Member Reviews

I’ve been on a full-blown Seraphina Nova Glass bender this month - I tore through this and then (finally!) listened to ON A QUIET STREET and then SOMEONE’S LISTENING, and I can officially call myself an SNG superfan. I also loved her last book (VACANCY IN ROOM 10) and think she just keeps getting better and better.

She’s found such a sweet spot between truly harrowing situations + flawed, snarky female protagonists (my favorite!) + a light touch of hilarious banter amongst groups of eccentric weirdos. I love her.

Highly recommend for existing SNG fans and anyone looking for a fast-paced, twisty thriller with humor and heart.

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A little over a year ago, Shelby survived a terrifying attack on the same night her best friend Mack’s husband Leo goes missing. Mack is still trying to figure out what happened to Leo, praying that he would never hurt Shelby and that the timing is just a coincidence. When Shelby starts receiving sinister messages, she realizes her attacker is still out there and her nightmare is far from over. Meanwhile, an intrepid group of senior citizens at The Oleander senior housing where Shelby works have decided to investigate, accidentally making the case go viral. Now Shelby and the Ole Gang need to find the culprit before someone else gets hurt – or worse.

This book grabbed me right from the start with the intense scene of Shelby’s attack and took me on a rollercoaster ride until the very end! I absolutely adore Seraphina’s writing style and the way she so perfectly sets the scene. The wintry Minnesota small-town atmosphere is on point, with mentions of ice fishing, hotdishes, and meat raffles sprinkled into the prose. The plot is intricate and action-packed, and I’m in awe of how this dark and twisty tale was infused with a bit of lightness and humor, making it feel a little cozy despite some scary scenes. Best of all are the characters, especially the Ole Gang. Just like the pool ladies in The Vacancy in Room 10, a charming cast of supporting characters adds so much to this story. I love a great senior character, and here we get a whole group of wily, resourceful, funny, and determined senior sleuths! No wonder all of my friends at Thriller Book Lovers: The Pulse are buzzing about this one! Add this one to your early 2025 TBR!

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What a cozy little mystery this turned into. I was immediately invested from chapter one. I loved playing detective during this adventure. This gang of misfit residents who start a podcast to help solve these crimes make for a great whodunnit.

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I really enjoyed this book! My second by Seraphina Nova Glass and it did not disappoint.

There are lots of characters in this book and a lot going on- one mystery after another - and the action starts immediately in chapter one!

Shelby is almost killed after accidentally witnessing a crime, and the same night, her best friend’s husband goes missing. Skip forward fifteen months, and everyone is trying to rebuild their lives, but also seeking answers, and Shelby begins feeling targeted again.

Every single chapter ends on a cliffhanger which I absolutely loved, and I loved the multiple POV especially Florence, and I loved the little gang of elderly friends that live in the senior center that Shelby runs.

Thanks so much to the author, Graydon Books, Thriller Book Lovers The Pulse for the Exclusive, and NetGalley for my ARC! Pub date 02.11.25

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Thank you @seraphinanovaglass @graydonhousebooks for my complimentary book in exchange for an honest review.

This dark tale was my first read by this author and I really enjoyed it. She has a beautifully descriptive writing style that draws the reader into the story and fleshes out the characters. With a compelling plot and a cast of likable characters, this is more than a psychological thriller; it is also a tale of friendship and dedication. I especially enjoyed the senior citizens and their creativity. That being said, there were a lot of characters and I had to make a few notes to keep them straight.

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This book was so enjoyable! There’s something to be said about a thriller with lots of twists and turns that also has some humor sprinkled in. I loved the Oleander residents (aka “the gang”) so much! Picture a group of retirement home residents deciding to start a true crime podcast to try to help someone they care about. Their antics had me laughing out loud! There were plenty of more serious and edge of the seat moments in this book as well to balance things out. I read Nothing Ever Happens Here in a matter of hours because I was dying to see what would happen next!

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Thank you Graydon House for the exclusive early access to Nothing Ever Happens Here for myself and the rest of my Pulse Pals!

This was a WILD ride literally from page 1. I had such a hard time putting this book down every time I picked it up. It definitely kept me up past my bedtime a couple nights too.

I really enjoyed the alternating POV chapters and I didn't guess any of the big twists.

I think it's safe to say if you enjoyed Glass's previous novels this one will be a winner for you too.

Nothing Ever Happens Here pub date is February 11!

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✨Let me just start by saying that this is an absolute must read and deserves a place at the very top of your 2025 TBR.

✨This one started out with a bang and never let up. It was twisty and fast-paced and kept me guessing to the very end. The suspense progressively builds as the story unfolds – and that last quarter of the book was absolutely non-stop heart pounding, breathtaking intensity. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.

