Member Reviews

This is a book centered around feminine self development with a focus on building a connection with the Goddess.

Like others, it brings forth women issues, proposes spiritual and psychological solutions and offers suggestions of Goddesses that can help with these issues and how to connect with them.

As I have read a lot of these books, I was expecting a bit more depth in terms of Goddesses presentations, more insights and a bit more understanding and setting into their cultural context for each Goddess.

For readers new to this kind of books and for anyone who doesn't know where to start their relationship with the Goddess this is a good read, it offers many exercises and ideas to further develop this relationship. All in all, I am grateful to have received this in order to share my view on it and I can recommend it to anyone taking the first steps on the Goddess path, as the author calls it.

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Thoughts: I’ve read other “spiritual pathways” types of books but this one is very different. Yes, the emphasis is on goddesses from various religions and crystals and altars, but you don’t have to buy into that if it makes you uncomfortable. But… you should still read the book. There is good information on taking a path to self-discovery. There are daily affirmations that will help you find who you really are; learn to set boundaries and say no, figure out your hopes, dreams, desires, and value. For these things alone, this is a good book. And the author encourages you to take the pathways slowly – this is not something to rush through.

Overall, I thought it was a good self-help book that can help you find your true self. Be prepared to do some deep thinking.


Disclaimer: Disclosure of Material: I received a final and/or advanced reader copy of this book with the hope that I will leave my unbiased opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that… My Opinions. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

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Anyone interested in exploring their femininity and understanding of the divine would love this.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC

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“The Goddess Path” by Kirsty Gallagher is a self-help book designed to guide readers on a transformative journey toward embracing their inner goddess. The author presents a structured approach consisting of thirteen steps that aim to help individuals tap into their intuition, authenticity, and personal power. Each step is crafted to encourage self-reflection, personal growth, and empowerment.

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This is an excellent book for anyone interested in personal and spiritual growth. The author’s writing is compassionate, wise, and thoughtful. She has structured the book beautifully and leads the reader along a path that circles around and around and back again as the reader journeys through our many layers within. She refers to many goddesses from different cultures as well as divine feminine archetypes that are available to us on our physical, emotional, and spiritual journeys. I love that she gives permission for the reader to make this goddess path journey our own.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher, for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review

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A good book if you want something to re-center yourself or feel like you want to reconnect with yourself, I think even people who arent necessarily "spiritual" could enjoy this book and get something out of it!

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Having read all of Kirsty Gallaghers previous books this one was a no brainer. I resonate a lot with Kirsty's words and always leave her books feeling enlightened. This is another great tool from Gallagher, taking you down a path of self discovery to find the Goddess within.

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