Member Reviews

Watch out for a woman who is fed up and HUNGRY.

This is about a woman empowered to no longer put up with BS from society or her husband. Without giving spoilers, Lenore learns female rage from our dearest spooky Carmilla. It hits all the gothic vibes with mysterious illnesses and decrepit buildings.

However, this is still between 3 and 4 stars for me. The pacing felt slow. I found myself wanting to flip quickly through her childhood flashbacks. We get repetition of major details refed to us, at the expensive of character development. Only our main protagonist has a fully fleshed out character and I still felt disconnected from her.

This will hit with fans of moody historical fiction but the writing style was just a tad on the dry side for me personally.

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An aged up and distinctly sapphic retelling of the original vampire story Carmilla. Drenched in feminine rage, hauntingly gotchic, and beautifully written from cover to cover.

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This book was simply excellent. A sapphic vampire story in spooky, victorian setting? Sign me up!
Many have tried to reproduce the charming yet disturbing atmosphere of Carmilla/Dracula and have failed. Kat Dunn has done a beautiful job describing each character, feeling and landscape. The prose is hypnotic and the pace is deliberately slow which creates anticipation. I was so invested into Lenore's actions and her character development. This story is so much more than a supernatural romance. It is about revenge, finding yourself, about unapologetic womanhood. It is perfectly mysterious, addictive and gruesome. Many interesting matters were added to the core of the story like grief, depression, patriarchy, PTSD and infertility. A delicious autumn read for sure. I will definitely be buying a physical copy.

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Hungerstone is a mesmerizing gothic retelling of Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, blending atmosphere, desire, and oppression into a compelling narrative. From the very start, the novel plunges readers into Lenore’s world—an unhappily married woman haunted by dreams and trapped in a life of societal expectation. Kat Dunn’s portrayal of the Industrial Revolution backdrop is both immersive and richly detailed, giving the story a strong sense of time and place that feels authentic.

The novel’s greatest strength lies in its atmosphere and its ability to evoke emotion. The gothic setting drips off the page, filling every scene with tension and mystery. Lenore’s inner turmoil, her growing desire for Carmilla, and the dark secrets unraveling in Nethershaw Manor pull readers in, keeping them hooked from start to finish. Dunn’s prose is both beautiful and biting, capturing the raw ferocity of female rage and longing, while also paying homage to the original Carmilla in a refreshing and modern way.

One of the standout elements of the novel is Lenore’s transformation from a haunted, oppressed wife to a powerful woman reclaiming her agency. Her relationship with Carmilla is both seductive and dangerous, providing a captivating exploration of power dynamics, desire, and the hunger for more in a world that would rather see women remain docile. The theme of hunger—whether for freedom, love, or revenge—is explored with great depth throughout the story.

However, some readers might feel that the book leaves them wanting more. There’s a slow build to the climax, and while the tension is palpable, the payoff can feel abrupt, particularly in the ending. The relationship between Lenore and Carmilla, while intoxicating, could have been further developed, offering more insight into their emotional and psychological bond. Similarly, Carmilla’s character occasionally comes off as a plot device—something to push Lenore’s arc forward—rather than being fully fleshed out.

Despite these minor flaws, Hungerstone is a compelling read, especially for those drawn to gothic literature, lesbian vampire tropes, and atmospheric prose. It’s perfect for fans of dark, moody stories where women challenge societal norms and embrace their hunger for more. The novel doesn’t just retell Carmilla—it reclaims it, making it a tale of empowerment as much as it is one of horror.

Overall, Hungerstone is a fiercely beautiful book that will captivate readers looking for a gothic, feminist read that sinks its teeth into your heart and mind. Four stars.

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What an addictive read! The premise of the book hooks you in and the writing and plot keeps you engaged and interested. Give me a book with lesbian vampires and i’m there and this book did them so well, although I do wish we got more of them. This book was filled with rage and desire and I loved it! Thank you to Netgalley and Zando for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book! I read it in a day. The main character, Lenore, was a great perspective, I loved the shift from paranoid and haunted to powerful and in control. The side characters were very fun, I enjoyed just about every turn of this story - the ending was a teeny bit lackluster, but I think I was hoping for something really vindictive. Oh well! Still fantastic.

