Member Reviews

I fell in love with this book. Sarah’s writing is poetic and beautiful. I loved the characters and romance, magical realism, and more.

Get lost in Moonville series I one hundred percent recommend it!

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All thoughts and comments are my own.

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I had a hard time getting into this book. The magic system didn’t make sense to me, and the mmc felt like a joke. He seemed so immature that i was kind of surprised there was spice in the book. There was very little chemistry between the mcs. There were some great one liners, but overall it felt a bit disjointed and clunky.

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This is the saddest review I have ever written, but I'm DNFing at 50%. I have been pushing through because i love, love, LOVE Sarah's books. A friend of mine cracks up because I always give her 5 stars after devouring her books in a day. Her first book in this series was my first not 5 star read by her, but I still gave it 4. The weather is autumn-ing, I'm reading to read all the adorable ghost and witch books and this... wasn't it! I could not care LESS about these characters. I haven't even figured out who I am supposed to like yet and I'm already halfway through the book because they are all so unlikeable (except the niece). I kept refusing to dnf, kept coming back to it hoping this would be the point where things turned and my attention was caught, and it just doesn't feel salvageable at this point. I'm really bummed. 2 stars because I just can't give her a 1 star review.

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What a delightful and silly read! Zelda and Morgan were the perfect ADHD couple and had me laughing the whole time. Morgan’s absolute reverence of Zelda had me kicking my feet and giggling. The paranimals were so unique too, I loved them.

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*thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

5 absolute page turner.perfect whimsical seasonal read with multidimensional characters and witty banter. Love the romance.I am a fan of Sarah's writing so this was an easy 5 star read.Definitely recommend if you are after a fun and witty light read with a dash of Magic!

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The Folklore of Forever takes readers back to Moonville, Ohio, a town steeped in mystery and magic, as we follow Zelda Tempest on a journey to rediscover the magic she’s spent her life denying. Sarah Hogle expertly blends humor, romance, and the supernatural in this quirky tale. While Zelda’s neurotic tendencies and skepticism make her an engaging and relatable protagonist, Morgan, the charming and mischievous neighbor, provides an eccentric contrast that, while occasionally grating, ultimately complements Zelda's transformation.

The story shines in its lighthearted moments, with laugh-out-loud banter and whimsical touches like unusual magical creatures and eccentric ghost-hunting adventures. Hogle’s vivid descriptions breathe life into Moonville, and the enchanting setting pulls readers into the mystery, even when the magic system and plot points can feel a bit muddled. Despite some confusing elements, such as the mechanics of magic and certain plot twists that come out of nowhere, The Folklore of Forever delivers a heartwarming narrative about self-discovery and unexpected love.

Though the romance itself is more of a slow burn than an intense passion, the witty dialogue and emotional depth keep the story moving at a good pace. Zelda’s gradual acceptance of both magic and love feels earned, and while Morgan’s motives may feel questionable at times, their dynamic eventually clicks in a satisfying, if not overly conventional, way. Fans of Hogle’s previous work will enjoy revisiting Moonville and its cast of characters, even if this book leans more into comedy than pure romantasy.

Overall, The Folklore of Forever may not be for everyone, especially those seeking a straightforward romance, but its charm, humor, and magical whimsy make it a delightful, if slightly flawed, read.

Many thanks to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam | G.P. Putnam's Sons for sharing this lovely romantasy's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange of my honest thoughts.

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I absolutely love Sarah Hogle and had such high hopes for this book. I thought the plot was cute and fun but I was not invested in the characters. He was just icky in my opinion..

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I wish I could give this book 20 stars—it’s that good. I’m only a few chapters in, but I already know it’s going to be one of my all-time favorites. I can’t wait to get my hands on a paperback copy and cover it in annotations! I’m completely obsessed with the characters’ voices, the witchy vibes woven throughout, and the dynamic between the love interests. It’s truly the perfect cozy fall read, especially if you're into witchcraft or anything magical. I’m hooked!

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I wish that I could give this book 20 stars. I'm only a few chapters in and I can already tell that this is going to be one of my favorite books of all time. I cannot wait to buy a paperback copy and annotate the hell out of it. I am obsessed with the character's tone, all of the little witchy themes, and the relationship between the love interests. It is the PERFECT cozy fall read, especially for anyone with a love of witchcraft.

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I was so thrilled to receive an ARC for this book, but this book wasn't quite for me. I enjoyed parts of the story, but some aspects fell flat.

In the mystical town of Moonville, Ohio,
we follow Zelda, a magic nonbeliever who comes from a family of witches. As the story unfolds, Zelda goes through a rediscovery of magic through various supernatural adventures with Morgan, her next-door neighbor and the male love interest.

I loved Zelda's character. She was very layered, struggling with what seemed to me like neurodivergence (especially OCD-like symptoms, social anxiety, etc). She is awkward, funny, captivating, and flawed, and her character arc was very well-defined. Her initial stubbornness in her refusal to accept the existence of magic evolved through her adventures and her reconnection to the magical experiences of her childhood. In contrast, I wasn't the biggest fan of Morgan, and I felt his character was one-dimensional. He is arrogantly handsome and charming -- but obsessed with gaining magic of his own, via Zelda. I thought he was kind of creepy and his motivations never added up in a way that made me fully on board with his relationship with Zelda. I wish there was a bit more depth to him. He grew on me more as the book went on, but he was still a little questionable.

Hogle's creativity really shines through here. I liked the touches of magic Hogle infused into the otherwise "normal" world and nature, coming up with her own magical creatures like coralotes and waravers. She used aspects of traditional magic stories, like witches, and put her own spin on it. Moonville was also charming if not slightly cliche, and I wish the magic history of the town and Zelda's family was fleshed out more. Some of it was very confusing for me. The mysterious voice, for example, felt like it came from left field, though it did capture my interest! I was eager to see how it would play out.

