Member Reviews

I did not like the mmc. I got to like 45% in. I didn't want to do a review but I felt like I needed to add that I did not like that the mmc was told several times to stop and he still proceeded to pursue her. It did not sit well with me. The fantasy aspect and dragons I loved. But not the MMC

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The Death King by Penelope Brasetti offers an intriguing start, with strong world-building and a dark, atmospheric setting. However, as the story unfolds, the pacing slows considerably, making it difficult to maintain interest. The main character, while initially promising, remains largely underdeveloped and lacks the depth needed to fully engage the reader.

Additionally, the book features vivid and intimate scenes that may not appeal to a wide audience, limiting its reach. Overall, *The Death King* had potential, but inconsistent pacing and flat character arcs hinder its full impact. It's a story with promise, but one that ultimately feels underwhelming.

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This book had everything in it that I ordinarily love. Dragons, some spice, an FMC with a traumatic past, a morally grey shadow daddy MMC … but it fell flat. So, so terribly flat. The chemistry between the two made zero sense to me, there was zero sensible progression from enemies to lovers. The king was unlikeable with zero charm, the FMC was a generic Mary Sue. Worst of all was the absolutely insane handling of her aforementioned trauma — that after being raped for a year at the hands of her captors in a prison work camp, the king frees her because he wants to sleep with her himself — and that his answer to her repeatedly saying no to his advances, is to simply wait until she’s asleep to shoot his shot. Gross, and even more gross is the way nobody in the book is especially bothered by it, including her, after a little while and enough gaslighting.

This was not even close to a hit for me, despite the high hopes I had going into it. I stuck it out hoping it would get better, and found myself sorely disappointed. I appreciated the dual narrators for the audiobook, for his chapters and hers, but that couldn’t redeem this one for me.

Thank you to the Dreamscape Media for the copy of this audiobook to check out.

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Where to begin……

So the first 30% had me the story line was moving the characters developed at a fast face it was good.

Then we hit the next 60%….. which in all honesty was not right there was so much missing it was just filler and rushed. Pointless romantic scenes that made no sense baring in mind the FMC traumatising past.
The romance needed to be dragged out slower the MMC was adamant he earned her but he really didn’t at all it was all backwards.

The last 10% was great. Again I was hooked the story was back on track and the story line developed again.

I would say this could have truly been such an amazing book if the middle of it was removed a revised. Because the story is there, the characters are there it clearly had a well thought out plot the execution just wasn’t right.

The dragons were beautifully written and described. The death kings big secret wasn’t really a big wow secret. It just was a story of his childhood which was similar to hers.

Warnings…. There is rape and traumatic triggers in this book which I normally avoid however I didn’t feel like it was horrible reading just the moving onto another relationship barring in mind what she had gone to made no sense to me.

Would I read book 2….
Yes. Because as I stated the backbones was in the story and it ended well, I just hope the next book has more depth to it.
I didn’t hate the story it just seemed like it was more in editing stages still.

Thank you netgalley, Dreamscape media and Penelope Barsetti for the audio book arc in exchange for an honest review.


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Wow. All I can say about this book is that it was a complete surprise.

I was not expecting it to be as good as it was and I definitely was NOT expecting to like it as much as I did. On the more serious side - there are some pretty intense and serious events that are involved in this, with rape (off page) being the worst of it, but I wanted to throw that out there.

We are introduced to the FMC Calista, who was a 15 year old Princess before her community is devastated and her father the King killed by the Death King and his Dragon. Her life as she knows it changes that day - and definitely not for the better. Through a crazy sequence of events, she ends up trying to escape and discovers that she can talk to his dragon. Because of that, the MMC Talon (the Death King) takes her away from the prison she was in and takes her back to his castle.

Without going into spoilers, the story gets very interesting. I liked Calista. She was a strong FMC and very likeable. Talon, on the other hand, is a chartcer that you know you shouldn't like, but somehow you end up rooting for him anyway.

Lots of things happen but EVERYTHING changes at the very end. This is one of those books that unfortunately ends in an awful cliffhanger...UGH!!!!

But will I keep going to book 2? Are you kidding....OF COURSE!!!

Thank you to NetGalley and to Dreamscape Media for the opportunity to listen to and to review this audio ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone. This book will be out for publication on September 24, 2024.

