Member Reviews

Another great entry in the series! Morgan and Ruiner head out of Hollowbeck to try to locate Morgan’s ex husband Jason. Amazingly enough, problems ensue. If you haven’t read the first two books yet, I suggest starting there and reading them in order.

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I'm still really enjoying this series, especially the characters. I liked the addition of a new, strange, magical town in this book. I also like that each book wraps up its own mystery while still maintaining an overall mystery throughout the series, one that each book builds on. Looking forward to the next title in the series! A great choice for a humorous, cozy mystery for spooky season.

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Just like the first two, the book is well written, filled with adventures and quirky characters.

The setting is weird and there are no rules, which is something that keeps attracting me to it. And a similar town like Hollowbeck, great.

But I am getting tired of waiting for Ruiner to explain something of what happened to him, it's been 3 books already and we know nothing.

Also I would have liked the book better if it wasn't The Ex who was in trouble. Ruiner made so much sense in the book and I wish she never went to help him, rather she should work on getting everything back. She's just too good and that doesn't make sense after going through so much.

I would definitely keep following the series, but I want to see growth in Morgan's character, both in terms of getting what is hers, and becoming a witch and Ruiner needs to spill some secrets.

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Morgan is still learning how to be a witch and Ruiner is still a cat. Now her husband is missing. This is another good and entertaining paranormal mystery with likeable characters. I really love this series. I think book 1 and 3 are the best ones. I can truly recommend this series. I'm looking forward to the next book.
I received an advance review copy via NetGalley/Sterling & Stone and I'm leaving a voluntary and honest review.

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This feels like a wonderful combination of a cozy mystery and a Kelley Armstrong book with the wild magical towns. I will first say that even though this is the third in the series I was able to catch up pretty fast. (I haven't read the first two. ) And this just dragged me in with great speed and an engrossing plot. This book was good enough that I really need to go back and read the first two because even though I know a little of what happens, I still feel like I want to live more in this world. Recommended.

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"Life's A Witch (The Hollowbeck Paranormal Cozy Mysteries #3)" by Amelia Ash and Kim M. Watt is more thriller paranormal cozy mystery, I would say. Yes, there's always a mystery. There's lots of paranormal. The sense of dire circumstances is a bit higher than the usual cozy mystery though. The underlying story that links all the books puts it more in the thriller side of things I think. Morgan seems to be starting to understand her new potential powers towards the end of this book though.

Morgan gets summoned to another magical town when her ex starts sending her cryptic messages asking for help. This other town is like Hollowbeck's mirror twin. It has everything Hollowbeck has but slightly twisted. There's also some seriously fae style gambling and rules going on. Morgan gets sucked in trying to find her ex and trying to just get everyone back home.

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I have a habit recently of starting a book series NOT on the first one, and this series is one I did that with. I am happy to report that you don’t really need to have read the others to enjoy this one. I enjoyed getting to know this universe, and I enjoyed getting to know Ruiner (such a funny name!) and Morgan. While the clues to this mystery were a little confusing, I couldn’t help but be charmed by the book. I can’t wait to read another installment so I can get to know the universe a little better, and I can catch up on what I missed. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily revewed.

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Thank you for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is the 3rd book in The Hollowbeck Paranormal Mystery series and the first one I've check out. This book features Morgan as our main protagonist and her brother (who is a cat during this!) as the main voice of reason.

Overall I really enjoyed the theme and idea of this book a "witchy/spooky" world that is disconnected from the outside. I think though if I'd read the other books first I'd find this series more enjoyable.

If you like cute, witty, and a little dark cozy mysteries definitely hit this up!

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Witchy fun and adventure in a new realm, yep there are more, and a rescue attempt that spins everything upside down! Ruiner just can't stay out of trouble and her ex is in deep, what's a novice witch to do? As usual, a good bit of humor laced with adventure and some interesting new characters.

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