Member Reviews

Wow, what a delightful premise! You had me at Christmas tree farm, honestly! I'm thrilled that the execution lived up to the premise.

Gohlke is a wonderful writer who is not afraid to explore family secrets while maintaining a strong Christian worldview at the same time.

Bethany's story is compelling, and the author does a great job of weaving secrets throughout the narrative. The novel also paints a vivid and realistic picture of life on a Christmas tree farm. Ultimately this is an immensely enjoyable read about the importance of relationships.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance e-galley; all opinions in my review are 100% my own.

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This story captured my heart and was a wonderful reminder of family and forgiveness. Living in community requires communication and compassion that is seen developing in the characters.

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I loved this latest installment to Cathy Gohlke's books! Ginny such an interesting character to me, and I was curious and eager to read throughout the book. I can't put into words why I liked this book so much, which probably doesn't make the best review, but this book exceeded my expectations.

Mark, Arlo, Marley and Cooper were such an interesting family and I was desperate to know what would happen. Bethany and her story made me ache for her, and when I started to piece together bits of everyone's past, I really connected with the characters. I loved the Tree Farm dynamic and the family work ethic. I realized while reading this book that one of the reasons I love Cathy Gohlke is because her families are so close and they inspire me to put effort into the relationships around me.

All in all, this book was very well written and held me tight the whole way through.

I received a complimentary copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions express are my own.

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