✨ Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of this book is the story within a story centered around a group of unlikely true crime podcasters – a group of feisty and lovable senior citizens who are determined to solve the crime and save the day. It infuses the story with an unexpected element of humor and lends cozy mystery vibes. It’s an unanticipated combination, but it works. And I loved it.

✨This is one rollercoaster of a thrill ride, and I highly recommend it.

🌿Read if you like:
✨Minnesota settings
✨Nail biters
✨Multiple points of view
✨Podcast elements
✨Unsolved mysteries
✨Lovable senior citizen characters
✨Cozy mysteries
✨Fast-paced suspense
✨Elements of humor

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Nothing ever disrupts the seemingly serene surface in the quiet town of Rivers Crossing, Minnesota—until that fateful night. Attempted murder, a missing local businessman—the echoes of those events linger, unsolved over a year later. But when new evidence emerges and strange occurrences multiply, a group of unlikely sleuths steps forward: the Ole gang, a spirited crew of senior citizens residing at The Olelander assisted living facility.

Nothing Ever Happens Here hooked me from the start. Rivers Crossing residents harbor many secrets. The suspense builds early, and the multiple viewpoints provide all kinds of insights. But, figuring out who the killer is will keep you guessing until the final reveal. Glass masterfully keeps us on our toes.

I loved The Ole Gang. These seniors defy stereotypes. Their determination to connect the dots—aided by a quirky podcast—infuses the story with cozy mystery vibes. You’ll root for their tenacity and chuckle at their unconventional methods.

Nothing Ever Happens Here is a must-read for mystery lovers seeking small-town charm and a cast of unforgettable characters!

Many thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing and Grayson House for an early copy of this book.

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The past comes back to haunt Shelby Dawson.
Over a year ago she survived an attack which should have left her dead. She lives in Minnesota and is trying to get her life back together when an anonymous note shows up on her car. This is JUST THE BEGINNING! How can this be happening? This note has to be from her attacker.
A group of people are investigating as new evidence comes to light. This makes the case front and center, VIRAL. Shelby does not feel SAFE. She feels like she is being STALKED!
Leo, who is Mackenzie’s husband also vanished that night of the attack. Are they related? Mackenzie delves into her husbands finances and discovers that one of his accounts is being used. She knew nothing about this. Could Leo be involved?
Now another person is missing! What the heck?
Another nail-bitter by Glass. When you THINK you know, GUESS again! No spoilers.
Thank you Graydon House and Thriller Book Lovers the Pulse for this advanced e-ARC.

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I really wanted to like this one because I enjoy the author, but this was a little too domestic and cozy for me. I just could not get into the story.

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Title- Nothing Ever Happens Here

This was such a great read, and my first from this author. I’d say this was more of a cozy mystery than a thriller but still a who dun it. There are a lot of characters in this one but once you get them all straight it’s easy to follow. I loved the older characters and podcast as apart of the story line. If you love cozy mysteries, this is a good winter read

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On the night that Shelby is left to die, her best friend Mack’s husband Leo disappears. Months go by with no sign of Leo, and Mack discovers there was a lot that she didn’t know about her husband. Meanwhile, Shelby is still recovering from the trauma of her ordeal and trying to figure out why anyone would want to hurt her
Enter a group of feisty and sharp senior citizens who live at the home Shelby manages. When death comes knocking at their door, they are determined to find out what is going on in this small Minnesota town, where nothing ever happens (or used to happen).
A lot and I mean, a lot happens, mostly to Shelby and I kept trying to pick up clues that would tell me what she had done to deserve someone hating her enough to want her dead. As for Mack, I felt so sorry for her and the situation her husband left her in. The group of senior citizens not only cracked me up, but they were also instrumental in figuring out why a killer was targeting their town. This one kept my little grey cells working and tickled my funny bone too.

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Nothing Ever Happens Here
Seraphina Nova Glass

Whew! This was heart pounding, the ending 🫢 ! This novel was fast-paced, and I absolutely loved the senior citizens creating a podcast and trying to solve the case! This is a dark story, disturbing but I love the humor surprisingly in it! There were quite a lot of characters in this one, so be prepared to take notes on who is who! I loved the dual POV in each chapter! I did not guess the twist at all. I can’t wait to read more by Seraphina Nova Glass!

Look for this one Feb 11, 2025!!

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Seraphina Nova Glass always brings the drama! Nothing Ever Happens Here focuses upon Shelby Dawson who as a survivor of a traumatic attack has trouble with trust and sometimes getting through her day. She moves home to be near her best friend but it isn't long before a note appears on her windshield threatening her life. Simultaneously we learn about Mackenzie (Mack) whose husband disappeared with most of their money. Mack is afraid for the future and still wondering what happened to Leo.

