Member Reviews

Another cute addition to the Rose series Gossamer is a properly creepy villain and Venice is a great and beautiful realized backdrop for this adventure. The denouement was once again too quick and perhaps too easy, but it was mostly satisfying. Lord Lytton is very funny and made me realize how much I appreciated that most of the adults in this world are in actually competent and trustworthy if flawed. I look forward to learning more of Miss Fell.

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Well, it’s been longer than I thought since I read the first Rose book. I remembered very little. However, Rose and the Magician’s Mask was well-written and creative. It reminded me a bit of Lord of the Rings. My favorite character was definitely Gus. Holly Webb is a great author!

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*NOTE:This is a review of the entire series*

Typically, I don't read a lot of middle grade novels. I used to love them when I was younger. As an adult, I feel that I am so beyond the intended audience that the magic and wonder is lost on me. However, I've been on this kick lately where all I want to read is middle grade. I'm glad that I am. I read all of the Rose series by Holly Webb in one day, and I loved it. It brought all of the magic and wonder back into reading middle grade novels.

Holly Webb has a way of writing books that make you believe you are there right beside Rose, in Victorian London, experiencing the same thing that Rose is experiencing. For a middle grade novel, the author created a complex, intricate world that was absolutely beautiful. I love the magic system that she created. It was great to see how Rose, Mr. Fountain, and Freddie explored their talents, and became stronger magic users throughout each book. I loved seeing their progression from the beginning of Rose, to the end of Rose and Silver Ghost. My only problem with the series as a whole was that it was very predictable. By the first few chapters of Rose and the Magician's Mask, the third book in the series, I had already guessed most of the plot twists in the book, and was correct.

The Rose series was full of a fantastic cast of characters. I can't think of a single character that I disliked. Even Gossamer, the main villain in the series, was charming in his own way. Even though I liked all of the characters, my favorite was Gus. This should be no surprise for those of you that have followed my blog for a while, and know how much I love cats. I didn't just love him because he was a cat though. I also loved how protective he was of Rose. He might have seemed harsh, and pushed her to her limits sometimes, but that was because he wanted her to evolve her magic, and grow stronger. I also loved his snarky sense of humor.

I loved the Rose series. Even though it was predictable at times, it provided me with a lot of enjoyment. I noticed on Goodreads that Holly Webb has books with names of some of the minor characters in the Rose series, such as Maisie, and Lily. I'm not sure if the books are related to the Rose series, but I plan on reading them to find out because I want more of this world. I recommend this series for kids looking for a quick, fun fantasy read.

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