cretan sunshine.

I would like to thank #GemmaRogers, #Netgalley and #BoldwoodBooks for an ARC of #TheHoneymoon in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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I devoured this book in under 24 hours. I just couldn't put it down. From the very first paragraph, which beautifully set the stage for the rest of the book, I was enthralled with every page. I was totally along for the ride with Kelly after finding out at their wedding that her new husband was cheating on her with her best friend and the wife of his business partner.

The pacing is very quick and heart-stoppingly good as Kelly moves through the story, finding out that her husband is cheating on her and lying to her about so many things in their lives.

I can't recommend this book enough, but I highly suggest taking a morning or afternoon off before starting because once you read that first paragraph, you won't want to stop.

This is the first book I have read from Gemma Rogers, and I think she's about to become one of my favourites.

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The Honeymoon was a fast-paced, quick, and easy book to read. It was somewhat predictable in places, but I found it enjoyable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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I was so excited to dive into this book, expecting a gripping, edge-of-your-seat thriller—but I’ve been left utterly unsatisfied.

I kept reading, waiting for that rush of suspense or a jaw-dropping twist to pull me in... The pacing felt sluggish, the plot was predictable, and I struggled to connect with the characters or care about what was happening. I’m honestly not sure what was meant to be thrilling about it; the whole thing just fell rather flat for me. Disappointed and confused. Not my cup of tea.

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A fast paced gripping read that is hard to put down once you start. Realistic characters and a brilliant storyline.

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The Honeymoon was incredible. Kelly catches her brand new husband in a compromising situation…during their wedding reception. She heads to their honeymoon solo, and all hell breaks lose when Ryan joins her in Crete…there were tons of twists and turns in this book that kept me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the drama.

Highly recommend!

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I loved this book. The author kept reeled me in from the beginning, and I could not put it down. This is a pulse pounding, nail biting kind of book. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. I highly recommend this one.

Thank you Net Galley ARC

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