Member Reviews

3.75/5 stars ⭐️

I want to thank Net Halley & St Martins Press for the pleasure to read this novel.

I read it in one sitting on a flight back home and it was everything i’ve been looking forward to and more elsie is completely relatable pushover and ginny is the push she needed to start asking for the things that she wants. the smut was also really really good. this is one of my favorite tropes by far i just wish we got a little bit more flashbacks of what they were like growing up as friends. this was everything and more!!!

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Meryl Wilsner delivers again with another queer romance that will delight many readers. Ginny and Elsie have been best friends since they were kids, and Ginny has been in love with Els for just as long. After shooting her shot in high school and getting rejected, Ginny has been the best friend she can be for years and now that includes going on Els' honeymoon with her after a broken engagement. While enjoying a tropical, romantic paradise, Els starts to see Ginny in a new light, or perhaps lets herself admit how she has always felt?, and the two take that leap from friends to something more. What follows is a lot of fun, a lot of adventure, and a whole lot of sex (some of which was a bit too much for me and I consider myself anything but a prude). What could go wrong?

This story is the perfect example of how communication is key in all relationships. Els' character had a horribly scarring experience as a child which led to her being afraid to ask for what she wants and communicate her needs to family and friends. Ginny is scared of getting hurt again, so she hides her feelings from the one person who needs to hear them the most.

I would say that Mistakes Were Made & Cleat Cute are still my favorites of Wilsner's, but this read is still worth it! Thanks to NetGalley & St. Martin's Press for the advanced digital review copy.

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Meryl Wilsner's *My Best Friend’s Honeymoon* is a spicy f/nb romance about lifelong best friends Elsie and Ginny. After Elsie calls off her engagement, the two embark on a nonrefundable honeymoon in the Caribbean. While they have always been each other’s biggest supporters, they struggle to embrace their true desires.

The book beautifully combines themes of love, self-development, and personal growth. With vibrant details and sizzling moments, it’s a must-read for fans of queer romance. Notably, there’s a nonbinary main character, and the story promotes body positivity. Plus, returning readers of Wilsner can expect plenty of spice. This book would make a great beach read.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s for the ARC.

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Meryl does it again with their new book! Elsie and Ginny are goals (but maybe some better communication haha).

The premise of this book was great and I loved that we didn't get too much inner turmoil from Elsie before she said "okay we're doing this now". I wish we got a little bit more than we did on both of their "this is why/how i love my best friend". The ending, in my opinion, felt rushed, but also made sense since they've been best friends forever.

If you love friends to lovers romance stories, this is one not to miss!

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This is darling!!! Meryl wrote such a fun, and spicy book. I absolutely loved the main characters and their fun journey of love. Add it to your TBR lists.

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Meryl Wilsner really did a fantastic job here with this friends to lovers story. The chemistry that was created with these characters was really interesting and even just as a friendship, I found them really endearing. How each character handled gender and gender identities was really great and made Elsie's character easier to root for as well at how well she stood up for Ginny.

The only thing I really found at fault here was some of the pacing. For some of the spicy sections of this book, I actually started to feel like it was going on for so long, that I was just ready to skip ahead and move on. I also found that during the major conflict of this book, that this also dragged on a little too long that I just wanted the resolution and ending to happen faster. This was a fun and interesting read, there were just a couple things that kept me from truly connecting to it.

Many Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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review incoming .ᐟ

(ARC kindly provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

I should start off by saying I am GENUINELY surprised by how much I actually enjoyed this book. It was able to keep me hooked from the beginning and that’s always a plus for me. From page one, I HAD to keep going to see what happened next. I enjoyed the elements of flashing back, the additional background information regarding their childhoods, family life, etc. A lot of the time, I view extra information as the author trying to fill up more pages but this, every single piece of extra information made sense and was important to the story. I LOVED the long term one sided (but not really) crush addition. I loved that we were able to see someone who had an earthing shattering crush on someone yet never pushed the boundaries.

This book is a great example of not settling for anything you absolutely do not want and to make sure you never let something you actually want slip by, no matter how scary or how difficult you may think it may be. Always speak up for yourself and don’t settle just to make someone else happy. You deserve to be happy too!

