Member Reviews

I think no one does romance like Meryl Wilsner. This is the third book of theirs I have read, and they all have been so fun. I really liked the setting of this book and the individual characters. I thought the personal conflicts were done well and were a compelling part of the story outside of the romance. I did think the jump to a physical relationship happened super suddenly and I would have liked a little more build up before we went straight to climbing on top. But, I enjoyed myself with this one and will definitely read whatever Wilsner does next!

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Meryl Wilsner has always had a unique style, and in My Best Friend's Honeymoon, there’s a noticeable growth in their writing. However, despite trying to enjoy the characters and relationship exploration, they didn’t sit well with me this time around. While the dialogue is sharp and the story is well-constructed, the dynamics just didn’t resonate as much as I hoped. I felt that Ginny was stuck in a constant state of fear and disrupting their friendship, and that Elsie had similar actions of staying complacent in their life instead of truly going after what they wanted. It was hard to fully enjoy their developing relationship with the second-hand embarrassment that I felt during the start.
That said, I can still appreciate Wilsner’s evolution as a storyteller, even though their latest works no longer align with my personal preferences. As a result, I haven’t purchased this book or their last one for my bookshelf.
Still, I respect Wilsner’s voice in the romance genre and will continue to follow their career. Writers evolve, and while this phase isn’t for me, I’m curious to see where their storytelling journey leads next.

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A real and frequently-lived story bundled up as a romance full of introspection and emotion. Wilsner's best sex scenes yet! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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Meryl girl you did it again! I loved it! Meryl can write some spice!! I loved the relationship and the back and forth with the tension, so good!

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This book was a treat. Friends to lovers is tough to get right but Meryl nailed it. The backstory, the stakes, the what if’s about the friendship, the could be’s, it’s all there with two very sweet MC’s. And it’s a lil kinky so fasten your seatbelts, what happens in the cabana stays in the cabana…or does it?

Short summary: When Elsie learns her fiancé has planned their entire wedding as a surprise, the part that surprises her the most is that she doesn’t actually want to marry him. Cue the pre-paid honeymoon and her best friend as her plus one.

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Publishing. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review of My Best Friend's Honeymoon. I'll start off by saying that I enjoyed the nonbinary main character representation! I really wanted to like this one as I've read some of Meryl's other books but this was a miss for me because of the overly repetitive internal monologues and going back to the 10th grade dance declined invitation.

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A non-binary romance set in a delicious rom-com set up!
Elsie Hoffman's fiance is desperate, and after waiting a year and a half he plans the entire wedding. Elsie is less then pleased and breaks her engagement. There is not much left to do except honeymoon with her best friend.
Little does she know (!) Ginny Holtz has been in love with her. Wilsner keeps the rom and com moving with a perfect nb romance that will please all readers!
#stmartinspress #mybestfriendshoneymoon #merylwilsner

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I have always loved reading Meryl's books because their writing style is amazing and I always find myself getting out of a reading slump thanks to their books.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I adored the plot, and I loved reading about Elsie and Ginny's relationship.
I didn't find myself connecting with the characters as much as I did with Meryl's previous works, and parts of the book felt a little rushed to me, but that was made up by the amazing writing and the ending of the book.
For lovers of extremely well written smut, this is the perfect book for them.

4/5 stars, I can't wait to read what Meryl puts out in the future.

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Meryl Wilsner does it again. Sexy. Spicy. Steamy. Everything you could want in an adult romance novel and more. The yearning between the characters causes tension from the beginning. The spicy scenes will keep you turning the page. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy.

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When Elsie's fiance plans their wedding as a surprise for her and she finds out she's supposed to be getting married in seven days, she realizes that the life she thought she wanted may not actually be what she wanted at all. Desperate to escape, and with a vacation all planned and prepped, Elsie ends up going on her would-be honeymoon with her BFF Ginny. For Ginny, it's a bit too much to be spending day in and day out with Elsie--especially with her a tiny yellow bikini--on a romantic island when they've had a crush on their friend since childhood. But since Elsie rejected them as a tween, Ginny hasn't made any more moves. But if Elsie does, well, then...

I'm a huge Meryl Wilsner fan, with soft spots in particular for Mistakes Were Made and Cleat Cute. It seemed like with every novel, they were getting better and better. But this one was fine. Good, even. But I loved the previous two so much and had such high expectations it was just hard to meet them. I think this book took a little longer to pick up speed and then the two main characters were the epitome of the "idiots to lovers" trope that isn't my favorite. It was also kind of weird, forced third act breakup that felt odd. But I really enjoyed the characters, dual POV, representation, and gorgeous tropical setting. And, how amazing is that cover?? Ultimately, I'm glad I read it and can't wait to see what Wildner comes up with next!

Thanks to St. Martin's Griffin for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4 stars - 8/10

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I’ve read a few book of Meryl’s and enjoyed them all, but I think this one might be at the top! It could be that I’m a sucker for a friends to lovers romance, and this one was so much fun! If you’re a fan of that trope too, I highly suggest checking this one out!