Nova Glass creates almost a story within the story with the introduction of a group of senior citizens who know both women and their families.
ove past it—for herself, and for her family. Fifteen months later, with the help of her best friend, Mackenzie, she finally feels safe again in the snowy Minnesota town she calls home. But when an anonymous note appears on her windshield bearing the same threats her attacker made, Shelby realizes that her nightmare has only just begun.

It's a great thriller that keeps you turning the pages quickly. I miss the senior group already and wonder if there could be another book? I would grab it in a minute. If you love a thriller, this one will keep you guessing!
#NothingEverHappensHere #SeraphinaNovaGlass #GraydonHouseBooks #thrillerbookloversthepulse #NetGalley

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A woman is attacked in her friend's cafe, and her attacker warns her to never speak of what happened. The cafe owner's husband also coincidentally disappeared the same fateful night. Are the two events connected? And if so, how? A year goes by and there are very few answers, but some new details emerge and menacing things start happening. Some residents decide that it is time to get to the bottom of what happened a year ago and what is happening now. But the question remains - will they survive to talk about what they've uncovered?

Nothing Ever Happens Here came highly recommended to me by my book loving friends. This is my first read by this author and I'm looking forward to checking out more of her books. The story is a twisty thriller, which also mixed in some humor and completely lovable characters. I just adored the residents at the Oleander. The story is told in alternating points of view by characters who are looking for answers. The details slowly emerge, but the pacing is fast - I read this in two days. I really enjoyed the author's writing style and how she told this story.

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This was such a great read, and my first from this author. It was fast-paced, and I absolutely loved the senior citizens creating a podcast and trying to solve the goings on. There were quite a lot of characters in this one, so be prepared to take notes on who is who because, at times, I was mistaking one for another.
I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Nothing Ever Happens Here
By Seraphina Nova Glass
Publication Date: February 11, 2025
Publisher: Graydon House Books

📚MY RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



I planned to go to bed early tonight and catch up on sleep. Then I picked up Nothing Ever Happens Here. The End.

If that's the only thing I said in this review, it would be the most authentically truthful review I've ever written.

But y'all know I have SO MUCH MORE to say than that!

This thriller absolutely blew me away! I am not sure when my heart will stop pounding, but this book was so good that I don't even care. This story had my pulse racing so fast, my anxiety couldn't even keep up with the speed with which I was turning these pages!

The book featured alternating chapters told from the multiple POVs of several main characters. movement in its pages. Every chapter seemed to end with a huge cliffhanger that left me shocked -- and then Glass would insert a chapter or two, maybe three, from other perspectives before returning to the edge-of-your-seat crisis she dangled out there for you a few chapters back. It was a brilliant way to lay out this suspenseful and anxiety-provoking plotline!

I do, however, need someone to explain to me why in the actual hell all these people kept going around by themselves in this town when there was clearly a murderer on the loose who kept attacking or kidnapping or terrorizing people every chance they got?! over and over?! Seriously - people just kept running home to grab something or going out to their cars by themselves, as if they had not a care in the world. WHAT?! If this was a scary movie, I'd have been yelling at my TV and telling all these people to use the buddy system or something.

As I read, I could tangibly feel the tension building at every turn and I simply COULD NOT put this book down. When you pick up this book -- because I know you're waiting to get it into your hands -- you better set aside some time to read it because you won't be able to put it down either! This one kept bringing me twist after twist, with an unpredictable ending...and the last 20% of the book was absolute captivating and gripping suspense.

This was my first book from this author, and WOW. I completely understand why everybody at Thriller Book Lovers The Pulse was so excited about getting the exclusive of this author's upcoming thriller!! Glass's writing style is masterfully riveting and will have you holding your breath till the very end of this book. Do not miss this book when it's released in February!

A massive thank you to Thriller Book Lovers The Pulse, Graydon House Books, NetGalley, and the author herself for this exclusive advanced e-copy and invitation to be a part of the book tour!

#NothingEverHappensHere #SeraphinaNovaGlass #GraydonHouseBooks #thrillerbookloversthepulse #NetGalley #thrilleraddict #thrillerlover #booklover #bookreviews #bookrecommendations #bookrecs

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I have yet to ready anything by this author so when we got the exclusive at Thriller Book Lovers - The Pulse, I couldn’t WAIT to dive in! I absolutely love Seraphina’s writing style! The story is dark, slightly disturbing (in a good way!) and twisty yet sprinkled with some humor that I wasn’t expecting but really enjoyed. The first chapter starts off so intense and it never lets up. I was suspicious of so many people and I didn’t guess the twist that was coming at all. The characters were all so interesting and I loved the dual POV’s in each chapter. I look forward to reading more books by this author!

Nothing Ever Happens Here will be hitting shelves on February 11, 2025 🗓️

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