Member Reviews

The artwork made the book for me. I loved the style and the colours.

The writing was nice and simple, which I don’t necessarily think is a bad thing. It does make the book seem like it is for a younger age group then it is I tented for though.

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I Am on Indigenous Land is an simple, yet informative book for all children to read. I liked how each indigenous land had their own double spread page with beautiful hand painted illustrations and a description about what you can find on that particular land.

There is a map at the back of the book, so children can picture exactly where the different areas are located, along with the correct pronunciation of each region.

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The illustrations made this book. The words are simple, but the message is strong. I would have preferred that the maps be on the pages rather than at the end.

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Timely and thoughtful reminder of where we are, and who was here first. Integrating "small" books like this into children's education at an early age is essential for building a knowledge base they may never be presented with in school or by society- but it is a knowledge essential for understanding this country.

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I think something that might be escaping some folks is a central message that even land acknowledgement is something people often don't do, out of embarrassment, racism, ignorance, any number of reasons. The concept has its criticisms, but this is a book about teaching children about understanding that the land you live on and perhaps love belongs to Indigenous people, in the hope that people will acknowledge that Indigenous people have lived here and do live here, and that people will learn more about them and what was and continues to be taken from them.

Writing-wise, it reminded me of, "Goodnight Moon", so I'm not sure why being simplistic is a criticism. There are deep messages here with important history to be told to children who may never have heard about it before.

I think the cover is the strongest piece of art in the book, though the style throughout is similar to many picture books I enjoyed when I was younger, and I don't think young children would mind it. They might imagine themselves in the different scenarios.

Overall, a neat book about Indigenous rights, history, and the land we, at least in some cases, share.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an early copy of this book.

I wish it had been longer and had a bit more to it. I understand it's from five to eight-year-olds, but the writing felt like it was for an even younger child.

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I love how the pictures represent the geography where various Indigenous people live. It was informative and illuminating.

But, ultimately, I found this book too rudimentary. Both the writing and the art are overly simplified, in a way that felt almost condescending.

Educational, but lacking.

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