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I am usually a huge fan of anything Meryl Wilsner puts out but this just wasn’t it for me. I found the characters to be unlikeable, their fights felt forced, and too much butt stuff in sex scenes lol

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I'm not at all shy about the fact that Meryl Wilsner is an auto buy author for me. They write some of the best queer romances and I absolutely inhale everyone! This one was no exception.

Fresh off her ended engagement, Elsie's now ex tell her to take their honeymoon with her best friend Ginny. Ginny and Elsie have been best friends almost as long as they've been alive. And wouldn't you know it, both have been pining for the other almost as long. Set in the beautiful and sizzling Carribbean, we watch as they finally give into their long held desires. Told from both perspectives, were given such an insight into sometimes the very same situation, just from each of their perspectives. This book is a perfect mix of love, desire, and finding out who you are alone before making a life together with a partner.

Some of my favorites moments in the whole book deal with the willful and sometimes accidental misgendering of Ginny and just how much that affects them. And yall! A sweet and sexy MC who uses they/them pronouns! 😍

Told is such stunning detail, this book is utter perfection! Just like every other thing Wilsner writes. And the spice!! Yall the spice is on fire! Ginny and Elsie have so much chemistry it's palpable! There's even a few newer kinks unlocked for returning Wilsner fans. 👀


I received an advanced copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martins Press, and Meryl Wilsner. ❤️

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Can we talk about this book cover, loved it. Now that we got that out of the way, lets talk about the book. The friendship between Elsie and Ginny is sweet and adds the perfect first layer to their romance. Both characters are likable and easy to relate to. This book could have easy been 400 pages, and part of me wishes it had been. The parts that were set on the island felt rushed, for me personally. Same thing with the ending. I loved that the characters took time to figure out who they are without the other and what they want out of life. But it did feel rushed. All and all I really enjoyed the book and have added it to my read again list.
Thank you to St. Martins and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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I absolutely loved this new book from Meryl Wilsner. My Best Friend’s Honeymoon is the story of two friends who end up on a honeymoon together after one of them calls off their engagement. While the outcome of the book is pretty clear from the beginning, I had a wonderful time reading about their journey together and watching them grow from friends to something more. I would definitely recommend this book to any queer romance fans, and this is another great book from Wilsner.

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I loved this book! I’m going to give it 3.5 stars because I do feel like some parts of the story moved too fast. This author has definitely become an auto-buy author for me though! I read mistakes were made and the day I finished it I came right to this Arc! Overall a very fun read from a great author!

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I usually wait to read a book until closer to publication date, but with this book, I couldn't wait to read it! As soon as I was approved on NetGalley, I jumped right in.

Meryl Wilsner is amazing at writing queer romance. They know how to write romantic scenes with lots of spice and heart. Elise and Ginny have been best friends for most of their lives. Ginny has always been in love with Elise, but they keep their feelings to themself. Ginny is a nonbinary lesbian, and Elise is a pan female. When Elise ends her engagement to her fiance because he plans their whole wedding, she realizes that she isn't ready to marry him. He tells her to take the honeymoon with her best friend, Ginny. Ginny is more than happy to go with Elise on the trip.

On the trip, Ginny tells Elise that they will do anything that Elise wants. They want Elise to go after things that she wants because she is always putting herself and her needs second. When Elise wants Ginny to kiss her, Ginny is all in! Their scenes together are so spicy!!

Elise has had feelings for Ginny, but she was always afraid that it would ruin their friendship. Now, that they are both exploring their feelings, what happens when the vacation is over?

I loved this story, and the only reason that I'm giving 4 stars instead of 5 stars is because the ending felt rushed. I really wanted an epilogue to really wrap up the story.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and SMP for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)

-f/nb contemporary romance
-friends to lovers
-childhood crush
-mutual pining
-vacaion hookup

Thank you Meryl Wilsner for confirming why friends to lovers is an elite trope. I couldn't put this book down. Elsie breaks up with her fiance, but ends up with a fully paid for honeymoon. And the only perosn she wants to go on it with is Ginny who has definitely been in love with her their entire lives. I adored their dynamic, incredible friends, incredible history, and a real fear of is it worth it to fuck this up. How Ginny and Elsie were just cheering each other on.

The sexual chemistry, the comfort they were to each other. And the sexxxxxxx. A must read.

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Meryl Wilsner’s My Best Friend’s Honeymoon is an electrifying exploration of love, self-discovery, and the courage to embrace desires. Wilsner's writing is sharp and witty, capturing the chemistry between lifelong friends Elsie and Ginny with sizzling intimacy. The Caribbean setting adds a lush backdrop to their journey, making each moment feel vibrant and alive. The premise is fresh and engaging, inviting us readers to root for Elsie as she learns to voice her true wants. This romance is not just spicy; it’s deeply emotional, showcasing the transformative power of asking for what you truly desire.

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My Best Friend’s Honeymoon might just be my favorite Meryl Wilsner book so far. Like a fine wine, their stories only get better, and the spice? It’s undeniably hot in this one—definitely not holding back. What really stands out, though, is how easy it is to see yourself in both Elsie and Ginny. They’re so relatable in a way that pulls you in.

I found myself fully immersed, almost living through the book, and dreading the moment it would end. But, of course, it did. Meryl has once again delivered a standout in sapphic lit. This one’s definitely worth your time.

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