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This book suffers from....a lot. I'll start with the more technical part I guess. The pacing was bonkers. We didn't see any actual plot until like 65%. The sex was the whole personality of this book and not in a good way. If you told me this was written by a man, I'd believe you. (See below for details). I also don't believe the male narrator fit the MMC and that was off-putting as it's a duet audiobook.

***On to some spoilers (and triggers)***

I hate writing spoilers but this has to be spoken about. The FMC was 'graped' first by an abuser (for years). Then again by the MMC. I knew this going into it thankfully because I read the reviews first. The part that was the MOST disturbing was the rhetoric that followed. IT IS STILL GRAPE IF THE WOMAN "ENJOYS" IT....but not according to this book. I get dark themes but this is irredeemable. The MMC and his dragon companion both try to gaslight the FMC because her body responded WHILE SHE WAS SLEEPING. (What happened to the honor of dragons).

The MMC is an absolute man child who cannot control his urges and coerces the FMC into having sex with him (but won't commit to her) for the entirety of the book. The summary of all the sex scenes is as follows : white panties, locked ankles, small tits, huge dick.

The book has so much potential. If we peeled back the unnecessary assault scene and built some tension while intertwining an actual plot, this could have been something.

Also I just realized I've read another book by this author and the abrupt way the books so jarring. I don't even want to call it a cliffhanger TBH.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to review this audiobook. I am leaving my review honestly and voluntarily.

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The audiobook is very well done. I would say to please add trigger warning as there are several moments of dubious consent and sexual abuse.
This book has probably my least favorite MMC I've ever read in a book. The FMC has been enslaved in the desert and s*xually assaulted for the last seven years. The MMC is aware of her history of abuse but has several moments where he forced himself on to her in situations of dubious consent. He refuses to share a bed with her after having sex with her because he only wants her for her body. It is hard for me to buy the "romance" when he has no respect for her as a person. My favorite moment in this book is the dragon. He is without a doubt the best character in this book. Those are not the only problematic situations in this book but those are the most pressing.

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Penelope Barsetti once again has her listeners under her spell. Talon and Calista's enemies to lovers storyline will suck you in from the opening lines and the ending will leave you wanting more. There are a ton of moveable parts the interlock to one great audio. Add in the lovable and sometime scene stealing dragon and you have the beginnings to another series that will become an instant favorite.

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The death king

It was thought that all of the magic and powers died with the mages in Calista’s world . However, it becomes quickly obvious that this king is special. He had the power to command the dead and rides into the city on a dragon, threatening everything for the sacred place.

Calista’s father is the king of Scorpion Valley during the siege and prepares his kingdom the best he can, which means one day of training. Calista was 15 when the attack left them trapped and helpless.

Calista recommended submitting to his reign but her father couldn’t stand for it and insisted that they fight and that death would be better than submitting to his cruel reign. She witnessed the Death King ask her father for the location of the remaining dragons of the land, and his life would be shared if he told him. Calista thought that dragons died out so long ago that they never even really existed, apparently that was not true. Before his death, her father ordered Calista to be taken away for a chance to escape since his fate was clear.

After the fateful day, the book jumps to 10 years later, where we see Calista living as a slave. She’s serving as a space to a powerful man in the new kingdom, but will not submit to the luxury she could have out of pride. She spends her days in the sand searching for black diamonds in exchange for freedom.

For as quick / short as this book was, the world building was still strong for me. Early chapters were descriptive to set the scene and make clear the threat of the Death King. This book was action packed from the first page and had my interest instantly.

Narration was expressive with a range of emotions and thrill! While the world building was strong, the transition from enemies to lovers seemed quick and without much connection, but I’m okay with that because the spicy scenes were great ! 🌶️🌶️

We get both points of view from Calista and Talin. Dragons, revenge, and spice oh my!! It does end with a cliff hanger and I feel like I have too many books like that I’ll struggle to keep track of when sequels come out, but still worth it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Publish date 9/24!

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*The Death King* by Penelope Barsetti is easily one of my top reads of the year—I seriously couldn’t put it down! The chemistry between Calista and Talon, both gifted with the ability to speak with dragons, is intense, and their dynamic is full of tension, especially with the enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies twist. Hearing Michael and Ramona narrate again, just like in *The Dirty Blood* series, was such a treat. The ending has me on the edge of my seat, wondering how their relationship will evolve, and I’m so excited to see Calista finally embrace her independence with the help of a dragon! I can hardly wait for the next book.

