Member Reviews

“I Am Toki” by Gianni Perticaroli is a children’s/ preteen fiction book told from the perspective of Toki, a captive orca that lives at Miami Seaquarium which is based on real events. This book follows the story of Toki, from the beginning of her life being born in the ocean to liiving a normal life with her pod, to the day she was brutally captured and stolen from her family. This story follows Toki as she is transported to Miami Seaquarium showing us what her daily routine consists of, as well as the hardships she faces everyday. It shows us how brave and courageous Toki was and what she had to endure, all in a very unique way. At the end of the story, the author has done a fabulous job of providing factual information on all things Orcas, as well as addressing and exposing the truth of what actually happened in Tokitae’s life at Miami Seaquarium.

Although this book is targeted to the audience of children, there is a message that all audiences can take from this story. I believe that because the author has told the story from the perspective of Tokitae the orca, the book is more fun, engaging and understandable for children audiences. This book does an amazing job of covering the very important issue of cetaceans in captivity. I thoroughly enjoyed this book as an adult, and know that I would have devoured it as a child. The author has done a fabulous job of mixing facts with fiction and using her voice to speak for the voiceless who are so routinely taken advantage of.

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This had a message to tell and thought it was executed well, it adds to the glimpse of captive sea-animals and does a great job in making you think. I thought the overall feel worked and had that element that the children's fiction genre perfectly. Gianni Perticaroli has a great writing style and would read more in this world and author.

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