Sarah Hogle is a phenomenal writer, and her use of vivid descriptions and metaphor are top-notch. It really added an element of visceral and sensory depth, though it wasn't always enough to support the plot. Overall, though this book wasn't for me, I think it will appeal to many readers looking for a lighthearted witchy romance.

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The Folklore of Forever is an interesting follow up to Old Flames and New Fortunes. OFANF was one of my top romances in the past year, and I was a huge fan of how romantic Alex and Romina's story was. In my opinion, The Folklore of Forever, is not necessarily as romantic. I would honestly categorize this book more as a comedy with fantasy elements rather than an enemies to lovers romantasy, as the publisher pitches it. However, I did really enjoy the comedy in this book. There were so many moments that had me busting out in laughter, especially during the scenes where Sarah writes over-the-top, ridiculous slapstick comedy and dialogue. Morgan was a hilarious MMC to follow, and I loved the banter he had with Zelda. I also loved reuniting with the characters we met in OFANF, including Luna, Trevor, Alex, and Aisling.

Where this book fell short for me was some of the fantastical elements. I found myself getting confused at how the magic operates in this book and how certain characters ended up in certain settings and situations. The magic in OFANF felt more straightforward and easier to comprehend. Morgan as a romantic love interest also turned me off at some times. He didn't seem very appealing to me, and I found myself surprised that Zelda was catching feelings for him given the (often rude) ways he was acting towards her.

Overall, I don't think I enjoyed this book as a romance, but as a comedy, it was pretty fun. I'd rate this somewhere around 3.75 to 4 stars.

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I really wanted to love this one, but it fell flat for me. I strongly disliked the mmc and didn't want the main characters to end up together at all. This book was cute and seasonal, but shallow and one-dimensional.

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This was cute and fun for the upcoming halloween season, but kind of shallow. The romance was fine, cute even, but not life changing. The writing was good, and the atmosphere was very strong. Overall, not life-changing stuff, but I am still glad I read this.

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I loved the paranormal skeptic in any supernatural novel and I had enjoyed the first book in the Moonville series. It uses the concept that I wanted perfectly and had that paranormal romance element that I wanted from the description. It still had that realism to it and glad I got to read this. Sarah Hogle writes a great story and characters and can’t wait for more.

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And we’re back in Moonville with Zelda’s story! To say I was excited for this book would be an understatement, especially considering how much I love Old Flames and New Fortunes!

Zelda Tempest is home (at last) in Moonville, Ohio, after traveling the U.S. writing her books and refusing to settle down. Now, writers block threatens to derail her career and her neighbor, Morgan, keeps popping up at the most inopportune times. When Morgan enlists Zelda’s help to take part in a ghost hunt, the two are thrust into a series of adventures and hijinks to help convince Zelda that magic is actually real.

This book was so out there, but I really enjoyed it. I loved the dynamic of Morgan with his golden retriever energy contrasted with Zelda and her black cat energy. I really, really love the community of Moonville that Sarah has created. I wish it were truly real so I could visit it!

I will say, there were times when the magic confused me, particular when the two were in the forest searching for the Black Bear Witch. I had a hard time keeping up and honestly just decided to go along for the ride, despite how confused I was. Morgan could be a bit much at times and is far from my favorite hero of Sarah’s but I grew to love him at the end, just as Zelda did.

I also really loved the passages from the Tempest Family Grimoire and from Zelda’s book! Those were so fun to read as was Aisling’s birthday celebration!

All in all, this was a great book about the journey in rediscovering one’s self, finding your inner magic, and falling in love along the way.

A huge thank you goes out to Netgalley and Putnam for the ARC!

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Zelda tempest comes from a family that believe themselves to be witches but she is not a believer. Morgan Angelopoulos is fascinated by all things paranormal. The two team up together to solve some of the mysteries happening in the town. This is the second book in the moonville series. This book is a cozy, slow burn with a lot of comfort read potential. The problems with this book have a lot to do with the chemistry of the couple. Morgan is really quirky and Zelda is very introverted. They feel a lot more like siblings than lovers with the way they banter back and forth and hardly flirt throughout. The magic also gets a bit confusing throughout. This is a cute read but overall falls a bit flat.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc!

Sarah Hogle is a hit or miss author for me and this was a miss. I just deeply mistrusted and didn’t like the mmc and had trouble caring about the chemistry for our main characters. The magic system was also not well formed.

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2.75/5 - I really wanted to love this. I read Old Flames and New Fortunes and loved it. So when I saw this book on NetGalley, I immediately applied and was ecstatic to be approved for the ARC.

I dont know what it is but the magic is harder to follow and feels a bit heavy and discombobulated compared to the first book. I find myself having to reread previous pages to understand what's happening. I love Zelda as the FMC. Loved going through her POV and her rediscovering her gifts. I found it really hard to like the MMC Morgan. When he blurted out that all he wanted was to get magic like Alex (first book MMC) did, I just couldnt trust him anymore. 90% in and I still was not sure of his intentions. His confession was cute though and fit him as a person. I love all the side characters - the sisters, Aisling, even Trevor. I also loved the paranimals too!

Overall, it didnt feel like a romance book to me. I didnt feel Zelda and Morgan's chemistry so it was hard to care about them getting together. I finished the book but I struggled and was very close to DNFing it.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy in exchange for this review.

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I was so excited when I got the arc I literally love this author but the book just wasn’t it for me. The magical elements were intriguing but Morgan was weird. I’m disappointed the book wasn’t what I waited for but I’m a fan of Sarah Hogle and can’t wait for her next release.

Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for this ARC.

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