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Thank you NetGalley for the audiobook arc of The Death King for my honest review. The narrators were the same as another series which made it hard to discern the two series apart. The summary had potential to be great but unfortunately for me it fell flat. The story was too close to her dirty blood series. The woman loses everything and/or family abandons the mfc and the mmc wants to band her she says no for a good 40% into the book then gives in. I get its dark romance, but it could have been a better story.

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3,75 ⭐️
I’m a bit conflicted about this book. I really liked it and the story but I had a bit of a hard time accepting the MMC. I felt like he was too forceful. I love dark romance but this one didn’t quite feel right.
I listen to this on audio and the dual narration was really good

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The book had a great start and picked back up at the end, but the middle? Incredibly bad. The entire plot and storyline are thrown out the window because the MMc wants to have sex with the FMC. No training during this part (not until she finally gives in), no growth, no discovery, NOTHING. It felt poorly written and executed when it could have been so good! the bones are there, but it feels like the author came up with a story so she could write about sex, instead of writing a story where sex plays a role. Really hoping book 2 corrects these issues, but I cannot recommend this book when it sexualizes and excuses molestation.

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2.5🌟 4.5 🌶️ I would like to thank NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for allowing me to listen to an audiobook ARC.

Like MANY of the reviewers that have reviewed 3 stars or less, I found myself disturbed by the “sensitive matters” of the book more so than enjoying the plot of the story. It is mentioned that (TW!!!) there are suicidal topics and SA in the book. So, I knew we would encounter these things throughout.

I stayed to listen to the whole audiobook because in the beginning, we get this beautiful, intriguing writing style that just captivates the reader! It felt like it would be a great story!!! The descriptions of events were smooth, pacing just perfect! It’s difficult to find an author that can balance pacing!

Calista, was portrayed as this amazingly strong-willed FMC in the beginning. While a slave, she endured SA for a year. I could stomach this imagery because I knew the guy wasn’t our MMC, King Talon. Through a desperate attempt to flee, the reader then learns she can communicate with the MMC’s dragon. Cool! Feels like Fourth Wing!

But then the spice takes over. And there is just an underlying ick feeling, because there’s SA, coercion, and relentless badgering from our MMC. By the end, things seemingly get rectified for our FMC.

I really liked the writing style; objectively, some of the spice scenes were 🔥, some were 🙅🏻‍♀️; and I was just left saddened by the plot and main themes of this book one. Light spoilers below if you’d like to know more. And what I hope for book two.

****SPOILERS (Light spoiler talking)****
When King Talon “rescues” Calista, I felt this pang of dismay because the MMC told her that she would be required to do things for him… sexual things included. Consent not necessary.

I don’t believe what characters or people say until things happen. So, I held out hope. But the way he RELENTLESSLY tries to get her to f*** him, tries to coerce her, and turn things around on her, did not sit right with me personally. One of the things that almost broke me from continuing the story was when he walks in on her sleeping, and takes advantage of her.

The reader was warned about this topic, but I was not expecting our MMC to be a part of the problem.

It seemed like the author was trying to portray a sort of healing through sex for both of them… it has over 5, if not 7, sex scenes… the spice overtook the story, which disappointed me greatly. Unfortunately, there was no sexual tension for me between MCs, just unconsenting-turned-using sex scenes.

The dragon portions are cool and redeem the plot a bit. And I’m hoping that the second book (seems like there may be 4) finds King Talon no longer a viable or living, romantic partner.

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I wanted to love this book. It has a good premise and the bones are there for the making of a great story, but the character development and world building just weren't there. I didn't feel like a girl, who had been held captive and then forced to sleep with someone daily, would be as quick to get in bed with the "enemy" as this girl did. It's just not believable at all. Plus, the chemistry between the characters just wasn't there. They needed to build that chemistry more. I loved the dragon. He was my favorite character. I'd read the next book just to see if there was any improvement. Like I said, it's got potential to be a really I wanted to love this book. It has a good premise aa good story. This story is more spice than plot, but I didn't hate it.

I listened to the audiobook, and didn't feel like the voices matched the characters. Talan sounded like an older man rather than a sexy villian. But, both narrators articulated well and their inflections kept me engaged in the story.

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The Death King is a necromancer that rides a dragon. He is dark, brooding, sexy and deadly. This book starts off very strong and I was immediately drawn into the story. I do wish it was a bit deeper or possibly had a bit more world building? I"m not quite sure how to explain it other than it lacked a bit of feeling for me. Maybe I needed more show than tell. There is a scene in the beginning where a significant character dies and it's like, oh well...moving on. This did not deter me from reading but with a bit more detail/plot/worldbuilding this could have been a 5 star for me.