I will be honest, while the book did keep me entertained from the start and the issue was not that the book couldn’t keep my attention but it was rather that Elsie came off as.. not likable. She had these life changing events happen and immediately was fine with it and even started to speak negatively about someone she had been in a relationship with for so long. That did rub the wrong way and I still have issues with it as this could have been a good way to have the two main characters work through it together but hey, I can’t complain too much. Another big issue that left a bad taste in my mouth was the usage of the D slur, I don’t know why exactly it rubs the wrong way, maybe I’m so use to seeing it be used in a negative manner that seeing used in a seemingly positive manner.. confused me. Lastly, I could not stop feeling bad for the ex. It took everything in me to separate the two and enjoy the “new” blossoming love. He deserved better but I’d rather not rant about that.

Those little issues put aside I can wholeheartedly that I enjoyed this so much and don’t even get me started on the tickling the pickle scenes.. they were SO good and had me feeling a little hot in the face. It was hard to write a review without spoiling but I can say that it was a great read and I will be picking up other titles from this author! Well done author.

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I couldn't put this down. I enjoyed the premise, and it's refreshingly different from other queer romcoms. There is good nonbinary representation. The end was a bit slow for me, but overall it was a cute read. Pretty spicy too.

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"My Best Friend's Honeymoon" by Meryl Wilsner is a delightful exploration of friendship and romance. Wilsner's sharp wit and relatable characters draw readers into a charming narrative filled with unexpected twists. The dynamics between the friends add depth, showcasing the complexities of love and loyalty. The blend of humor and heartfelt moments makes it a captivating read, perfect for anyone who enjoys contemporary romance with a fresh perspective. Overall, it’s a feel-good story that lingers long after the last page.

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Meryl Wilsner has delivered another delightful queer romance. I’m always a little leery of friends to lovers, but My Best Friend’s Honeymoon handles this trope well. Ginny has been in love with Elsie for years, but is supportive of their friend’s relationship with Derrick as long as she’s happy. Elsie finds her voice after her fiancé plans a surprise wedding, and only gives her a week to prepare. Elsie realizes that she doesn’t want to marry Derrick, and ends the relationship as kindly as possible. The spark just wasn’t there, and they both deserved more. He encourages Elsie to take Ginny on the non-refundable honeymoon he booked, because he’d be too sad to go alone. Golden retriever energy is high, but he’s the derpy dog that would run face first into the fence... repeatedly.

Ginny has Elsie start communicating her wants and needs on the trip, and they go along willingly with her requests. When Elsie rolls over one morning and decides she wants to get spicy with Ginny, they’re stunned for a moment, and then enthusiastically participate. Things get very spicy… perhaps this book should come with a fan?

Through the course of the honeymoon it’s obvious these two have been in love with each other for years. They did not communicate very well before jumping into a relationship. The third act breakup felt necessary and was well done. Ginny and Elsie both needed time to settle into themselves a bit more, and the character growth was top notch. It is painfully obvious that Elsie is 23, and she embodies the liminal space between college and early adulthood. A+

The side characters were fun. Ginny’s friend Sue has a whole friend group that could make a book on their own. Seriously, can I read that? Sue and her perfect bisexual bob need their own moment.

I loved Mistakes Were Made, and was absolutely delighted by My Best Friend’s Honeymoon. I’m super thankful I got a chance to read the ARC.

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my first book of Meryls was last year (cleat cute) and i didnt have the best experience reading it, so i was a little hesitant to give this one a shot but i am extremely happy i decided to give this book a try!! the premise of the book got me so good, this was my first f/nb and i was hooked on these two immediately, i mean who doesnt love a good best friends to lovers?!?!