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Because Goodreads doesn't allow for 1/2 ratings, I set this as a 2, but in my head it's a 2.5. I appreciate the work the author went into to making the historical setting feel immersive. I do think, though, that there was a bit too much going on in terms of historical reference. I think I wanted a bit more building up of Lenore and Carmilla's strange, heady relationship and the toxicity that had built up between her and her husband. There was certainly some attempt made at doing that, but I feel like the book meandered far too long for what I wanted it to do.

This is a story with a very slow build, but I never quite felt like it hit the ground running. Some of that is due to the 1st person narration which didn't quite hit the mark for me. None of the characters really felt like they ever fully came into their own because of this, as well. There was too much of a distance there. I think the author did a decent job articulating Lenore's cage of her own making, but also the cage forced upon her. Unfortunately, a lot of that internalization had the effect, for me, of making both the characters and the plot seem not quite as dimensional. I realize that some of that was the point--at least for the characters--but none of it ever quite felt like it mattered, to me.

The ending, too, was quite abrupt. Perhaps if I had any background knowledge of Carmilla, I might feel a bit differently, but as it stands, overall, I just felt whelmed. I might've liked this book a bit more if it were shorter and a bit more focused. Just not really for me, unfortunately.

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Good retelling but I felt like done trimming would have improved the flow. Carmilla came across as a bully but I was satisfied with the ending

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"It starts with blood. It ends with blood." 🩸

"For what do you hunger?"

"I am a drowning woman clinging to a wreckage, but I will sing so loud as I go down."

Ya'll this book slaps and bites! This is such a spectacular retelling of Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu which centers on Lenore, an unhappily married woman, who takes a mysterious woman- Carmilla Kernstein- under her wing after a carriage accident..
Prior to the incident, she kept on having fever dreams (or sleep paralysis) about a young woman with sweet, heart-shaped face and eyes that glitter in the dark...and the inexplicable things she does to her.
From there, Strange things continue to happen and many shocking discoveries - about her marriage, her husband, her 'friend', herself and Carmilla.
A dark, seductive, gothic story about female oppression, insatiable rage and hunger. Love this so much, I devoured it! This is the first book I've read from the author and looking forward to her other works. I've already added Bitterthorn on my list.

5 ✨🩸

Thanks to NetGalley and Zando Projects for the Arc! 🖤

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Finally, a book that understands Gothic as a genre and not just an aesthetic. Wonderful prose, great pacing, and themes you can really sink your teeth into. If you support women’s wrongs, this book is for you.

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thank you netgalley for the e-ARC!

i enjoyed many aspects of this book like, unhinged women getting revenge, sapphics, and the prose. it was good but it was lacking depth in Carmilla's character, which basically turned her into a manic pixie dream girl; only there to further along Lenore's journey, so i wish we'd gotten more info on her.

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This was my first time reading Kat Dunn’s writing and I really enjoyed the flow of it. It felt both of the time it takes place while also occasionally allowing for more modern language, which added to my reading experience. The book was extremely atmospheric and moody and fits well into the gothic canon. I’m a little sorry I didn’t read Carmilla prior to reading this (my own fault!), but I still loved my time with it. I vibed with the main character telling the story and I thought the introduction of Carmilla was perfect. Also, not for nothing, the cover is fantastic.

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Thank You to Netgalley and Manilla Press for the Arc
Hungerstone is as beautiful as it is brutal. A retelling of the first Vampire novel Carmilla, Kat Dunn captures the horrifying realities of womanhood and what it means to hunger for something more.
Lenore is the wife of a steel manufacturer whose desire for more brings them to London, where a freak accident, Carmilla, enters their lives. The two women frequently buttheads as Carmilla encourages Lenore to want more from her doomed life and question the motives of her husband, who seems set on having a perfect life. Eventually, Lenore responds to her hunger for a better life and desire for Carmilla; it is the first time she is on equal footing with her partner and is with someone who can fulfill her desire.
Hungerstone was a loving adaptation of a story meant to warn against women who sought after what they wanted. The story is rich in its gothic atmosphere, and I was rooting for Lenore and Carmilla the whole time.

