Member Reviews

Noelle Ihli is an auto-author for me and I’m quick to read any of her books. Because of that I didn’t think to question what this book was about and was surprised to find it is very distant from her usual thrillers and reads more as a historical fiction that covers dark and disturbing subject matter based on real events in the 1800s.

The plot follows the lives of three women who are doing their best to survive and protect their loved ones during a time of history that was harsh and brutal where the weak are prayed upon by unliveable conditions and beastly men. A storm is brewing and they are about to be entangled in a savage massacre that is one for the history books.

Be prepared going into this book that the topics are very dark and depict scenes that include children. This is a very heavy book to read if you go in blind like I did 😂

As always Noelle does a great job of breathing life into her characters, giving them personalities and histories full of depth and making you care about what happens to them.

I will say I do prefer her typical writing style that leans more into the thriller genre but it’s always nice to see authors expanding their writing palettes.

Thank you to the author and Dynamite publishers for the EARC!

Publish date: October 10th 2024

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I love Noelle and her books but this one is definitely different than her others (in my opinion). I personally wouldn’t classify this as a thriller, it’s more historical fiction. It is a truly devastating event that she writes about and one I didn’t know about until reading this. I think you have to be prepared for how heavy and heartbreaking it is going into it. Overall, it’s very well written, maybe a little longer than I would have expected but I found myself struggling a bit because historical fiction just isn’t my jam.

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Book Review: "None Left to Tell" by Noelle West Ihli


Noelle West Ihli’s "None Left to Tell" is a haunting and powerful exploration of one of the most brutal chapters in American history, the Mountain Meadows Massacre. This riveting novel delves deep into the lives of three women whose stories are intertwined by the violence and tragedy of the past, creating an emotionally charged narrative that is both gripping and thought-provoking.

The novel follows Lucy, Katrina, and Sally, each of whom faces her own harrowing challenges against the backdrop of a society steeped in religious fervor and intolerance. Lucy’s resolve to stand her ground after years of displacement is a powerful testament to resilience. Her determination to protect her loved ones in the face of impending danger makes her a compelling and relatable character. Katrina, a young mother, embodies the fear and determination of a woman fighting to keep her family safe amid chaos, while Sally’s struggles with her forced marriage and loyalty to her husband present a poignant exploration of agency and sacrifice.

Ihli’s prose is both evocative and stark, effectively capturing the desperation and tension of the time. The graphic descriptions of violence are not gratuitous; rather, they serve to highlight the brutal reality these women faced, adding a layer of gravity that underlines the historical significance of their experiences. Readers should be aware of the content warnings, as the portrayal of violence, especially against children, is both impactful and unsettling.

What struck me most was how Ihli weaves historical fact with fiction, breathing life into the narratives of these women while honoring the real events that transpired. The depth of research is evident, as the author paints a vivid picture of the societal pressures and conflicts that led to the massacre. The moral complexities faced by the characters, particularly Sally as she grapples with her loyalties, provoke important questions about faith, community, and the price of survival.

The pacing of "None Left to Tell" keeps you engaged throughout, with tension mounting as the women’s fates intertwine. Each chapter draws you deeper into their struggles, culminating in a heart-wrenching climax that leaves a lasting impression.

This novel is a must-read for anyone interested in historical fiction that grapples with the darker aspects of human nature. Noelle West Ihli has crafted a stunning debut that not only illuminates a tragic event but also explores the strength of women in the face of overwhelming odds. "None Left to Tell" is both a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and a stark reminder of the consequences of hatred. Prepare to be moved and challenged by this extraordinary story.

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Well she does it again folks. Not only did Ms. Ihli write another 5 star book, but she broke my heart all over again. This story was so beautiful and utterly heart wrenching at the same time. I’ve never had to take a break from reading a book before, but there were times reading this where I’d remember it’s based off true events and I had to step away. This was wrote with so much love and integrity, I could feel it pouring out of every page. Not only did I have a phenomenal reading experience, but I learned a lot too. I had the need to google every single aspect of this book along the way. This was such an alluring book, she really did an amazing job of putting you in scene.