this book was extremely fast paced which i loved, i love that we didnt have to wait through a bunch of inner turmoil for elsie to say fuck it and give things with ginny a try like shes wanted to for so long. the entire honeymoon trip was amazing, the spice?!?! insane!!! 🥵

now for my reasoning for this not being 5 stars, elsie’s major freak out after their trip was mind boggling to me, i think she was totally out of line and honestly kind of mean… i warmed back up to her by the end but for a hot minute there i did not think that i was going to be able to be supportive of them ended up together in the end… HOWEVER, the way ginny handled this was top tier, i am so beyond happy that they were able to move beyond the hurt they felt and go on to discover the things about themselves that was necessary to their growth and finding what they wanted out of life beyond elsie. i felt extremely proud of them through out the entire separation period 🥹

i also felt a lot of happiness by the end for elsie and how she finally was able to get her family to listen to her and her sister and her husband for encouraging elsie that her ideas do matter and that they are great 🥹

all in all i think ginny was the star of this show for me, i really loved them. i loved the love that elsie had for them and that ginny had for elsie <3

this book felt very different for me in the best of ways in the sense that all of the things that these two were and what makes them who they are was never once an issue for the other person (does this make sense? lmao). we are told that ginny is plus size and not once was that fact made into something that felt defined them in anyway, i personally find that the majority of books with plus sized MCs that i have read the author can make it seem like this is something bad, wrong or something to be insecure of and it was really nice to have a book where the plus sized MC but also the other MC didnt feel the need to keep making internal comments or let it justify or define their attraction to them. it just simply was what it was and both ginny and elsie found each other hot as hell and it was just fucking awesome, thats the best way i can explain it lol

i feel like i am starting to ramble a bit so i just want to wrap up quick that this was an amazing read, i think its going to make one hell of a summer read for a lot of people next year and despite any minor issues i had with elsie i still loved both of them immensely and most definitely will be treating myself to a reread of this as soon as i can get my hands on the audio book because i am already so excited to see these two brought to life by narrators 🧡

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I was really looking forward to reading this. There are some things I loved about it - mostly Ginny, their woodworking business, and Sue, and their grampa - but the pacing, Elsie in general, lol, the mocking of the ex and calling him simple/dumb…all of that was a bummer. I guess there’s a place for very imperfect, sometimes unlikeable characters.

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Love a good quick read. The title page kinda gave everything away but none the less it was awesome! Great title to get the author hooked

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Meryl never fails to stun with her books. I loved the queer representation, the author handled the subject with such care and it felt so raw and honest. I really enjoyed reading this book and can’t wait to recommend it to every romance reader I know.

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for a ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is a sexy five alarm fire. Meryl Wilsner doesn't miss. I loved reading this steamy romance with an enby main character. Challenges all sorts of notions about sex, gender, and language in and out of the bedroom.

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I thought this book was such a cute romcom! I have read a book before from this author called “Mistakes Were Made” and really enjoyed that story.I really enjoyed the characters of this book and the idea/plot as well. I felt like I was able to make my own personal connections based of the stories and conflicts of the characters. Nothing bad to say here about this new book!!

Thank you Meryl Wilsner and NetGalley for this ARC!!

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I really enjoyed this book I seen a lot of myself in it and that was both good and bad. Hopefully some of the lessons in the book are not to late to learn as a 41 year old. I loved that this book gave us pansexuals a spotlight and our nonbinary community. This book did make me want to go to Minnesota as well give me all the waterfalls please. All the characters were very likable even the ex I really like that there was not bashing on him and showing that sometimes love just isn’t enough.

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Absolutely a 5-star read for me. I was so excited to get an ARC of this book that I started it at lunch, canceled my plans, and finished it by dinner. Meryl Wilsner is one of my favorite authors, and “My Best Friend’s Honeymoon” is yet another example of their talent. They always do an incredible job at writing characters with great chemistry and stories with great emotional depth, even when the book's overall premise is fun (like a honeymoon). I’d recommend this book (and any of Wilsner’s books) to anyone and everyone!

A huge thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I’ve been searching Wilsner's name in NetGalley for weeks in hopes this would be available as an ARC, and it didn’t disappoint!

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3 ⭐️
3 🌶️

This book was not what I was expecting. The spice went from 0 to 100 and honestly made up the majority of the middle-end of the book. I couldn’t find myself connecting to the story like I hoped.

Thanks NetGalley and SMP for an ARC!

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i wanted to love this so bad but it really just made me angry. Elsie is annoying at times and downright mean at others? The spice is good - but often feels forced. Ginny is a good character and i like that they take time to find themselves outside of elsie.

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