Member Reviews

Alina, a wealthy and powerful woman is with her young daughter Sophia at an art exhibition when one of the art exhibits comes crashing down around Sophia. Alina is grateful that a young woman called Hannah is on hand to help save Sophia from injury and offers Hannah help with anything she wants. Hannah asks Alina for help to remove a toxic person from her life, 'no questions asked' and Alina agrees to assist. Alina is slowly drawn into Hannah's life and the mystery of the toxic person who is upsetting her existence.

I must confess, I struggled with this book. The concept of the story seemed interesting and solid but I found the story very slow to progress. I normally enjoy a slow burn but there wasn't a lot going on to keep me interested and invested in what was going to happen next. I found it difficult to understand either of the 2 lead characters who weren't particularly likeable and I struggled to understand their behaviour While there was an interesting twist towards the end of the story, it wasn't developed or revealed in a particularly exciting or shocking way

Thanks Netgalley for the opportunity to read this eARC

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Interesting idea and some good characters but the writing took me a while to settle to,not a bad story by any means but maybe needs some tightening up of various storylines and plot,I would read more from this author

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Wow. Loved this book. Having read some of Hewitt's previous books I knew straight away I would enjoy the style. Loved it.

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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This was so intriguing! I read it in 24 hours. I had a feeling Hannah was behind the whole thing but it still kept me gripped and I was dying to find out why and what her motives were. Alinas character was also fascinating

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An enjoyable first read from J.M.Hewitt
Told from a dual narrative POV you follow Hannah and Alina as their lives are brought together following an unexpected accident at an art gallery event.
I enjoyed the strong character profiles in this one. It seems a slow burn domestic thriller, with some complex human behaviours appearing in the second part of the book.
I liked that there was an unlikeable character in there, and enjoyed learning about their twisted past and behaviours!
Some subtle twists which whilst may not have been jaw-dropping, were a good addition.

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A good concept, I think, it had potential. But the book kind of felt all over the place, like it was a very very very early draft. lots of plot points abandoned and never cleared up or revisited. Both POV characters unrelatable.

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2.5 stars rounded up to 3 stars

A terrible event occurs, and young Sophia’s life is saved by a woman named Hannah who happened to be at the scene at the time. Sophia’s mother Alina cannot thank Hannah enough and tells her that she can ask for anything she wishes for, and Alina will provide it. As a very wealthy woman Alina expects Hannah to ask for money, and lots of it. Much to her surprise Hannah has other ideas.

Hannah has always dreamed of working in the Momotaro Gallery and feels that Alina has the contacts that may be the key to this dream coming true, but she also has a second request and wants Alina to help her in removing a toxic person from her life, will Alina agree?

The story takes quite a while to get off the ground and I found myself completely unable to identify with these two main characters, due to this I found it hard to invest myself in the book. There was not a lot of excitement or suspense that captured my attention, and I found myself turning the pages but not really caring about the resolution and if Hannah would have her requests fulfilled. I am not going to say anymore as we are all different and others may have an entirely different perspective and enjoyment of the book than I experienced. 2.5 stars rounded up to 3 starts

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions expressed are my own.

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WOW. When I say I FLEW through this book, I am not kidding. I spent the entire day putting off my chores simply because I could not put this down. Chefs kiss 10/10. Will be reading more from this author.

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This one was a DNF for me, it lacked suspense and mystery, and the story early on dragged on for too long. Reading these types of books, the first few chapters have kept me hooked and wanting more. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case with this one. It might be a me problem so I suggest people give it a go!

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Hannah Baker saved Sofia's life . Sofia’s mother, Alina, feels like she owes Hannah anything and Hannah is now on course to take advantage of that.

I loved this book,, Greed is probably the first thing that springs to mind and after many twists I loved discovering what Hannah wanted, how/if she got her wishes and what happened next.

This was apacy read for me as I enjoyed it so much. It wasn't the best book I have read but it got my attention and I was hooked ..

Great for a book club debate

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A good deed can be deadly…. Hannah Baker’s actions undeniably saved the life of nine-year-old Sofia Arpels. Sofia’s mother, Alina, has everything she could ever dream of and declares herself forever in Hannah’s debt. Anything that Hannah wants, is hers. Alina has the wealth, power and status to grant any wish. Decent read! This book had light suspense, intriguing, mysterious, and a few twists and turns! The story was interesting but it wasn’t one of my favorite! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Hannah saves the life of nine-year-old Sofia. Sofia’s mother, wealthy and powerful Alina, offers Hannah anything she wants in return. There are many things that Hannah desires. Getting a job at the art gallery is one of them, but she has another problem that is even more pressing. What will Hannah ask for and will Alina be able to give it to her?

This book lacked suspense and thrill as nothing substantial happened for most of it. It went off on a lot of tangents which made the story feel disjointed and when it finally came together in the last chapter, it didn't deliver the punch I was hoping for.

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