Member Reviews

The combination aesthetic of cute + scary has me in a tight chokehold. What a great tribute to the video game! I appreciate how this work refreshes the original narrative from the game, while giving the cult leader Lamb more voice, more personality.

From the first page, the use of color as well as the narrative’s high drama caught my attention. I wished the story didn’t skip through the foundation of Nana’s devotion to Lamb as well as Lamb gaining more devoted cult members. The narrative felt rushed in some places where I am sure it was hard to fill in the gaps created in the storyline through gameplay time.

I recommend this graphic novel for upper middle grade and young adult audiences as there are complex topics involving devotion, sacrifice, and manipulation of power. However, any fan of the video game will appreciate the art and the character development. The creators’ strive to captivate readers as the videogame sucked in players was successful.

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This was so cute and a fun read! I am very excited to play the game after this. The graphic novel was fun and exciting to look at and inspect the pictures! I absolutely adore the art style. The characters are lovable and silly. I am excited to see how much people love this once it comes out! ❤️

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If you’ve never played the game that this graphic novel comes from, firstly why not? secondly you still can!

Cute and gory in equal measures the game is such fun and this has been wonderfully adapted into a graphic novel of the gameplay story line.

Lamb is the last of his kind and the Bishops of The Old Faith to stop a prophesy from coming true and ending their reign of terror and bloodshed.

Lamb doesn’t stay as dead as the Bishops would have liked and is returned to life by the One Who Waits chained for all eternity to create a cult that will bring back… well we aren’t quite sure as there is duplicity and shadowed meaning throughout their meeting.

Lamb then returns and whilst getting bloody revenge for their own death they start building a following from the innocents that they saved from the Bishops. Thus the Cult of the Lamb begins.

This was a fun read, with an artwork that really brought the game to mind throughout, popping with colour and gore this was a non-stop read for me!

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I've heard great things about this video game which was why I was interested in reading it. Unfortunately, the attempt to translate the story into a graphic novel fell short. There was so much expositi0n. It felt like I was constantly being told things instead of shown them or given a chance to see the story develop on its own.

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I got into Cult of the Lamb earlier this year and was one of the people who kickstarted this comic. So yes, I had my bias and expectations going into this read, and largely I was quite pleased. Especially because I learned an awesome new word - endling.

Overall, it's a tale of how the Lamb first grows into the role of cult leader, with some new backstory added of the lamb being betrayed by the farmer that protected them in exchange for shearing some wool. Starting out angry and vengeful, to where it's almost unsettling with how bloodthirsty the Lamb is, but ultimately wanting to be a kinder community leader than the gods of the Old Faith.

I did find it strange to see the Lamb and Ratau so at odds in the beginning, unlike in game, but it does make sense to introduce this as we make the Lamb more a character of their own and less a player vehicle. Less so is the change from Ratau questioning if the Lamb is worthy to being a truly devoted follower, which is a rather quick turn-around in these pages but is also in keeping with the game's brevity in its storytelling.

The differences aside, which Clauneck even notes asking if things are as we remember them being (and it's wild to learn he's a duck btw), there are clear nods to the game that make it clear how much this a labor of love. From the serious way the Lamb says they will not eat or sleep until their revenge is complete, a sly nod to how players don't have to do either, to the green slime in a cauldron that is grass gruel. And of course references to just how much the cult poops anywhere and everywhere

I do hope to see more such comics, as this and the recent Pilgrimage game update with an included motion comic shows there's promise to telling more stories in this world outside of the game!

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This has me soooo ready to play the game! 🎮
I've heard many great things about Cult of the Lamb and it has always intrigued me. This volume offers the backstory that I don't know if we get in game. I think starting with this story and getting hints of what is to come plus the complex character building will make the gameplay must cooler for me.

Artstyle is amazing, the story is very cool! Highly recommend!

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