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Beautiful but heartbreaking read! Such a good depiction of the events that happened that tragic day. Noelle made it feel like I was living the story. Her words, her description, all of it break my heart!

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I loved this book . This is a departure for this author from thriller/ horror genre but it was well worth the read . It deals with the Mormon Meadows incident and is timely in that we see how religious beliefs can justify evil if it benefits the church. It happened then and continues to happen now where people justify the mistreatment of immigrants for example and do so using scripture but it is clearly not what the Bible really says .
I will be recommending this book to everyone.
Thanks to Netgalley and the author and publisher for letting me review book.

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4/4.5 stars
this book was very different from her other books and not exactly what i was expecting for a historical fiction thriller. it was kind of slow at first but, after like 35% it really picked up. this book follows three women separately through the mountain meadow massacre. this was a historical event i had never heard of until this book. each woman's story is very different but you learn how they are all connected. a story of tragedy and survival.

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I truly don't think I knew what I was picking up when I started this book. I found it so different from all her other books in that it was much less a thriller and much more a historical fiction (or rather slightly fictionalized version of a very true event). I didn't realize this going in and I feel like it definitely affected my feelings going in buy overall it was very well written and researched!

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When I first heard the plot of this historical fiction novel, I went to Wikipedia to read facts about the Massacre. I thought that might prepare me for what would be a tragically sad book. However, nothing could have prepared me for this thoroughly researched and heartfelt reimagining of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Well written characters bring this tragedy to life.

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this. I've had it preordered on my kindle since it was announced because Noelle is an auto buy author for me but when I got the ARC and realized its more of a historical fiction than anything I got a little worried. It was completely unwarranted.

I've now realized I'll read Noelle's grocery list and I'll eat up every motherfluffing minute of it. Any genre she chooses to write in, I will read them all. Noelle has such a way of humanizing these characters, and while I didn't know a lot of the history of this situation in the book before I picked it up, I now do,. The care and heart in which Noelle tells these stories is an unmatched skill and I'm so grateful I get to profit by reading her books.

None Left to Tell was a riveting story, filled with human characters and edge-of-your-seat nail-biting moments. My biggest complaint is that its over, and I'll have to wait for Noelle to write something else and feed my addiction.

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This was a gripping historical fiction novel. The writing pulls you in and makes it hard to put the book down. The actual story is heartbreaking and not well known. Noelle West Ihli did this historical event justice.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dynamite Books for this ARC.

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Gore score 4/5

I’ll start off with an advisory, this book is very different to the authors popular psychological thrillers. This one is historical set in the ‘Wild West era’ of the 1850’s and is inspired by a true event.
I enjoy some historical fiction, as this author has become a new favourite I was happy to slide into the genre with her.

It’s a slow burn very character driven book which is centred around three very different women. It took me a while to settle into it and to become fully invested in the families, but when I did it had me hooked! It’s a desperately sad read, harrowing at times, parts of it are difficult to read and theres quite a lot of gritty description of what happened. I feel it really needed that input so not to gloss over the horrific nature of the event. It’s more poignant because it’s based on a real event. I love that the author listed all the names of those in the wagon train in their memory.

I know a lot of people see a favourite author and buy blind, that can lead to disappointment when you don’t get the style of book that you were anticipating. In this case I would advocate reading the blurb to see if you are happy to give the different style a try. I am glad that I did.

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I immediately jumped at the chance to read an early copy of None Left to Tell by Noelle W. Ihli. However, this is not your typical thriller and reads more like historical fiction. That being said, this is a beautifully written, yet heart breaking story that weaves in the history of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. This one was hard to get through at times, but that was because of the situations the characters were going through. (Please pay attention to the content advisory!) It was so worth the read, but do yourself a favor and keep a box of tissues handy.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I really, really was excited to read this book. Love all her other books, and loved that it was based on true crime. Sadly, I am having to stop at about 15%
I cannot get into the book at all.