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I have not yet read Carmilla so I went into this book blind. This was phenomenal! From the first page, you are transported into the gothic setting. We are in Lenora's head as she goes through her daily, near perfect life. It felt claustrophobic at times which helped add to the dark and mysterious atmosphere. Once she meets Carmilla, Lenora's fragile facade starts to crack and must face reality for what it is. It is chilling and everything my feminist heart wanted. I highly recommend this and give is 5 blood thirsty stars!

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4.5 // i wasn’t looking for this book but i’m glad it found me. what a delight it was to read, what a feast. thank you netgalley for the arc <333

good retelling but still able to read like an original story and concept. the writing was excellent and i don’t usually say this for first person narration. there’s always something self-flagellating or high and mighty in first person but the narrator here was compelling and true to the time period. a fast paced, flowing prose and narrative, with a well developed cast - no notes. i enjoyed how both the inner and outer conflicts developed. i especially liked how things gradually escalated and got creepier and eerier, and how the theme of hunger was presented. the ending, although satisfying, could have used some more or an epilogue. it left me wanting more, to see what happens next.

you can read “hungerstone” without having read “carmilla” but it adds flavour if you have. overall a great read, perfect for sapphic september or spooky season. i hope this book comes in a pretty edition or has a special edition in the future so i can get it as a physical copy. i’m also curious to read more of kat dunn and what future
projects she has planned.

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I am in the very small group of people who don’t like reading anything with vampires/vampire-adjacent. And yet, and yet!! I loved this. The atmosphere was dripping off the pages, the characters were compelling, the plot gripped me, and the prose was gorgeous. Easy 5-star.

ARC provided by NetGalley

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For years, Lenore has always done the correct and proper thing, first for her awful Aunt, and then for her social climbing husband Henry. But her new mysterious houseguest, Carmilla, soon gives Lenore reasons to take a closer look at what she wants out of life.

This book is so atmospheric! It gives a strong gothic vibe. I felt like the author really did her research, because I was definitely transported back to the time the book was set in. Even the details about the types of food they ate back then seemed to be spot on. The book is set in the English moors, in a dilapidated manor. Perfect if you are looking for a spooky read that’s also empowering.

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this was absolutely fantastic. it not only met my expectations but exceeded them a million times over. the atmosphere was perfect. the prose was extraordinary. the plot twists had me on the edge of my seat. i absolutely love when women take what they deserve. give Kat Dunn all the money in the world so she will keep writing masterpieces.

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*Hungerstone* by Kat Dunn is an absolute must-read! The storytelling is out of this world, pulling you into a gothic, atmospheric tale that grips you right from the start. Lenore’s inner turmoil, the mysterious allure of Carmilla, and the secrets lurking within Nethershaw Manor make for a truly immersive experience. The tension between desire and fear is perfectly balanced, and the reclamation of the lesbian vampire trope is done masterfully. With its haunting yet enthralling plot, *Hungerstone* is a mesmerizing novel that will leave you hungry for more. Five stars, without a doubt!

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This book is nothing short of a thrilling rollercoaster—it's raw, feral, and intoxicating. From the very first page, I was hooked. It’s a whirlwind of chaos and discomfort that grips you and doesn’t let go. I devoured it in one sitting, unable to tear myself away from this story. I can't recommend this book enough—it's a must-read!

Lenore appears to have a picture-perfect life with her husband, Henry. She’s the epitome of the dutiful wife, gracefully managing every household task. Yet beneath her seemingly flawless exterior lies a dark past. Her world is upended when she meets Carmilla, a force of change that challenges everything Lenore thought she knew about herself and her life. Their collision leads to a compelling, and unpredictable journey that will keep you on edge.

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