I thought the FMC, Calista was ambivalent to her surroundings and situations at times which made me want to scream at her. I also found that the MMC was a bit over the top, especially when he was constantly badgering Calista about sleeping with him and telling her "you know you want to". I thought both MC's were immature but I decided to put that aside and focus on the story and I did enjoy it. This was more of a 3.5 star read for me but I'm giving it 4 stars because I'm here for the vibes and it was a good time and I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Overall this is a fun book with plenty of spice and an interesting story. It does end on a cliffhanger so be prepared for that. If you are in the mood for a dark, fantasy romance with spice and dragons, definitely give this one a shot!

The audiobook narrators Michael Ferraiuolo and Ramona Master do a great job of narrating their parts.

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for access to the ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Death King by Penelope Barsetti took me on a thrilling ride with its dark themes and intricate world-building. The talking dragons gave me major Eragon vibes, while the intense, dangerous atmosphere reminded me of the darker aspects of Aelin from Throne of Glass backstory.

Penelope balanced action, romance, and suspense so well, keeping me glued to every page.

Both narrators in the audiobook were outstanding; their performances brought the characters to life, perfectly capturing the tension and emotion in every scene.
If you love fantasy with a dark edge, this one’s a must-read/listen!
This was such a fun read - 5stars on vibes along.

Make sure you check the TW’s on this one, as this isn’t a book for everyone

Thank you so much to Dreamscape Media and Penelope Bassetti for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you to Penelope Barsetti, Dreamscape Media, and NetGalley for allowing me to listen to a free eaudio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

To give a clearer warning than the one at the end of the blurb---If you can't handle the repeated rape of the protagonist and her resultant suicidal ideations, don't go anywhere near this book. Think it might still be worth it? Heard it's the next Fourth Wing or some shit? Trust me, don't.

I turned this book on while getting ready for bed, intending to listen for maybe an hour before falling asleep.

Now it's 3 am





DNF 42% because I've spent the last 88 minutes listening to a woman tell a man she doesn't want to have sex with him. Seriously, I did the math. 88 minutes of an entitled man-child having a tantrum because he wants to play with his new toy but the toy says no. Unequivocally.

And I have a very, very bad feeling that's all this book is going to be about.

*rereads the blurb*

Oh, god. That is what the book's about. No spoilers here, the blurb is a perfect summary of the 42% I just listened to. No need to read the first half, just skim the blurb and open 'er up around the halfway mark.

I thought there'd be more substance. More plot. "But the Death King doesn’t accept that answer" while the overarching plot explores talking to dragons and why that's important, the romantic subplot will be the Death King wooing his way into her pants and falling in love in the process. Like a character I can respect. Right? Doesn't that sound like a reasonable assumption?

Well, I assumed wrong. The Death King doesn't accept no, so he keeps badgering and threatening and wheedling and ordering, over and over and over---

This book had such a wonderful start. Before the prologue had even concluded I knew I wouldn't be able to stop until it was done. I was in for a sleepless 9-hour binge. I hated that Barsetti had thrust Calista into such horrible circumstances, I usually don't go in for that, but her writing was so powerful, so evocative, so fluid, the premise so promising, the Death King so captivating---and dragons! Love them!---that I was willing to overlook a year of daily rape and see where the story went.

We got to the castle and the king's appeal wavered a bit; it became apparent his arrogance was built less of confidence and conviction and more of entitlement and bluster. He held the power and wasn't afraid to abuse it. I kept waiting to see the decency that was supposed to lay under the evil armor, the decency that would endear him to me.

But he just kept being a selfish brat, not showing her any respect. I began to worry.... Wasn't I supposed to like this guy? Is he not the love interest?

And then he raped her. Yes, she came, no, it wasn't penetrative sex. I don't care. She did not consciously consent. It was sexual assault.

And I was done. Furious, nauseous, and done.

"But the Death King doesn’t accept that answer"--so he's supposed to work that much harder to make her like him! Not fucking rape her!

And why are we spending nearly 20% of the book on this?! The book's almost half gone and very little narrative progress as been made. Where's the plot?

God, the wasted potential. Also, how did this get published? It's maddening.

I'm willing to hear arguments if anyone thinks I should give it a second chance. If it gets better. If it becomes less about sex and more about anything else. Otherwise, no thank you.

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