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Noelle W. Ihli’s None Left to Tell is a gripping account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, a tragic event in American history that I was surprised to learn about for the first time through this book. Although it was marketed as a thriller, I believe this was a misstep, as the novel reads more like historical fiction due to its strong foundation in true events.

The book recounts the horrifying attack by a group of Mormons and Native Americans on a wagon train of “gentiles” traveling through Utah, resulting in one of the deadliest mass killings in U.S. history. Men, women, and even children fell victim in this dark chapter of the past. While the history and subject matter are captivating, I felt the pacing was uneven at times. Some sections dragged, and I think more dialogue could have added depth and kept the narrative moving.

Though I appreciated the historical detail and the author’s commitment to retelling such a significant event, the slower parts and the misleading thriller label impacted my overall experience. Therefore, I’ve settled on a 3-star rating.

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As I have been attempting to write this review for days, I have come to the simple conclusion that no words I write will do this book justice. This has to be one of the most gut-wrenching books I have ever read. Being inspired by true events made it that much harder to keep going at times due to the utter brutality that occurred. For recreating such a diabolical, horrendously tragic event, this was done as respectfully as possible and still managed to hold onto a little bit of hope for certain characters. Every story this author creates tops the next, and her talent for writing exceeds expectations every time. If there is any author to watch out for, it is Noelle W. Ihli. She is the only author who has two books that have now made it into my top ten reads of the year. Five perfect stars.

Thank you, Netgalley and Dynamite Books, for this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dynamite books for the ebook ARC to Noelle W. Ihli’s newest book! Always so appreciative to receive early to read and review!

This book is so much more than a thriller. It can reach so many other readers, especially who love historical fiction books. This follows 3 women who were connected due to a tragic mass slaying in US history.

I wasn’t aware of this happening and it really opened my eyes and made me eager to learn more. Ihli’s dedication to the men and women lost in this tragic story, and those that lived through it is evident throughout the book.

Although it took me a bit of time to figure out all the characters and get involved in the story, once I did, I was hooked. This is a story that will stick with me now that I’ve finished it.

Reading about the three female characters and what they went through during this time was so captivating. They were all very different. They had different beliefs, different ways of living, and had different paths they were on in order to get to this place. I think Ihli did an amazing job at giving us the back story to each character and the raw feelings and emotions that occurred during the massacre.

The amount of emotions I went through reading this book were overwhelming. It was heart wrenching to read what these families went through and for what purpose..

If you are a fan of historical fiction and can stomach some descriptive brutality, I think you’d really love this story. The raw emotion and heart in this book was overwhelming. I think Ihli did an amazing job and did the families justice. It definitely opened up my eyes as to what happened all those years ago.

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5 ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you NetGally and Noelle for the opportunity to read this book in advance!

Wow what an amazingly beautiful heartbreaking book. I had no idea these events even happened and I’ve done so much research since. It reminds me of The Four Winds with a mix of the Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.

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This is a powerful historical fiction about a little-known (at least to me) mass-murder in Utah. Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857 was a series of attacks during the Utah War resulting in the mass murder of at least 120 members of the Baker–Fancher emigrant wagon train.

While this is a historical fiction, there are still very difficult topics that are discussed. Religion, racism, death of animals and's all difficult to read about. That said, it's important that it was included because sometimes, the truth is difficult.

Noelle West Ihli is a very talented writer who is able to take this story and make it into a readable format, providing various POVs, and reaching into the heart of the horror.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this books.

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I have never read a Noelle W. Ihli book that I didn't love. I have consumed all of them in a record pace. This one was no different.

I have truly NEVER heard of this horrific event in history. The story was based on the Mountain Meadows Massacre, which was centered around the LDS church slaughtering a group of emigrants who were trying to get to California. The story is told through the viewpoint of 3 women- a woman in the caravan trying to get to California, a member of the LDS church, and a Native American woman. The stories are intertwined and beautifully told.

I love this book. I hope everyone reads it and then does their research on this event, like I did. The author's note at the end describes her ties with the LDS church, which is also an important read to me.

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